Helper class to produce plots about trigger simulation and trigger efficiency. More...
#include <TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h>
Classes | |
struct | Config |
struct | GatePack_t |
A collection of useful beam gates. Make one with makeGatePack() . More... | |
class | HistGetter |
class | PlotCategory |
struct | SettingsInfo_t |
Generic description of trigger settings. More... | |
Protected Types | |
using | microseconds = util::quantities::intervals::microseconds |
using | nanoseconds = util::quantities::intervals::nanoseconds |
using | EventInfo_t = details::EventInfo_t |
using | PMTInfo_t = details::PMTInfo_t |
using | TriggerInfo_t = details::TriggerInfo_t |
using | PlotSandbox = icarus::trigger::PlotSandbox |
Import type. More... | |
using | PlotSandboxRefs_t = std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< PlotSandbox const >> |
List of references to plot sandboxes. More... | |
using | PlotCategories_t = std::vector< PlotCategory > |
using | InputTriggerGate_t = icarus::trigger::TrackedOpticalTriggerGate< sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta > |
Type of trigger gate extracted from the input event. More... | |
using | TriggerGates_t = std::vector< InputTriggerGate_t > |
A list of trigger gates from input. More... | |
using | TriggerGatesPerCryostat_t = std::vector< TriggerGates_t > |
Type of lists of gates, one list per cryostat (outer index: cryostat no). More... | |
using | ChannelID_t = InputTriggerGate_t::TriggerGate_t::ChannelID_t |
Type representing the unique identifier of a optical detector channel. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase (Config const &config, art::ConsumesCollector &consumer) | |
Constructor; requires a configuration and module's consumesCollector() . More... | |
void | process (art::Event const &event) |
Fills the plots. Also extracts the information to fill them with. More... | |
void | printSummary () const |
Prints end-of-job summaries. More... | |
std::string const & | logCategory () const |
Returns the name of the log category. More... | |
TTree * | eventTree () |
Returns a pointer to the tree where event information is written. More... | |
bool | useGen () const |
Returns whether we are using and filling generator information. More... | |
bool | useEDep () const |
Returns whether we are using and filling energy deposition information. More... | |
std::size_t | nADCthresholds () const |
Returns the number of configured PMT thresholds. More... | |
auto | ADCthresholds () const |
Returns a iterable sequence of all configured PMT thresholds. More... | |
std::string const & | ADCthresholdTag (std::size_t iThr) const |
geo::GeometryCore const & | geometry () const |
Returns the detector geometry service provider. More... | |
nanoseconds | triggerTimeResolution () const |
Returns the resolution of trigger timing clock [ns]. More... | |
virtual void | initializePlots (PlotCategories_t categories, std::vector< SettingsInfo_t > const &settings) |
Initializes all the plot sets, one per PMT threshold. More... | |
void | initializePlots (std::vector< SettingsInfo_t > const &settings) |
Initializes sets of default plots, one per PMT threshold. More... | |
virtual void | initializePlotSet (PlotSandbox &plots, std::vector< SettingsInfo_t > const &settings) const |
Initializes full set of plots for (ADC threshold + category) into plots . More... | |
virtual void | initializeEfficiencyPerTriggerPlots (PlotSandbox &plots) const |
Initializes set of plots per complete trigger definition into plots . More... | |
virtual void | initializeEventPlots (PlotSandbox &plots) const |
Initializes a single, trigger-independent plot set into plots . More... | |
virtual void | initializePMTplots (PlotSandbox &plots) const |
virtual bool | shouldPlotEvent (EventInfo_t const &eventInfo) const |
virtual void | simulateAndPlot (std::size_t const thresholdIndex, TriggerGatesPerCryostat_t const &gates, EventInfo_t const &eventInfo, detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, PlotSandboxRefs_t const &selectedPlots)=0 |
Simulates all triggers for a trigger setting and plots the results. More... | |
virtual void | fillEventPlots (EventInfo_t const &eventInfo, PlotSandbox const &plots) const |
Fills the plots (initializeEventPlots() ) with info from eventInfo . More... | |
virtual void | fillPMTplots (PMTInfo_t const &PMTinfo, PlotSandbox const &plots) const |
Fill the plots (initializePMTplots() ) with info from PMTinfo . More... | |
virtual void | fillEfficiencyPlots (EventInfo_t const &eventInfo, TriggerInfo_t const &triggerInfo, PlotSandbox const &plots) const |
virtual void | fillAllEfficiencyPlots (EventInfo_t const &eventInfo, PMTInfo_t const &PMTinfo, TriggerInfo_t const &triggerInfo, PlotSandbox const &plots) const |
void | deleteEmptyPlots () |
Deletes plots with no entries, and directories which became empty. More... | |
std::size_t | createCountersForPattern (std::string const &patternName) |
