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1 /**
2  * @file
3  * @brief Access CRT data and reco products and compare to MCTruth info
4  * @author Chris Hilgenberg (
5  *
6  * The last revision of this code was done in October 2018 with LArSoft v07_06_01.
7  */
9 // LArSoft includes
16 #include "larcore/CoreUtils/ServiceUtil.h" // lar::providerFrom()
20 #include "nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCParticle.h"
21 #include "nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCTruth.h"
24 // Framework includes
25 #include "art/Framework/Core/EDAnalyzer.h"
26 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
27 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h"
28 #include "art/Framework/Services/Registry/ServiceHandle.h"
29 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
30 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
31 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindManyP.h"
32 #include "canvas/Utilities/Exception.h"
34 // Utility libraries
35 #include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
36 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
37 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Table.h"
38 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Atom.h"
39 #include "cetlib/pow.h" // cet::sum_of_squares()
41 // ROOT includes
42 #include "TH1.h"
43 #include "TH2.h"
44 #include "TTree.h"
45 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
46 #include "TVector3.h"
47 #include "TGeoManager.h"
48 #include "TMath.h"
49 #include "TROOT.h"
51 // C++ includes
52 #include <map>
53 #include <vector>
54 #include <string>
55 #include <set>
56 #include <cmath>
57 #include <iostream>
58 #include <utility>
59 #include <array>
61 // CRT data products
68 using std::string;
69 using std::vector;
70 using std::map;
71 using std::set;
72 using std::pair;
74 namespace {
75  int ProcessToICode(string const& p);
77 } // local namespace
80 namespace icarus {
81 namespace crt {
83  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
84  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
85  // class definition
86  /**
87  * @brief Example analyzer
88  *
89  * This class extracts information from the generated and reconstructed
90  * particles.
91  *
92  * It produces histograms for the simulated particles in the input file:
93  * - PDG ID (flavor) of all particles
94  * - momentum of the primary particles selected to have a specific PDG ID
95  * - length of the selected particle trajectory
96  *
97  * It also produces two ROOT trees.
98  *
99  * The first ROOT tree contains information on the simulated
100  * particles, including "dEdx", a binned histogram of collected
101  * charge as function of track range.
102  *
103  * Configuration parameters
104  * =========================
105  *
106  * - *SimulationLabel* (string, default: "largeant"): tag of the input data
107  * product with the detector simulation information (typically an instance
108  * of the LArG4 module)
109  *
110  */
111  class CRTSimAnalysis : public art::EDAnalyzer
112  {
113  public:
117  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
118  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
119  // Standard constructor for an ART module with configuration validation;
120  // we don't need a special destructor here.
122  /// Constructor: configures the module (see the Config structure above)
123  explicit CRTSimAnalysis(fhicl::ParameterSet const& p);
125  virtual void beginJob() override;
126  virtual void beginRun(const art::Run& run) override;
127  virtual void analyze (const art::Event& event) override;
129  private:
131  // The parameters we'll read from the .fcl file.
132  art::InputTag fSimulationProducerLabel; ///< The name of the producer that tracked simulated particles through the detector
133  art::InputTag fCRTSimHitProducerLabel; ///< The name of the producer that created hits
135  art::InputTag fCRTDetSimProducerLabel;
137  vector<int> fPDGs; ///< PDG code of particle we'll focus on
138  vector<float> fMinMomenta;
139  vector<float> fMaxMomenta;
141  // The n-tuples we'll create.
142  TTree* fCosmicDisplayNtuple; ///< for ROOT based event display
143  TTree* fGenNtuple;
144  TTree* fSimulationNtuple; ///< tuple with simulated data
151  // The comment lines with the @ symbols define groups in doxygen.
152  /// @name The variables that will go into both n-tuples.
153  /// @{
154  int fEvent; ///< number of the event being processed
155  int fRun; ///< number of the run being processed
156  int fSubRun; ///< number of the sub-run being processed
157  /// @}
159  /// @name The variables that will go into the CosmicDisplay n-tuple.
160  /// @{
161  static const int LAR_PROP_DELAY = 1.0/(30.0/1.38); //[ns/cm]
163  int fNCD;
164  int fCDpdg;
165  vector<vector<double>> fCDSlopes; ///< direction cosines
166  vector<vector<double>> fCDpe; ///< 4-momentum
167  vector<vector<double>> fCDxyzt; ///< 4-position
168  /// @}
170  /// @name The variables that will go into the Gen n-tuple.
171  /// @{
172  int fNGen;
173  vector<int> fGenTrack;
174  vector<int> fGenPDG;
175  vector<vector<double>> fGenStartXYZT;
176  vector<vector<double>> fGenEndXYZT;
177  vector<vector<double>> fGenStartPE;
178  vector<vector<double>> fGenEndPE;
179  /// @}
181  /// @name The variables that will go into the Simulation n-tuple.
