1 #ifndef _sbnanalysis_TrackReducer_data_hh_
2 #define _sbnanalysis_TrackReducer_data_hh_
35 std::vector<TrueParticle>
float start_err[3]
Error in start location of shower [cm].
std::vector< std::array< float, 3 > > trajectory
True trajectory of the particle [cm].
std::vector< std::array< float, 3 > > trajectory
The reconstructed trajectory [cm].
std::vector< unsigned > shower_daughters
The list of "daughter" showers to this one. Each entry is the index into the reco list of each daught...
int truth_match
Match to true particle. -1 if no truth match exists. Otherwise, is the index into the truth list...
std::vector< unsigned > track_daughters
The list of "daughter" tracks to this one. Each entry is the index into the reco list of each daughte...
float energy
Initial energy of the particle [GeV].
float start[3]
Start location of shower [cm].
std::string process
Process which created this particle.
std::vector< unsigned > track_daughters
The list of "daughter" tracks to this one. Each entry is the index into the reco list of each daughte...
int truth_match
Match to true particle. -1 if no truth match exists. Otherwise, is the index into the truth list...
std::vector< TrueParticle > truth
std::vector< Track > reco_tracks
float direction_err[3]
Error in initial direction of shower.
std::vector< unsigned > shower_daughters
The list of "daughter" showers to this one. Each entry is the index into the reco list of each daught...
std::vector< unsigned > daughters
The list of true "daughter" particles to this one. Each entry is the index into the truth list of eac...
float direction[3]
Initialial direction of shower (unit vector)
std::vector< Shower > reco_showers