Creates counters for all the thresholds of the specified trigger. More... | |
GatePack_t | makeGatePack (art::Event const *event=nullptr) const |
Creates a GatePack_t from the specified event. More... | |
void | registerTriggerResult (std::size_t threshold, std::size_t pattern, bool fired) |
Registers the outcome of the specified trigger. More... | |
void | registerTriggerResult (std::size_t threshold, std::size_t pattern, TriggerInfo_t const &triggerInfo) |
icarus::trigger::ApplyBeamGateClass | makeMyBeamGate (detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData) const |
Shortcut to create an ApplyBeamGate with the current configuration. More... | |
icarus::trigger::ApplyBeamGateClass | makeMyBeamGate (art::Event const *event=nullptr) const |
icarus::trigger::ApplyBeamGateClass | makeMyBeamGate (art::Event const &event) const |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static std::vector< ChannelID_t > | extractActiveChannels (TriggerGatesPerCryostat_t const &cryoGates) |
Returns all channels contributing to the trigger gates. More... | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static PlotCategories_t const | DefaultPlotCategories |
List of event categories. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
std::vector< std::string > | selectPlotCategories (EventInfo_t const &info, PlotCategories_t const &categories) const |
Returns the names of the plot categories event qualifies for. More... | |
geo::TPCGeo const * | pointInTPC (geo::Point_t const &point) const |
Returns the TPC point is within, nullptr if none. More... | |
geo::TPCGeo const * | pointInActiveTPC (geo::Point_t const &point) const |
TriggerGates_t | readTriggerGates (art::Event const &event, art::InputTag const &dataTag) const |
TriggerGatesPerCryostat_t | splitByCryostat (TriggerGates_t &&gates) const |
Moves the data in gates in a collection of gates by cryostat. More... | |
bool | deleteEmptyPlots (PlotSandbox &plots) const |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static std::vector < geo::CryostatID > | makeChannelCryostatMap (geo::GeometryCore const &geom) |
Fills and returns a map of cryostat ID for each optical detector channel. More... | |
static std::string | thrAndCatName (std::string const &boxName, std::string const &category) |
static std::string | thrAndCatName (PlotSandbox const &box, std::string const &category) |
static icarus::trigger::details::EventInfoExtractor::EDepTags_t | makeEdepTag (fhicl::Sequence< art::InputTag > const &EnergyDepositTags, fhicl::OptionalAtom< art::InputTag > const &EnergyDepositSummaryTag) |
Creates a EDepTags_t out of the module configuration. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
art::InputTag | fDetectorParticleTag |
Input simulated particles. More... | |
std::map< std::string, art::InputTag > | fADCthresholds |
ADC threshold tags to read, and the input tag connected to their data. More... | |
microseconds | fBeamGateDuration |
Duration of the gate during with global optical triggers are accepted. More... | |
microseconds | fBeamGateStart |
Start of the beam gate with respect to BeamGate() . More... | |
microseconds | fPreSpillWindow |
Duration of the pre-spill gate. More... | |
microseconds | fPreSpillStart |
Start of the pre-spill gate. More... | |
nanoseconds | fTriggerTimeResolution |
Trigger resolution in time. More... | |
bool | fPlotOnlyActiveVolume |
Plot only events in active volume. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | fOnlyPlotCategories |
std::string const | fLogCategory |
Message facility stream category for output. More... | |
std::string | fLogEventDetails |
Steam where to print event info. More... | |
PlotCategories_t | fPlotCategories |
Plot categories (via initializePlots() ). More... | |
geo::GeometryCore const & | fGeom |
art::TFileDirectory | fOutputDir |
ROOT directory where all the plots are written. More... | |
details::EventInfoExtractorMaker const | fEventInfoExtractorMaker |
Helper to extract information from the event. More... | |
std::vector< geo::CryostatID > const | fChannelCryostat |
ID of cryostat where each optical detector channel (vector index) is. More... | |
std::vector< PlotSandbox > | fThresholdPlots |
All plots, one set per ADC threshold. More... | |
std::unique_ptr < details::EventIDTree > | fIDTree |
Handler of ROOT tree output. More... | |
std::unique_ptr < details::PlotInfoTree > | fPlotTree |
Handler of ROOT tree output. More... | |
std::unique_ptr < details::EventInfoTree > | fEventTree |
Handler of ROOT tree output. More... | |
std::atomic< unsigned int > | nEvents { 0U } |
Count of seen events. More... | |
std::atomic< unsigned int > | nPlottedEvents { 0U } |
Count of plotted events. More... | |
icarus::ns::util::ThreadSafeChangeMonitor < icarus::trigger::BeamGateStruct > | fBeamGateChangeCheck |
Functor returning whether a gate has changed. More... | |
details::TriggerPassCounters | fPassCounters |
Counters for all triggers. More... | |
Helper class to produce plots about trigger simulation and trigger efficiency.