182  /// @{
183  uint32_t fSimHits; ///< number of trajectory points for each MCParticle
184  float fTrackLength; ///< total track length for each MCParticle
185  int fSimPDG; ///< PDG ID of the particle being processed
186  int fSimProcess; ///< process that created the particle (e.g. brehmstralung)
187  int fSimEndProcess; ///< process the killed the particle (e.g. annihilation)
188  int fSimTrackID; ///< GEANT ID of the particle being processed
189  uint32_t fNAuxDet; ///< Number of scintillator strips hit
191  vector<uint32_t> fAuxDetID; ///< Global CRT module ID
192  vector<uint32_t> fAuxDetSensitiveID; ///< Strip ID in module
193  vector<double> fADEDep; ///< Energy deposited in CRT strip (GeV)
194  vector<double> fADdEdx; ///< average dEdx for particle traversing CRT strip
195  vector<double> fADTrackLength; ///< Track length in CRT strip (cm)
196  vector<uint32_t> fAuxDetReg; ///< CRT region code
197  vector<uint32_t> fADMac; ///< Mac5 address of the CRT module
198  vector<uint32_t> fADType;
199  vector<vector<double>> fADEnterXYZT; ///< 4-position of entry into CRT strip
200  vector<vector<double>> fADExitXYZT; ///< 4-position of exit from CRT strip
201  vector<vector<double>> fADEnterPE; ///< 4-position of entry into CRT strip
202  vector<vector<double>> fADExitPE; ///< 4-position of exit from CRT strip
205  float fParentE;
207  // Arrays for 4-vectors: (x,y,z,t) and (Px,Py,Pz,E).
208  float fStartXYZT[4];///< (x,y,z,t) of the true start of the particle
209  float fEndXYZT[4]; ///< (x,y,z,t) of the true end of the particle
210  float fStartPE[4]; ///< (Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true start of the particle
211  float fEndPE[4]; ///< (Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true end of the particle
213  int fProgenitor; ///< G4 track ID of the primary particle that ultimately led to this one
214  int fMother; ///< G4 track ID of mother that directly produced this MCParticle
215  int fNDaught; ///< number of daughters belonging to this MCParticle
217  //Regions tree vars (1 track per entry)
218  int fNReg;
219  int fRegFid;
222  int fRegCRTs;
224  int fRegPDG;
225  vector<int> fRegRegions;
226  vector<double> fRegEDep;
227  vector<double> fRegdL;
228  vector<vector<double>> fRegEntryPE;
229  vector<vector<double>> fRegExitPE;
230  vector<vector<double>> fRegEntryXYZT;
231  vector<vector<double>> fRegExitXYZT;
232  vector<vector<double>> fRegEntrySlope;
233  vector<vector<double>> fRegExitSlope;
234  vector<int> fRegOpDetID;
235  vector<double> fRegDistToOpDet;
236  vector<vector<double>> fRegOpDetXYZT;
238  //CRT data product vars
239  //int fNChan; ///< number of channels above threshold for this front-end board readout
240  int fEntry; ///< front-end board entry number (reset for each event)
241  int fFEBReg; ///< CRT region for this front-end board
242  int fMac5; ///< Mac5 address for this front-end board
244  int fT0;///< signal time w.r.t. global event time
245  int fT1;///< signal time w.r.t. PPS
246  int fADC[64];///< signal amplitude
247  int fMaxAdc;
248  int fMaxChan;
249  int fNAbove;
250  vector<int> fTrackID;///< track ID(s) of particle that produced the signal
251  vector<int> fDetPDG; /// signal inducing particle(s)' PDG code
253  // sim CRT hit product vars
254  float fXHit; ///< reconstructed X position of CRT hit (cm)
255  float fYHit; ///< reconstructed Y position of CRT hit (cm)
256  float fZHit; ///< reconstructed Z position of CRT hit (cm)
257  float fXHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco X (cm)
258  float fYHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco Y (cm)
259  float fZHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco Z (cm)
260  float fT0Hit; ///< hit time w.r.t. global event time
261  float fT1Hit; ///< hit time w.r.t. PPS
262  int fHitReg; ///< region code of CRT hit
264  int fNHit; ///< number of CRT hits for this event
265  vector<int> fHitTrk;
266  vector<int> fHitPDG;
267  vector<int> fHitMod;
268  vector<int> fHitStrip;
269  int fNHitFeb;
270  vector<float> fHitPe;
271  float fHitTotPe;
272  float fHitPeRms;
274  // truth CRT hit vars
275  float fTrueXHit; ///< reconstructed X position of CRT hit (cm)
276  float fTrueYHit; ///< reconstructed Y position of CRT hit (cm)
277  float fTrueZHit; ///< reconstructed Z position of CRT hit (cm)
278  float fTrueXHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco X (cm)
279  float fTrueYHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco Y (cm)
280  float fTrueZHitErr; ///< stat error of CRT hit reco Z (cm)
281  float fTrueT0Hit; ///< hit time w.r.t. global event time
282  float fTrueT1Hit; ///< hit time w.r.t. global event time
283  int fTrueHitReg; ///< region code of CRT hit
285  uint32_t fTrueNHit; ///< number of CRT hits for this event
286  vector<int> fTrueHitTrk;
287  vector<int> fTrueHitPDG;
288  vector<int> fTrueHitStrip;
289  vector<int> fTrueHitMod;
291  vector<float> fTrueHitPe;
295  //CRTSimTrack vars
296  int fNSimTrack; ///< number of simulated CRT tracks for this event
297  float fSimTrackPE;
298  double fSimTrackT0;
299  float fSimTrackStart[3];
300  float fSimTrackEnd[3];
301  float fSimTrackL;
306  float fSimTrackHitEnd[4];
310  /// @}
312  // Other variables that will be shared between different methods.
