18 bool purOrEffErrs =
21 Ratio(TH1*
h, std::string varName =
33 TH1D*
ToTH1(Color_t col = kBlack,
34 Style_t
style = kSolid)
TH1D * ToTH1(Color_t col=kBlack, Style_t style=kSolid) const
Ratio & operator=(const Ratio &rhs)
Ratio & operator*=(const Ratio &rhs)
process_name opflashCryoW ana
Ratio & operator/=(const Ratio &rhs)
Representation of a spectrum in any variable, with associated POT.
Ratio operator*(const Ratio &rhs) const
Ratio(const Spectrum &num, const Spectrum &denom, bool purOrEffErrs=false)
Ratio operator/(const Ratio &rhs) const
EnsembleRatio operator/(const EnsembleSpectrum &lhs, const EnsembleSpectrum &rhs)
Represent the ratio between two spectra.