This helper class provides the foundation for writing a module producing sets of plots based on trigger primitives given in input.
The following documentation mainly deals with the most standard configuration and operations in ICARUS. Modules made with this helper and the modules upstream of them in data processing have quite some knobs that can be manipulated to test unorthodox configurations.
An example of module implemented with this class is icarus::trigger::MajorityTriggerEfficiencyPlots
This simulation only trigger primitives derived from the optical detector via hardware (V1730B boards). The trigger simulation branches from the standard simulation of optical detector waveforms (icarus::SimPMTIcarus
module). From there, multiple steps are needed.
when the waveform is under threshold and 1
when it's above threshold, with the same time discretization as the PMT waveform. Each discriminated waveform spans the whole event readout time and therefore it may merge information from multiple readout waveforms (raw::OpDetWaveform
), but all from the same optical detector channel. This step can be performed with the module icarus::trigger::DiscriminatePMTwaveforms
. This step can be performed with the module icarus::trigger::LVDSgates
.Trigger logic may be complex, being implemented in a FPGA. Many options are available, including:
.This class is expected to support modules implementing different trigger logics.
A discriminated waveform is the information whether the level of a waveform is beyond threshold, as function of time. A discriminated waveform may be binary, i.e. with only levels 0
and 1
based on a single threshold, or with multiple levels. Also the numerical addition of two binary discriminated waveforms yields a multi-level waveform (in fact, three levels – 0
, 1
and 2
We represent this data in the forms of "events": an event is a change of level happening at a certain time. The class holding this information, icarus::trigger::TriggerGateData
, covers the whole time, starting with a ground level 0
. The next event will be a "opening" that increases the level, usually to 1
. Other changing events may follow, and typically the last one will bring the level back to 0
This information is joined by a list of channel numbers in order to represent a discriminated waveform e.g. from the optical detector. There may be one or more channels associated to a discriminated waveform, but for us there should always be at least one. The discriminated waveforms from PMT readout (raw::OpDetWaveform
) are associated to a single channel, while LVDS trigger primitives are most often associated to two channels (some channels are not paired and will have only one channel). A sliding window will have as many channels as the PMT it covers. The global trigger should have all channels, while in ICARUS each of the two discriminated wabeforms from a cryostat should have half the channels. This information is represented in the class icarus::trigger::ReadoutTriggerGate
, which inherits from icarus::trigger::TriggerGateData
. This class is generic and can hold any representation for the time of the level changing events, for the levels, and for the identifiers of the channels. ICARUS specifies a data type for each of these quantities, and the resulting icarus::trigger::ReadoutTriggerGate
class instance is called icarus::trigger::OpticalTriggerGateData_t
is the one that gets written to disk in the art ROOT files. That is not a class by itself, but rather an alias of icarus::trigger::ReadoutTriggerGate
, and many coding tools will call it in the latter way.It is often convenient to track for each trigger gate object which input contributed to it, both in terms of channels and of single waveforms. The list of channels is embedded in icarus::trigger::ReadoutTriggerGate
, while the list of source waveforms is not. An additional wrapper object, icarus::trigger::TrackedOpticalTriggerGate
, contains a trigger gate proper (icarus::trigger::ReadoutTriggerGate
) and a list of pointers to the source waveforms. In most of the code the source is represented by metadata (sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta
) rather than the full waveforms (raw::OpDetWaveform
) so that the bulk of the data is not necessary for the vast majority of the uses, and it can be dropped.
Utilities are available to manage the serialization of icarus::trigger::TrackedOpticalTriggerGate
objects (icaruscode/PMT/Trigger/Utilities/TriggerDataUtils.h
), which is implemented as a trigger gate collection and a association object
There are utilities available in icaruscode/PMT/Trigger/Utilities/TriggerDataUtils.h
that can convert them into a collection of icarus::trigger::OpticalTriggerGateData_t
objects plus a collection of art associations (for writing), and the other way around (for reading). Additional utilities allow to bridge between the waveform metadata and their original waveforms (icaruscode/PMT/Trigger/Utilities/OpDetWaveformMetaMatcher.h
), which is needed when a producer utilising the metadata and combining trigger gates wants to save associations not only of the gates with the metadata, but also with the original waveforms. The module icarus::trigger::LVDSgates
uses all of them and can be used as an illustration of the functionality.