313  geo::GeometryCore const* fGeometryService; ///< pointer to Geometry provider
314  int fTriggerOffset; ///< (units of ticks) time of expected neutrino event
318  }; // class CRTSimAnalysis
321  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
322  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
323  // class implementation
325  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
326  // Constructor
327  //
328  // Note that config is a Table<Config>, and to access the Config
329  // value we need to use an operator: "config()". In the same way,
330  // each element in Config is an Atom<Type>, so to access the type we
331  // again use the call operator, e.g. "SimulationLabel()".
332  CRTSimAnalysis::CRTSimAnalysis(fhicl::ParameterSet const& p)
333  : EDAnalyzer{p}
334  , fSimulationProducerLabel(p.get<art::InputTag>("SimulationLabel","largeant"))
335  , fCRTSimHitProducerLabel(p.get<art::InputTag>("CRTSimHitLabel","crthit"))
336  , fCRTTrueHitProducerLabel(p.get<art::InputTag>("CRTTrueHitLabel","crttruehit"))
337  , fCRTDetSimProducerLabel(p.get<art::InputTag>("CRTDetSimLabel","crtdaq"))
338  , fCRTSimTrackProducerLabel(p.get<art::InputTag>("CRTSimTrackLabel","crttrack"))
339  , fPDGs(p.get<vector<int>>("PDGs"))
340  , fMinMomenta(p.get<vector<float>>("MinMomenta"))
341  , fMaxMomenta(p.get<vector<float>>("MaxMomenta"))
342  , bt(p.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("CRTBackTrack"))
343  , fCrtutils(new CRTCommonUtils())
344  {
345  fGeometryService = lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>();
346  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService const>()->DataForJob();
347  fTriggerOffset = sampling_rate(clockData);
348  }
350  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
352  {
353  std::cout << " starting analysis job" << std::endl;
355  // Access ART's TFileService, which will handle creating and writing
356  // histograms and n-tuples for us.
357  art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService> tfs;
359  // Define our n-tuples
360  fCosmicDisplayNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("DisplayTree", "track information for ROOT event display");
361  fGenNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("GenTree", "truth information from the generator");
362  fSimulationNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("SimTree", "MyCRTSimulation");
363  fRegionsNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("RegTree", "Info about particles crossing boundaries");
364  fDetSimNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("DetTree", "MyCRTDetSim");
365  fSimHitNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("HitTree", "MyCRTSimHit");
366  fTrueCRTHitNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("TrueCRTHitTree", "CRT hits from truth info");
367  fSimTrackNtuple = tfs->make<TTree>("SimTrackTree", "Simulated CRTTracks");
369  // Define the branches of our event display n-tuple
370  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
371  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
372  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
373  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fCDTrackID, "trackID/I");
374  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("nSeg", &fNCD, "nSeg/I");
375  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fCDpdg, "pdg/I");
376  //fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("regions", &fCDRegions);
377  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("slopes", &fCDSlopes);
378  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("pe", &fCDpe);
379  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Branch("xyzt", &fCDxyzt);
381  // Define the branches of our Gen n-tuple
382  fGenNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
383  fGenNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
384  fGenNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
385  fGenNtuple->Branch("nGen", &fNGen, "nGen/I");
386  fGenNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fGenTrack);
387  fGenNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fGenPDG);
388  fGenNtuple->Branch("startXYZT", &fGenStartXYZT);
389  fGenNtuple->Branch("endXYZT", &fGenEndXYZT);
390  fGenNtuple->Branch("startPE", &fGenStartPE);
391  fGenNtuple->Branch("endPE", &fGenEndPE);
393  // Define the branches of our simulation n-tuple
394  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
395  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
396  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subrun/I");
397  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("nPoints" , &fSimHits, "nPoints/I");
398  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fSimTrackID, "trackID/I");
399  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fSimPDG, "pdg/I");
400  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("trackLength", &fTrackLength, "trackLenth/F");
401  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("process", &fSimProcess, "process/I");
402  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("endProcess", &fSimEndProcess, "endProcess/I");
403  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("parentPDG", &fParentPDG, "parentPDG/I");
404  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("parentE", &fParentE, "parentE/F");
405  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("progenitor", &fProgenitor, "progenitor/I");
407  // CRT hits
408  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetSensitiveID", &fAuxDetSensitiveID);
409  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetID", &fAuxDetID);
410  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetEDep", &fADEDep);
411  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetdEdx", &fADdEdx);
412  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetTrackLength", &fADTrackLength);
413  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetEnterXYZT", &fADEnterXYZT);
414  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetExitXYZT", &fADExitXYZT);
415  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetEnterPE", &fADEnterPE);
416  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetExitPE", &fADExitPE);
417  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("auxDetRegion", &fAuxDetReg);
