| gen_crt_frags.testmode = False |
| gen_crt_frags.printModIds = False |
float | gen_crt_frags.WVWIDTH = 1031.8 |
| Parameters ##################### warm vessel (cm), increased as of 7/19/2019 to reflect full extent of WV profile in detector hall. More...
float | gen_crt_frags.WVHEIGHT = 627.4 |
float | gen_crt_frags.WVLENGTH = 2268.8 |
float | gen_crt_frags.WVFOOTELEVATION = 10.16 |
float | gen_crt_frags.ISLANDWIDTH = 118.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.IVLENGTH = 1996.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.TOPLEDGERISERTOFLOOR = 991.9 |
float | gen_crt_frags.LEDGERISERHEIGTH = 46.99 |
float | gen_crt_frags.TOPCRTBEAMTOFLOOR = 970.8 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMSPACING = 92.71 |
float | gen_crt_frags.BOTTOMCRTROLLERHEIGHT = 3.02 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTWVOFFSET = 4.13 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTPOSTWIDTH = 4.13 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTPOSTSPACING = 4.13 |
int | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTSTACKDEPTH = 3 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTSHELFTHICK = 0.56 |
float | gen_crt_frags.overlap = 0.0065 |
float | gen_crt_frags.gap = 0.005 |
float | gen_crt_frags.crosstwomodule = 10.7 |
float | gen_crt_frags.separatetwomodule = 0.6 |
float | gen_crt_frags.offsetontopmodule = 48.26 |
float | gen_crt_frags.verticalmodule = 485.14 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMLENGTH = 1132.84 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMHEIGHT = 25.3 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMWIDTH = 25.4 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMFLANGETHICK = 1.434 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMWEBTHICK = 0.89407 |
int | gen_crt_frags.CRTBEAMMASSDENS = 73 |
float | gen_crt_frags.YM = 4.1 |
float | gen_crt_frags.ZM = 800.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.XM = 1.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSSTRAIGHTSNOUT = 37.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSBENDSNOUT = 26.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSSNOUTLENGTH = 0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.XC = 23.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.ZC = 184.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.YCTOP = 1.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.YCBOT = 1.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.XD = 5.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.ZD = 322.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.YD = 1.0 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NXM = 20 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NXC = 8 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NXD = 32 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADM = 0.05 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADC = 0.1 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADD = 0.05 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADModule = 0.1 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADStrip = 0.01 |
float | gen_crt_frags.PADTagger = 0.001 |
int | gen_crt_frags.mModL = ZM+2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.mModW = YM*NXM+2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.mModH = XM+2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.cModW = XC*NXC+2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.cModH = YCTOP+YCBOT+2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.dModH = YD*2 |
float | gen_crt_frags.LAYERSPACE = 8.27 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NMODSTACK = 9 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NMODSTACKSOUTHY = 10 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SLIDERSPACE = 18.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.STACKOVERLAP = 50.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTROLLOFFSET = 44.29 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTNORTHWALLTOFLOOR = 152.2 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SIDECRTSOUTHWALLLATOFFSET = 1.1 |
float | gen_crt_frags.DCSPACER = 32.6 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.LONGOFF5 = (3*ISLANDWIDTH+481.8) |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.LONGOFF2 = (ISLANDWIDTH+181.8) |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNMODSPACE = 0.2 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NTOPX = 6 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NTOPZ = 14 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NSLOPELAT = 14 |
int | gen_crt_frags.NSLOPEFRONT = 6 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SLOPEINCLINATION = 90.0 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.CERNROOFL = NTOPZ*cModW+(NTOPZ-1) |
float | gen_crt_frags.SHELLY = 1.1 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSSOUTHY = -0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSLATROLLY = MINOSLATFIXY-0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSLATSOUTHZ = -0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSLATNORTHZ = 0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSLATCENTZ = 0.5 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.posDCInDetEncl = (0,-480.135, 0) |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMSWVOFFSET = 34.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNTOPY = SHELLY*0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMSY = CERNTOPY-0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMSZ = -0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMNY = CERNRIMSY+29.0 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMNZ = CERNROOFL+CERNRIMSZ+0.6 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNTOPZ = CERNRIMSZ+0.5 |
float | gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMLATX = 0.5 |
| gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMLATY = CERNRIMSY |
| gen_crt_frags.CERNRIMLATZ = CERNTOPZ |
float | gen_crt_frags.SHELLZ = 1.01 |
float | gen_crt_frags.SHELLWVOFFSET = SHELLZ*0.5 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.minosCutModLengthNorth = (256.54, 309.9, 309.9, 508.19, 508.19, 508.19) |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.minosCutModLengthSoutheast = (497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84) |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.minosCutModLengthSouthwest = (497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 497.84, 325.12, 325.12, 325.12) |
float | gen_crt_frags.MINOSNORTHY = -0.5 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.gdml = ET.Element('gdml') |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.solids = ET.SubElement(gdml, 'solids') |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.structure = ET.SubElement(gdml, 'structure') |
dictionary | gen_crt_frags.solids_store = {} |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.modToFeb = dict() |
int | gen_crt_frags.feb_id = 0 |
int | gen_crt_frags.mod_id = -1 |
int | gen_crt_frags.beam_id = 0 |
int | gen_crt_frags.nModM = 0 |
int | gen_crt_frags.nModC = 0 |
int | gen_crt_frags.nModD = 0 |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.m = ET.SubElement(materials, 'element', name='aluminum', formula='Al', Z='13') |
| now if test mode generate materials, CRT shell, world, gdml header else just generate CRT shell for use with master geometry generator script More...
tuple | gen_crt_frags.ws = ET.SubElement(solids, 'box', name='World', lunit="cm", x='1500', y='1500', z='3000') |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.w = ET.SubElement(structure, 'volume', name='volWorld') |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.pv = ET.SubElement(w, 'physvol') |
string | gen_crt_frags.posname = 'pos' |
tuple | gen_crt_frags.setup = ET.SubElement(gdml, 'setup', name='Default', version='1.0') |