A module is provided, called icarus::trigger::DumpTriggerGateData
, which dumps on screen or on text file the information from a collection of discriminated waveforms in a (sort-of) human readable format. An example configuration for this module is provided in icaruscode
, called dump_triggergatedata_icarus.fcl
The main functions to manipulate the trigger gates are defined in the very base class, icarus::trigger::TriggerGateData
: these allow e.g. to find events and query the level at a given time. Another important set of features is also present in icarus::trigger::TriggerGateData
and replicated in the higher levels: the combination of trigger gates by sum (OR
), multiplication (AND), minimum and maximum value.
with a binary gate results into a binary gate which is logic AND of the two gates.In this documentation, the "discriminated waveforms" are sometimes called "trigger gates" and sometimes "trigger primitives". Although these concepts are, strictly, different, usually the difference does not affect the meaning and they end up being exchanged carelessly.
The trigger logic algorithm is completely absent from this helper, and it is entirely delegated to the derived classes (simulateAndPlot()
). There are nevertheless a lot of functions that may help to process the input trigger primitives and fill some standard plots. Many of them are listed in the documentation of simulateAndPlot()
Each event is assigned to a set of categories, and its information contributes to the plots of all those categories. The categories are passed to the helper in the initializePlots()
call to create all the plots to be filled later. A default list of categories is provided as DefaultPlotCategories
The following aspects are common to all modules based on this helper.
This module uses the following data products as input:
(labels out of TriggerGatesTag
and Thresholds
): full sets of discriminated waveforms, each waveform possibly covering multiple optical channels, and their associations to optical waveforms. One set per threshold; note that these are converted into InputTriggerGate_t
data type for internal use;raw::OpDetWaveform
(currently superfluous);std::vector<simb::MCTruth>
: generator information (from GeneratorTags
; multiple generators are allowed at the same time); it is used mostly to categorize the type of event (background, weak charged current, electron neutrino, etc.);std::vector<simb::MCParticle>
: particles propagating in the detector (from PropagatedParticles
); currently not used;std::vector<sim::SimEnergyDeposit>
: energy deposited in the active liquid argon volume (from EnergyDepositTags
); it is used to quantify the energy available to be detected in the event. The module produces a standard set of plots for each configured ADC threshold and for each event category. The plots are saved via art service TFileService
in a ROOT file and they are organized in nested ROOT directories under the module label directory which is assigned by art:
(outer level) describes the ADC threshold on the discriminated waveforms: the threshold is ###
from the baseline;\<Category\>
(inner level) describes the category of events included in the plots (e.g. All
, NuCC
; see PlotCategories
).Each of the inner ROOT directories contains a full set of plots, whose name is the standard plot name followed by its event category and threshold (e.g. Eff_NuCC_Thr15
for the trigger efficiency plot on neutrino charged current events with 15 ADC counts as PMT threshold).
Each set of plots, defined in icarus::trigger::TriggerEfficiencyPlots::initializePlotSet()
(and, within, initializeEventPlots()
and initializeEfficiencyPerTriggerPlots()
), is contributed only by the events in the set category.
There are different "types" of plots. Some do not depend on triggering at all, like the deposited energy distribution. Others cross different trigger definitions, like the trigger efficiency as function of trigger requirement. Others still assume a single trigger definition: this is the case of trigger efficiency plots versus energy. Finally, there are plots that depend on a specific trigger definition and outcome: this is the case of all the plots including only triggering or non-triggering events.
A list of plots follows for each plot type. All the plots are always relative to a specific optical detector channel threshold (ADC) and a broad event category.
These plots are stored directly in a threshold/category folder:
: total energy deposited in the detector during the time the beam gate is open. It is proportional to the amount of scintillation light in the event;EnergyInSpillActive
: energy deposited in the active volume of the detector during the time the beam gate is open; the active volume is defined as the union of all TPC drift voulmes;InteractionType
: code of the interaction type, as in sim::TruthInteractionTypeName
: generated energy of the interacting neutrino;LeptonEnergy
: generated energy of the lepton out of the first neutrino interaction;InteractionVertexYZ
: coordinates of the location of all interactions in the event, in world coordinates, projected on the anode plane.ActivePMT
: the channels contributing to the trigger; a channel is added to this plot if it belongs to a gate (LVDS output) which during the beam gate it is beyond threshold at least once (note that in case of LVDS OR combination, a channel will appear in this plot even if it is not beyond threshold if the one paired with it is beyond threshold); this plot depends on the discrimination threshold. These plots collect information from scenarios with different trigger requirements, but still with the same underlying optical detector channel ADC threshold. No plots are provided in this category by TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase
at the moment. Implementing modules can add plots by overriding the method initializePlotSet()
The following plots depend on the full definition of the trigger, including PMT thresholds and other requirements. They are hosted each in a subfolder of the threshold/category folder, with a name encoding the requirement: ReqXX
for trigger with minimum required primitives XX
: trigger efficiency as function of the total energy deposited during the beam gate.EffVsEnergyInSpillActive
: trigger efficiency as function of the energy deposited in the TPC active volumes during the beam gate.EffVsNeutrinoEnergy
, EffVsLeptonEnergy
: trigger efficiency as function of the true energy of the first interacting neutrino, and of the outgoing lepton in the final state of the interaction, respectively.TriggerTick
: time of the earliest trigger, in ticks. Only triggering events contribute.TriggerTime
: the time (relative to the nominal beam gate opening) of the "main" trigger (the earliest in the triggering window). Only triggering events contribute.OpeningTimes
: the time (relative to the nominal beam gate opening) of all the times the trigger requirements were satisfied (limited to the time interval where the trigger emulation is performed). Only triggering events contribute.The parameters are defined in the same way as in the selection plots, unless stated otherwise.