418  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("mac5", &fADMac);
419  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("adType", &fADType);
421  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("startXYZT", fStartXYZT, "startXYZT[4]/F");
422  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("endXYZT", fEndXYZT, "endXYZT[4]/F");
423  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("startPE", fStartPE, "startPE[4]/F");
424  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("endPE", fEndPE, "endPE[4]/F");
425  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("nChan", &fNAuxDet, "nChan/I");
426  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("mother", &fMother, "mother/I");
427  fSimulationNtuple->Branch("nDaught", &fNDaught, "nDaught/I");
429  //regions tree
430  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
431  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
432  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
433  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("nReg", &fNReg, "nReg/I");
434  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("fiducial", &fRegFid, "fiducial/I");
435  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("active", &fRegActive, "active/I");
436  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("inactive", &fRegInactive, "inactive/I");
437  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("crts", &fRegCRTs, "crts/I");
438  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("regions", &fRegRegions);
439  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fRegPDG, "pdg/I");
440  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fRegTrkID, "trackID/I");
441  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("eDep", &fRegEDep);
442  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("dL", &fRegdL);
443  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("opDetID", &fRegOpDetID);
444  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("distToOpDet", &fRegDistToOpDet);
445  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("opDetXYZT", &fRegOpDetXYZT);
446  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("entryPE", &fRegEntryPE);
447  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("exitPE", &fRegExitPE);
448  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("entryXYZT", &fRegEntryXYZT);
449  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("exitXYZT", &fRegExitXYZT);
450  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("entrySlope", &fRegEntrySlope);
451  fRegionsNtuple->Branch("exitSlope", &fRegExitSlope);
453  // Define the branches of our DetSim n-tuple
454  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
455  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
456  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
457  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("nAbove", &fNAbove, "nAbove/I");
458  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("t0", &fT0, "t0/I");
459  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("t1", &fT1, "t1/I");
460  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("adc", fADC, "adc[64]/I");
461  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("maxAdc", &fMaxAdc, "maxAdc/I");
462  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("maxChan", &fMaxChan, "maxChan/I");
463  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fTrackID);
464  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("detPDG", &fDetPDG);
465  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("entry", &fEntry, "entry/I");
466  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("mac5", &fMac5, "mac5/I");
467  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("region", &fFEBReg, "region/I");
468  fDetSimNtuple->Branch("subSys", &fDetSubSys, "subSys/I");
470  // Define the branches of our SimHit n-tuple
471  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
472  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
473  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
474  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("nHit", &fNHit, "nHit/I");
475  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("x", &fXHit, "x/F");
476  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("y", &fYHit, "y/F");
477  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("z", &fZHit, "z/F");
478  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("xErr", &fXHitErr, "xErr/F");
479  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("yErr", &fYHitErr, "yErr/F");
480  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("zErr", &fZHitErr, "zErr/F");
481  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("t0", &fT0Hit, "t0/F");
482  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("t1", &fT1Hit, "t1/F");
483  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("region", &fHitReg, "region/I");
484  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("subSys", &fHitSubSys, "subSys/I");
485  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fHitTrk);
486  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fHitPDG);
487  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("modID", &fHitMod);
488  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("stripID", &fHitStrip);
489  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("nFeb", &fNHitFeb, "nFeb/I");
490  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("hitPe", &fHitPe);
491  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("totPe", &fHitTotPe, "totPe/F");
492  fSimHitNtuple->Branch("rmsPe", &fHitPeRms, "rmsPe/F");
494  // Define the branches of our SimTrueHit n-tuple
495  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("event", &fEvent, "event/I");
496  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("run", &fRun, "run/I");
497  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("subRun", &fSubRun, "subRun/I");
498  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("nHit", &fTrueNHit, "nHit/I");
499  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("x", &fTrueXHit, "x/F");
500  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("y", &fTrueYHit, "y/F");
501  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("z", &fTrueZHit, "z/F");
502  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("xErr", &fTrueXHitErr, "xErr/F");
