file | icarusalg/icarusalg/Geometry/dump_icarus_geometry.fcl [code] |
file | geometry_icarus.fcl [code] |
file | GeoObjectSorterICARUS.cxx [code] |
| Interface to algorithm class for sorting standard geo::XXXGeo objects.
file | GeoObjectSorterICARUS.h [code] |
| Interface to algorithm class for standard sorting of geo::XXXGeo objects.
file | GeoObjectSorterPMTasTPC.cxx [code] |
| Geometry object sorter with PMT following TPC wire order.
file | GeoObjectSorterPMTasTPC.h [code] |
| Geometry object sorter with PMT following TPC wire order.
file | ICARUSChannelMapAlg.cxx [code] |
| Channel mapping algorithms for ICARUS detector: implementation file.
file | ICARUSChannelMapAlg.h [code] |
| Channel mapping algorithms for ICARUS detector.
file | ICARUSgeometryChecker.py [code] |
file | ICARUSstandaloneGeometrySetup.h [code] |
| Functions to facilitate ICARUS geometry initialization outside art.
file | LoadStandardICARUSgeometry.h [code] |
| Single-line utility to create geo::GeometryCore in non-art contexts.