These plots depend on the trigger definition, as the ones in the previous type, and on the actual trigger response. They are hosted each in a subfolder of the threshold/category/requirement folder, with a name encoding the response: triggering
for triggering events, nontriggering
for the others.
Their event pool is filtered to include only the events in the current category which also pass, or do not pass, the trigger requirement.
The plots are:
, EnergyInSpillActive
, InteractionType
, NeutrinoEnergy
, InteractionVertexYZ
: these are defined in the same way as the selection plots A terse description of the parameters is printed by running lar --print-description TriggerEfficiencyPlots
(string, mandatory): name of the module instance which produced the trigger primitives to be used as input; it must not include any instance name, as the instance names will be automatically added from Thresholds
parameter. The typical trigger primitives used as input may be LVDS discriminated output (e.g. from icarus::trigger::LVDSgates
module) or combinations of them (e.g. from icarus::trigger::SlidingWindowTrigger
(list of tags, mandatory): list of the discrimination thresholds to consider. A data product containing a digital signal is read for each one of the thresholds, and the tag of the data product is expected to be the module label TriggerGatesTag
with as instance name the value of the threshold (e.g. for a threshold of "60"
ADC counts the data product tag might be LVDSgates:60
(list of input tags, default: [ generator ]
): a list of data products containing the particles generated by event generators; if empty, plots or categories requiring truth information will be omitted;DetectorParticleTag
(input tag, default: largeant
): data product containing the list of particles going through the argon in the detector;EnergyDepositTags
(list of input tags, default: [ "largeant:TPCActive" ]
): a list of data products with energy depositions; if empty, plots or categories requiring energy deposition information will be omitted; in alternative, EnergyDepositSummaryTag
can be specified with the same purpose;EnergyDepositSummaryTag
(input tags, optional): if specified, overrides EnergyDepositTags
and uses for the energy deposition the information from the summary in the specified data product; such summary may be created for example by ExtractEnergyDepositionSummary
(time, mandatory): the duration of the beam gate; the time requires the unit to be explicitly specified: use "1.6 us"
for BNB, 9.5 us
for NuMI (also available as BNB_settings.spill_duration
and NuMI_settings.spill_duration
in trigger_icarus.fcl
(time, default: 0_us
): how long after thePreSpillWindow
(time, default: 10_us
): a pre-spill window is defined to observe the activity before the beam gate that might leak into the latter; this parameter regulates how long that window last; its position can be tweaked with the PreSpillWindowGap
(time, default: 0_us
): the delay from the end of the pre-spill window and the start of the beam gate (BeamGateStart
); by default, the pre-spill window immediately precedes the beam gate; negative values of the gap allow the pre-spill window to overlap (or to be after) the beam gate; the duration of the pre-spill window is set via PreSpillWindow
(time, default: 8 ns
): time resolution for the trigger primitives;EventTreeName
(optional string): if specified, a simple ROOT tree is created with the information from each event (see EventInfoTree
for its structure);EventDetailsLogCategory
(optional string): if specified, information for each single event is output into the specified stream category; if the string is specified empty, the default module stream is used, as determined by LogCategory
(flag, default: true
): if set, only events within TPC active volume are plot; the check is performed on the generated location of the neutrino interactions (if any); events with no neutrino interactions are always plotted;LogCategory
(string, default TriggerEfficiencyPlots
): name of category used to stream messages from this module into message facility.An example job configuration is provided as maketriggerplots_icarus.fcl
The modules based on this helper read trigger gate data products from different ADC thresholds, and for each threshold they combine the data into a trigger response depending on a ADC threshold. Then they apply different trigger settings and for each one they fill plots.
All the input sets (each with its own ADC treshold) are treated independently from each other.
Each event is assigned to event categories. These categories do not depend on trigger definition nor primitives. For example, a electron neutrino neutral current interaction event would be assigned to the neutral current neutrino interaction category, to the electron neutrino category, and so on. A set of plot is produced at once for each of the event categories.