503  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("yErr", &fTrueYHitErr, "yErr/F");
504  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("zErr", &fTrueZHitErr, "zErr/F");
505  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("t0", &fTrueT0Hit, "t0/F");
506  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("t1", &fTrueT1Hit, "t1/F");
507  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("region", &fTrueHitReg, "region/I");
508  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("subSys", &fTrueHitSubSys, "subSys/I");
509  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("trackID", &fTrueHitTrk);
510  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("pdg", &fTrueHitPDG);
511  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("modID", &fTrueHitMod);
512  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("stripID", &fTrueHitStrip);
513  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("nFeb", &fTrueNHitFeb, "nFeb/I");
514  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("hitPe", &fTrueHitPe);
515  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("totPe", &fTrueHitTotPe, "totPe/F");
516  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Branch("rmsPe", &fTrueHitPeRms, "rmsPe/F");
518  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("ntrack", &fNSimTrack, "ntrack/I");
519  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("pe", &fSimTrackPE, "pe/F");
520  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("t", &fSimTrackT0, "t/D");
521  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("start", fSimTrackStart, "start[3]/F");
522  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("end", fSimTrackEnd, "end[3]/F");
523  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("l", &fSimTrackL, "l/F");
524  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("theta", &fSimTrackTheta, "theta/F");
525  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("phi", &fSimTrackPhi, "phi/F");
526  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("nhit", &fNHitSimTrack, "nhit/I");
527  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("hitstart", fSimTrackHitStart, "hitstart[4]/F");
528  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("hitend", fSimTrackHitEnd, "hitend[4]/F");
529  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("regstart", &fSimTrackRegStart, "regstart/I");
530  fSimTrackNtuple->Branch("regend", &fSimTrackRegEnd, "regend/I");
533 }
535  void CRTSimAnalysis::beginRun(const art::Run& /*run*/)
536  {
537  //art::ServiceHandle<sim::LArG4Parameters> larParameters;
538  //fElectronsToGeV = 1./larParameters->GeVToElectrons();
539  std::cout << "beginning run" << std::endl;
540  }
542  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
543  void CRTSimAnalysis::analyze(const art::Event& event)
544  {
545  MF_LOG_DEBUG("CRT") << "beginning analyis" << '\n';
547  // Check that lists for momenta limits is same size as last of PDGs from FHiCL
548  if (fPDGs.size() != fMinMomenta.size() || fPDGs.size() != fMaxMomenta.size())
549  throw cet::exception("CRTSimAnalysis")
550  << " PDG/Momtenta values not set correctly in fhicl - lists have different sizes"
551  << " Line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << std::endl;
554  // Start by fetching some basic event information for our n-tuple.
555  fEvent =;
556  fRun =;
557  fSubRun = event.subRun();
559  //CRTBackTracker matches CRTProducts to the true trackIDs
560  //bt.Initialize(event);
562  // Define "handle" to Generator level MCTruth objects
563  art::Handle< vector<simb::MCTruth>> genHandle;
565  // Define a "handle" to point to a vector of MCParticle objects.
566  art::Handle< vector<simb::MCParticle> > particleHandle;
567  map< int, const simb::MCParticle*> particleMap;
569  if (!event.getByLabel("generator", genHandle)) {
570  std::cout << "could not get handle to gen objects!!!" << std::endl;
571  }
573  // If there aren't any simb::MCParticle object art will
574  // display a "ProductNotFound" exception message and may skip
575  // all processing for the rest of this event or stop the execution.
576  if (!event.getByLabel(fSimulationProducerLabel, particleHandle))
577  {
578  // If we have no MCParticles at all in an event, then we're in
579  // big trouble. Throw an exception.
580  throw cet::exception("CRTSimAnalysis")
581  << " No simb::MCParticle objects in this event - "
582  << " Line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << std::endl;
583  }
585  // Handle to AuxDetSimChannel (CRT module) objects generated by LArG4
586  art::Handle<vector<sim::AuxDetSimChannel> > auxDetSimChannelHandle;
587  if (!event.getByLabel(fSimulationProducerLabel, auxDetSimChannelHandle)) {
588  throw cet::exception("CRTSimAnalysis")
589  << " No sim::AuxDetSimChannel objects in this event - "
590  << " Line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << std::endl;
591  }
593  if((*genHandle).size()>1)
594  throw cet::exception("CRTSimAnalysis") << "gen stage MCParticle vector has more than 1 entry!" << '\n';
596  auto const& truth = (*genHandle)[0];
597  fNGen = truth.NParticles();
598  fGenTrack.clear();
599  fGenPDG.clear();
600  fGenStartXYZT.clear();
601  fGenEndXYZT.clear();
602  fGenStartPE.clear();
603  fGenEndPE.clear();
605  for ( int i=0; i<fNGen; i++ )
606  {
607  auto const& part = truth.GetParticle(i); //simb::MCParticle
609  fGenTrack.push_back(part.TrackId());
610  fGenPDG.push_back(part.PdgCode());
612  const TLorentzVector startPos = part.Position(0);
613  const TLorentzVector endPos = part.EndPosition();
614  const TLorentzVector startMom = part.Momentum(0);
615  const TLorentzVector endMom = part.EndMomentum();
617  fGenStartXYZT.push_back({startPos.X(),startPos.Y(),startPos.Z(),startPos.T()});
618  fGenEndXYZT.push_back({endPos.X(),endPos.Y(),endPos.Z(),endPos.T()});
619  fGenStartPE.push_back({startMom.Px(),startMom.Py(),startMom.Pz(),startMom.E()});
620  fGenEndPE.push_back({endMom.Px(),endMom.Py(),endMom.Pz(),endMom.E()});
621  }
623  fGenNtuple->Fill();
625  // The MCParticle objects are not necessarily in any particular
626  // order. Since we may have to search the list of particles, let's
627  // put them into a map. To save both space and time, the map
628  // will not contain a copy of the MCParticle, but a pointer to it.
629  for ( auto const& particle : (*particleHandle) )
630  {
631  // Add the address of the MCParticle to the map, with the
632  // track ID as the key.
633  particleMap.insert(std::make_pair(particle.TrackId(),&particle));
634  }
636  std::cout << "event " << fEvent << " with " << particleMap.size() << " MCParticles" << std::endl;
638  //get TPC objects
639  geo::CryostatGeo const& cryo0 = fGeometryService->Cryostat(0);
640  geo::CryostatGeo const& cryo1 = fGeometryService->Cryostat(1);
642  geo::TPCGeo const& tpc00 = cryo0.TPC(0);
643  geo::TPCGeo const& tpc01 = cryo0.TPC(1);
644  geo::TPCGeo const& tpc10 = cryo1.TPC(0);
645  geo::TPCGeo const& tpc11 = cryo1.TPC(1);
647  //loop over MCParticles
648  for ( auto const& particle : (*particleHandle) )
649  {
650  fSimPDG = particle.PdgCode();
651  vector<int>::iterator it = fPDGs.begin(); //iterator to list of interested PDGs from FHiCL
652  const TLorentzVector& momentumStart = particle.Momentum(0);//initial momentum
653  const double p = (momentumStart.Vect()).Mag();
654  size_t index = 0; //index in PDG list
656  //if ( (particle.Process() != "primary" &&
657  //find matching PDG code given current MCParticle PDG
658  // use for momentum cuts
659  while (it!=fPDGs.end()) {
660  if (*it==fSimPDG) {
661  index = (size_t)(it - fPDGs.begin());
662  break;
663  }
664  it++;
665  }
666  //if PDG not included in interest list, skip to next
667  if (!(fPDGs.size()==1 && fPDGs[0]==0) && it == fPDGs.end()) continue;
668  //check momentum is within region of interest
669  if ( fMinMomenta[index] != 0 && p < fMinMomenta[index]) continue;
670  if ( fMaxMomenta[index] != 0 && p > fMaxMomenta[index]) continue;
671  //if ( abs(fSimPDG)==11 && particle.Process()!="compt" && particle.Process()!="conv" )
672  // continue;
674  //count total number of muons present in event
675  //if (abs(fSimPDG)==13){
676  // fNmuTruth++;
677  // }
678  fSimTrackID = particle.TrackId();
680  // the following bit attempts to establish the ancestry
681  // of each MCParticle of interest
682  // this is useful for matching gammas produced by muons
683  // for evaluation of removal algorithms
684  fMother = particle.Mother();
685  fNDaught = particle.NumberDaughters();
686  fSimProcess = ProcessToICode(particle.Process());
687  fSimEndProcess = ProcessToICode(particle.EndProcess());
689  if(fMother!=0){ //if not primary
690  map<int,const simb::MCParticle*>::const_iterator it = particleMap.find(fMother);
691  if(it==particleMap.end()){
692  fParentPDG=INT_MAX;
693  fParentE = FLT_MAX;
694  fProgenitor = INT_MAX;
695  }//if mother not found in particle list
696  else{ //otherwise try to find primary muon
697  fParentPDG = it->second->PdgCode();
698  fParentE = it->second->E(0);
699  int tmpID=it->second->Mother();
700  size_t ctr=0;
701  map<int,const simb::MCParticle*>::iterator it2 = particleMap.begin();
703  if(fParentPDG==13||fParentPDG==-13) fProgenitor = it->second->TrackId();
704  else while(it2!=particleMap.end()&&ctr<particleMap.size()){
705  it2=particleMap.find(tmpID);
706  if(it2!=particleMap.end()){
707  if(it2->second->PdgCode()==13||it2->second->PdgCode()==-13){
708  fProgenitor=tmpID;
709  break;
710  }
711  tmpID = it2->second->Mother();
712  }
714  ctr++;
715  if(ctr==particleMap.size()) std::cout<<"manual break!"<<std::endl;
716  }
717  //std::cout<<"out of progenitor search loop" << std::endl;
718  }//else mother is found
719  }//if particle has mother (not a primary)
720  else{ //if current particle in loop is primary
721  fParentPDG=0;
722  fProgenitor=-10;
723  fParentE=-1.0;
724  }
725  //end of ancestry matching
726  //now get some other useful info about the trajectory
728  // A particle has a trajectory, consisting of a set of
729  // 4-positions and 4-mommenta.
730  fSimHits = particle.NumberTrajectoryPoints();
731  if(fSimHits==1) continue;
733  // For trajectories, as for vectors and arrays, the first
734  // point is #0, not #1.