This module is designed as follows:
, to be called in module's analyze()
, with the categories defined at the time of initializePlots()
provided by the derived module.Note that the plots depending on the response may require multiple fillings. For example, a trigger efficiency plot as function of the trigger settings is a single plot in the plot set which requires a filling for every trigger setting. In a similar fashion, the plot of trigger time requires one filling for each requirement level that is met.
Plots are written on disk via the standard art service TFileService
, which puts them in a ROOT subdirectory named as the instance of this module being run.
As described above, there are two "dimensions" for the plot sets: there is one plot set for each ADC threshold and for each event category, the total number of plot sets being the product of the options in the two dimensions.
The code is structured to work by threshold by threshold, because the trigger response depends on the threshold but not by the event category: the response is computed once per threshold, then all the plots related to that response (including all the event categories) are filled.
The structure in the file reflects this logic, and there are two levels of ROOT directories inside the one assigned by art to this module:
(### being the ADC threshold), which is the "threshold tag";PlotCategory
object (PlotCategory::name()
); this defines the "category tag".In each inner directory, a complete set of plots is contained. The name of each plot is a base name for that plot (e.g. Eff
for the efficiency plot) with the event category tag and the threshold tag appended (separated by an underscore character, "_"
). The title of the plot is also modified to include the description of the plot category (as defined in PlotCategory::description()
) and the ADC threshold. Therefore, within the same module directory, all plot names are different.
When adding a plot, two actions are necessary:
The initialization happens in icarus::trigger::TriggerEfficiencyPlots::initializePlotSet()
method. A request must be issued to the plot sandbox to "make" the plot. In general it can be expected that all the arguments args
in a call plots.make<PlotType>(args)
are forwarded to the constructor of PlotType
, so that to make a new PlotType
object one has to consult only the constructor of that class. Be aware though that the library expects the first argument to be the ROOT name of the new object and the second to be its ROOT title. It is possible to work around this requirement with additional coding.
The method performing the plotting is simulateAndPlot()
. The plots should be filled inside loops going through all plot sets. The existing code already does that in two loops, one for the plots depending on the trigger response requirement, and the other for the plots not depending on it.
For the sake of this module, a plot sandbox is an object similar to a ROOT TDirectory
, which can mangle the objects it contains to change ("process") their name and title, and that interacts properly with art::TFileDirectory
so make TFileService
happy. The processing of the name and title is used to add the category and threshold tags to the plot ROOT name and the corresponding annotations to the plot title, as described above.
Event categories are specified to initializePlots()
call: each category is described by a simple object PlotCategory
which contains a name (used in ROOT directories, plot name tags and to univocally identify the category), a description (used in plot titles) and a condition for the event to fulfill in order to qualify for the category. The condition is a function object that accepts an EventInfo_t
object with the relevant event information, and returns its decision (true
if the event belongs to this category).
To add a category, it is enough to add an entry in the collection of plot categories passed to initializePlots()
. The DefaultPlotCategories
list can be used as a starting point.
The condition function adjudicates based on the information in EventInfo_t
. It is likely though that if a new category is needed, the information currently available in EventInfo_t
is not enough to decide the response. In that case, EventInfo_t
must be extended to hold the newly required information. In addition, the method extractEventInfo()
must be modified to set the new information. The documentation of that method expands on this topic.
An example of how to turn this helper class in a full blown art module is icarus::trigger::MajorityTriggerEfficiencyPlots
The trigger logic is required to be coded in simulateAndPlot()
of the derived class. Some details on implementing it can be found in the documentation of the method itself.
To implement a trigger logic, several components need to be coordinated:
A module may simulate a trigger which counts the number of primitives that are "on" and imposing a required minimum on that number for the trigger to fire. This is a possible implementation including those elements:
).An example of how a different trigger logic could be implemented following a similar model: let's assume we want a trigger based on two sliding windows. A window is a group of LVDS signals from neighboring channels. We can split the whole optical detector channels into many windows, and we can make the windows overlap: for example, a window includes the first 30 channels behind one anode plane, the second window includes 30 channels starting from the fifteenth, the third window includes 30 channels starting from the thirtieth, and so on. In ICARUS, 30 channels are served in 16 LVDS discriminated waveforms, i.e. 16 trigger primitives. We may require as a loose trigger that any window contains at least 10 primitives on at the same time (that is about 20 PMT channels beyond ADC threshold), and as a tighter trigger that there is a window with at least 8 trigger primitives on, and the corresponding window in the opposite TPC has at least 6 primitives on at the same time. Note that a splitting 7/7 won't do: one of the two windows must have 8 or more primitives on. The input primitives from the point of view of the module now become the "sliding window" combination of the LVDS trigger primitives, as produced e.g. by icarus::trigger::SlidingWindowTrigger
module. How this can be implemented following the pattern of this module:
method we may also prepare the associations (pairing) between opposite windows or just channels;To avoid issues with missing or wrong conversions, this code often uses LArSoft quantities library. A variable with a Quantity
type is represented with a specific unit (e.g. microseconds) and can undergo only limited manipulation. The allowed manipulation should guarantee that the unit of the quantity is correctly preserved. For example, it is not possible to add to a microseconds
interval a pure number (e.g. 9.0
), but rather it is only possible to add time quantities (e.g. another microseconds
variable, or a nanoseconds
variable, or a literal value with unit, like 9.0_ns
), and those quantities are properly converted, with the caveat that rounding errors may happen that a more careful explicit handling could avoid. Also, there are two types of variables that can feature the same unit, intervals and points. A point can't be scaled (e.g. you can't "double" the time the beam gate opens, while you can double the beam gate duration) and it can't be added to another point (the difference between two points is an interval).
To avoid mistakes in the conversion between different time scales, the LArSoft utility library detinfo::DetectorTimings
is used, which is a wrapper of DetectorClocks
service provider that makes the interface to convert times easier and uniform. Here we use it to convert time points from the simulation (which are expressed in nanoseconds and are starting at trigger time) into optical detector readout ticks, and vice versa. The values returned by this library have encoded in them which time scale they belong to, and in which unit they are measured.
Definition at line 974 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Type representing the unique identifier of a optical detector channel.
Definition at line 1238 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1086 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Type of trigger gate extracted from the input event.
Definition at line 1229 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Definition at line 980 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Definition at line 981 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1192 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Import type.
Definition at line 1149 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
List of references to plot sandboxes.
Definition at line 1153 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Definition at line 1087 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
A list of trigger gates from input.
Definition at line 1232 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Type of lists of gates, one list per cryostat (outer index: cryostat no).
Definition at line 1235 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
Definition at line 1088 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
explicitprotected |
Constructor; requires a configuration and module's consumesCollector()
Definition at line 494 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Returns a iterable sequence of all configured PMT thresholds.
Definition at line 1132 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Returns the ADC threshold tag value for PMT threshold index iThr
std::out_of_range | if iThr is not a valid threshold index |
Definition at line 1137 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protected |
Creates counters for all the thresholds of the specified trigger.
patternName | an identified for the pattern |
Definition at line 1245 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protected |
Deletes plots with no entries, and directories which became empty.
Definition at line 1235 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
private |
Deletes from plots
sandbox all plots and subboxes with no entries.
is now empty Definition at line 1381 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Returns a pointer to the tree where event information is written.
Definition at line 1120 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
staticprotected |
Returns all channels contributing to the trigger gates.
cryoGates | all trigger gates |
A channels is considered "active" when it is contributing to a trigger gate which is open at least one. Conversely, all channels belonging to gates which have no opening are excluded.
Definition at line 1351 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Fills the plots as fillEfficiencyPlots()
and also as fillEventPlots()
for the proper category: triggered or not triggered.
Definition at line 1211 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Fills the plots (initializeEfficiencyPerTriggerPlots()
) with info from eventInfo
and triggerInfo
Definition at line 1150 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Fills the plots (initializeEventPlots()
) with info from eventInfo
Definition at line 1097 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Fill the plots (initializePMTplots()
) with info from PMTinfo
Definition at line 1135 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Returns the detector geometry service provider.
Definition at line 1141 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protectedvirtual |
Initializes set of plots per complete trigger definition into plots
Definition at line 826 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Initializes a single, trigger-independent plot set into plots
Definition at line 953 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Initializes all the plot sets, one per PMT threshold.
Definition at line 703 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Initializes sets of default plots, one per PMT threshold.
Definition at line 1255 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
protectedvirtual |
Initializes full set of plots for (ADC threshold + category) into plots
Reimplemented in icarus::trigger::SlidingWindowTriggerEfficiencyPlots, and icarus::trigger::MajorityTriggerEfficiencyPlots.
Definition at line 781 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Initializes a single, trigger-independent, threshold-dependent plot set into plots
Definition at line 1061 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Returns the name of the log category.
Definition at line 1117 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
staticprivate |
Fills and returns a map of cryostat ID for each optical detector channel.
Definition at line 1456 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
staticprivate |
Creates a EDepTags_t
out of the module configuration.
Definition at line 1476 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protected |
Creates a GatePack_t
from the specified event.
event | the event to extract beam for (if nullptr , uses job info) |
Use it C++17-fancy!
(the arguments are mapped to the GatePack_t
members by position).
Definition at line 1277 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlineprotected |
Shortcut to create an ApplyBeamGate
with the current configuration.
Definition at line 1415 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 1421 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 1424 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Returns the number of configured PMT thresholds.
Definition at line 1129 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Returns in which TPC point
is within the active volume of; nullptr
if none.
private |
Returns the TPC point
is within, nullptr
if none.
protected |
Prints end-of-job summaries.