735  const int last = fSimHits - 1;
736  const TLorentzVector& positionStart = particle.Position(0);
737  const TLorentzVector& positionEnd = particle.Position(last);
738  //const TLorentzVector& momentumStart = particle.Momentum(0);
739  const TLorentzVector& momentumEnd = particle.Momentum(last);
741  // Fill arrays with the 4-values.
742  positionStart.GetXYZT( fStartXYZT );
743  positionEnd.GetXYZT( fEndXYZT );
744  momentumStart.GetXYZT( fStartPE );
745  momentumEnd.GetXYZT( fEndPE );
746  fTrackLength = ( positionEnd - positionStart ).Rho();
748  fNCD = 0;
749  fCDpdg = fSimPDG;
751  //fCDRegions.clear();
752  fCDSlopes.clear();
753  fCDpe.clear();
754  fCDxyzt.clear();
756  fNReg = 0;
757  fRegFid = 0;
758  fRegActive = 0;
759  fRegInactive = 0;
760  fRegCRTs = 0;
761  fRegPDG = fSimPDG;;
763  fRegRegions.clear();
764  fRegEDep.clear();
765  fRegDistToOpDet.clear();
766  fRegOpDetID.clear();
767  fRegEntryXYZT.clear();
768  fRegExitXYZT.clear();
769  fRegEntryPE.clear();
770  fRegExitPE.clear();
771  fRegOpDetXYZT.clear();
772  fRegEntrySlope.clear();
773  fRegExitSlope.clear();
775  int oldreg = -1;
777  //loop over trajectory points
778  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fSimHits; i++){
779  const TLorentzVector& pos = particle.Position(i); // 4-position in World coordinates
780  const TLorentzVector& posnext = particle.Position(i+1); // problem for last point???
781  const TLorentzVector& mom = particle.Momentum(i); // 4-momentum
782  const double point[3] = {pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z()};
783  const double pointnext[3] = {posnext.X(),posnext.Y(),posnext.Z()};
784  double opDetPos[3] = {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX};
785  double entryPos[3] = {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX};
786  double entryT = -FLT_MAX;
787  bool active0 = false, active1 = false, activenext0 = false, activenext1 = false;
789  // CosmicDisplay info
790  fCDxyzt.push_back({pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z(),pos.T()});
791  fCDpe.push_back({mom.Px(),mom.Py(),mom.Pz(),mom.E()});
792  fCDSlopes.push_back({mom.Px()/mom.P(), mom.Py()/mom.P(), mom.Pz()/mom.P()});
793  fNCD++;
795  // Regions info
796  // Check if trajectory points are in cryostats (active + inactve LAr )
797  if(cryo0.ContainsPosition(point)) {
798  active0 = tpc00.ContainsPosition(point);
799  active1 = tpc01.ContainsPosition(point);
800  activenext0 = tpc00.ContainsPosition(pointnext);
801  activenext1 = tpc01.ContainsPosition(pointnext);
803  // if last point was not in this cryostat or is now entering AV
804  if ( (oldreg!=10&&!active0&&!active1) || (active0&&oldreg!=5) || (active1&&oldreg!=6)) {
805  fRegEntryXYZT.push_back({pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z(),pos.T()});
806  fRegEntryPE.push_back({mom.Px(),mom.Py(),mom.Pz(),mom.E()});
807  fRegEntrySlope.push_back({mom.Px()/mom.P(), mom.Py()/mom.P(), mom.Pz()/mom.P()});
808  oldreg = 10;
809  if (active0) oldreg = 5;
810  if (active1) oldreg = 6;
811  }
813  // if next point is outside of this volume or is last traj. point
814  if (!cryo0.ContainsPosition(pointnext) || (oldreg==10&&(activenext0||activenext1))
815  || i==fSimHits-1
816  || (active0 && !activenext0) || (active1&&!activenext1) ){
818  if (!cryo0.ContainsPosition(pointnext))
819  oldreg=-1;
821  fRegExitXYZT.push_back({pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z(),pos.T()});
822  fRegExitPE.push_back({mom.Px(),mom.Py(),mom.Pz(),mom.E()});
823  fRegExitSlope.push_back({mom.Px()/mom.P(), mom.Py()/mom.P(), mom.Pz()/mom.P()});
824  if (active0) {
825  fRegRegions.push_back(5);
826  fRegActive++;
827  if(tpc00.InFiducialX(point[0],25,0) && tpc00.InFiducialY(point[1],25,25)
828  && tpc00.InFiducialZ(point[2],30,50))
829  fRegFid++;
831  }
832  else if (active1) {
833  fRegRegions.push_back(6);
834  fRegActive++;
835  if(tpc01.InFiducialX(point[0],25,0) && tpc01.InFiducialY(point[1],25,25)
836  && tpc01.InFiducialZ(point[2],30,50))
837  fRegFid++;
838  }
839  else {
840  fRegRegions.push_back(10);
841  fRegInactive++;
842  }
843  if(fRegExitXYZT.size()!=fRegEntryXYZT.size())
844  std::cout << "entry/exit point size mismatch! " <<
845  fRegEntryXYZT.size() << " vs. " << fRegExitXYZT.size() << std::endl;