Definition at line 691 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protected |
Fills the plots. Also extracts the information to fill them with.
Definition at line 584 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
private |
Reads a set of input gates from the event
Definition at line 1308 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protected |
Registers the outcome of the specified trigger.
Definition at line 1265 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1271 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
private |
Returns the names of the plot categories event qualifies for.
Definition at line 1294 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Returns whether an event with the specified information should be included in the plots at all (it's a filter).
Definition at line 1083 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
protectedpure virtual |
Simulates all triggers for a trigger setting and plots the results.
thresholdIndex | the index of the PMT threshold of input primitives |
gates | the trigger primitives used to simulate the trigger response |
eventInfo | general information about the event being simulated |
selectedPlots | list of boxes containing plots to be filled |
This pure virtual function is the core of the customization of this class. The simulateAndPlot()
method is expected to:
for each trigger setting. Note that this helper class has no knowledge of those settings: how many they are, what they mean, which are their parameters. It is simulateAndPlot()
task to properly process all of them at once, i.e. within a single call.
Big deal! The second and fourth step (application of beam gate and plots filling) have some helpers in this same class:
can easily apply the beam gate at the right time (the right time is chosen by the implementation of simulateAndPlot()
); an ApplyBeamGateClass
object is obtained with makeMyBeamGate()
, fillEfficiencyPlots()
and fillEventPlots()
, which can be used as such or be customized for more plots.Combination of primitive can be helped with icarus::trigger::TriggerGateData
All plots must have already been initialized via initializePlots()
and its helpers.
The method is required to perform the simulation of the trigger primitives specified in input. These primitives are provided in gates
as many collections, one per cryostat. While this interface splits the primitives by cryostat, the trigger simulation gets to choose how to handle that information, e.g. performing an independent simulation per cryostat and then combining them all, or just merging back the two collections and treating the two cryostats as a single entity.
The input trigger primitives are extracted from PMT waveforms with a certain PMT threshold, which is documented by its index thresholdIndex
; the threshold value can be obtained from ADCthreshold(thresholdIndex)
, and in the future more information may become available as well.
Plots will need information from the event being simulated: that information is precooked, extracted from the event and stored in eventInfo
. If more information is needed, EventInfo_t
needs to be updated in this helper, as no way is provided to perform that customization in the derived class.
It is expected that all PMT thresholds settings identified by the specified index. This helper class does not know the definition of any trigger, and it is expected that settings are tracked by the derived classes and each is associated to an index.
Implemented in icarus::trigger::SlidingWindowTriggerEfficiencyPlots, and icarus::trigger::MajorityTriggerEfficiencyPlots.
private |
Moves the data in gates
in a collection of gates by cryostat.
Definition at line 1334 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 1553 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 1556 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Returns the resolution of trigger timing clock [ns].
Definition at line 1144 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Returns whether we are using and filling energy deposition information.
Definition at line 1126 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
inlineprotected |
Returns whether we are using and filling generator information.
Definition at line 1123 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
staticprotected |
List of event categories.
category name | condition |
All | any event |
—Nu_mu | —Nu_e | NuCC
| at least one generated charged current neutrino interaction —Nu_mu | —Nu_e | NuNC
| at least one generated neutral current neutrino interaction —Nu_mu | —Nu_e |
Definition at line 1429 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
ADC threshold tags to read, and the input tag connected to their data.
Definition at line 1455 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Functor returning whether a gate has changed.
Definition at line 1517 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Duration of the gate during with global optical triggers are accepted.
Definition at line 1458 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Start of the beam gate with respect to BeamGate()
Definition at line 1461 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
ID of cryostat where each optical detector channel (vector index) is.
Definition at line 1501 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Input simulated particles.
Definition at line 1452 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Helper to extract information from the event.
Definition at line 1498 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Handler of ROOT tree output.
Definition at line 1509 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Definition at line 1487 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Handler of ROOT tree output.
Definition at line 1507 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Message facility stream category for output.
Definition at line 1475 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Steam where to print event info.
Definition at line 1477 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Definition at line 1472 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
ROOT directory where all the plots are written.
Definition at line 1490 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Counters for all triggers.
Definition at line 1519 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Plot categories (via initializePlots()
Definition at line 1480 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Plot only events in active volume.
Only apply these categories (empty applies all).
Definition at line 1469 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Handler of ROOT tree output.
Definition at line 1508 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Start of the pre-spill gate.
Definition at line 1465 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Duration of the pre-spill gate.
Definition at line 1463 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
All plots, one set per ADC threshold.
Definition at line 1504 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Trigger resolution in time.
Definition at line 1467 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Count of seen events.
Definition at line 1512 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.
private |
Count of plotted events.
Definition at line 1513 of file TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h.