846  fRegdL.push_back(sqrt(pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][0]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][0],2)
847  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][1]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][1],2)
848  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][2]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][2],2)));
849  fRegEDep.push_back(fRegEntryPE[fNReg][3] - fRegExitPE[fNReg][3]);
850  for (int index=0; index<3; index++) entryPos[index] = fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][index];
851  entryT = fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][3];
852  fRegOpDetID.push_back(cryo0.GetClosestOpDet(entryPos));
853  geo::OpDetGeo const& opDet = cryo0.OpDet(fRegOpDetID[fNReg]);
854  opDet.GetCenter(opDetPos);
855  fRegDistToOpDet.push_back(sqrt(pow(opDetPos[0]-entryPos[0],2)
856  + pow(opDetPos[1]-entryPos[1],2)
857  + pow(opDetPos[2]-entryPos[2],2)));
858  fRegOpDetXYZT.push_back({});
859  for (int index=0; index<3; index++) fRegOpDetXYZT[fNReg].push_back(opDetPos[index]);
860  fRegOpDetXYZT[fNReg].push_back(entryT + fRegDistToOpDet[fNReg]*LAR_PROP_DELAY);
861  fNReg++;
862  }
863  } //if cryo0
865  // if this point in the other cryostat
866  if(cryo1.ContainsPosition(point)) {
867  //check if this or next points are in active volumes
868  active0 = tpc10.ContainsPosition(point);
869  active1 = tpc11.ContainsPosition(point);
870  activenext0 = tpc10.ContainsPosition(pointnext);
871  activenext1 = tpc11.ContainsPosition(pointnext);
873  // if last point was not in this cryostat or is now entering AV
874  if ( (oldreg!=12&&!active0&&!active1) || (active0&&oldreg!=7) || (active1&&oldreg!=8)) {
875  fRegEntryXYZT.push_back({pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z(),pos.T()});
876  fRegEntryPE.push_back({mom.Px(),mom.Py(),mom.Pz(),mom.E()});
877  fRegEntrySlope.push_back({mom.Px()/mom.P(), mom.Py()/mom.P(), mom.Pz()/mom.P()});
878  oldreg = 12;
879  if (active0) oldreg = 7;
880  if (active1) oldreg = 8;
881  }
883  if (!cryo1.ContainsPosition(pointnext) || (oldreg==12&&(activenext0||activenext1))
884  || i==fSimHits-1
885  || (active0 && !activenext0) || (active1&&!activenext1) ){
887  if (!cryo1.ContainsPosition(pointnext))
888  oldreg=-1;
890  fRegExitXYZT.push_back({pos.X(),pos.Y(),pos.Z(),pos.T()});
891  fRegExitPE.push_back({mom.Px(),mom.Py(),mom.Pz(),mom.E()});
892  fRegExitSlope.push_back({mom.Px()/mom.P(), mom.Py()/mom.P(), mom.Pz()/mom.P()});
893  if (active0) {
894  fRegRegions.push_back(7);
895  fRegActive++;
896  if(tpc10.InFiducialX(point[0],25,0) && tpc10.InFiducialY(point[1],25,25)
897  && tpc10.InFiducialZ(point[2],30,50))
898  fRegFid++;
900  }
901  else if (active1) {
902  fRegRegions.push_back(8);
903  fRegActive++;
904  if(tpc11.InFiducialX(point[0],25,0) && tpc11.InFiducialY(point[1],25,25)
905  && tpc11.InFiducialZ(point[2],30,50))
906  fRegFid++;
907  }
908  else {
909  fRegRegions.push_back(12);
910  fRegInactive++;
911  }
912  fRegdL.push_back(sqrt(pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][0]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][0],2)
913  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][1]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][1],2)
914  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][2]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][2],2)));
915  fRegEDep.push_back(fRegEntryPE[fNReg][3] - fRegExitPE[fNReg][3]);
916  for (int index=0; index<3; index++) entryPos[index] = fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][index];
917  entryT = fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][3];
918  fRegOpDetID.push_back(cryo1.GetClosestOpDet(entryPos));
919  geo::OpDetGeo const& opDet = cryo1.OpDet(fRegOpDetID[fNReg]);
920  opDet.GetCenter(opDetPos);
921  fRegDistToOpDet.push_back(sqrt(pow(opDetPos[0]-entryPos[0],2)
922  + pow(opDetPos[1]-entryPos[1],2)
923  + pow(opDetPos[2]-entryPos[2],2)));
924  fRegOpDetXYZT.push_back({});
925  for (int index=0; index<3; index++) fRegOpDetXYZT[fNReg].push_back(opDetPos[index]);
926  fRegOpDetXYZT[fNReg].push_back(entryT + fRegDistToOpDet[fNReg]*LAR_PROP_DELAY);
927  fNReg++;
928  } // if exiting from volume
929  } //if cryo1
931  }//for trajectory points
933  fCosmicDisplayNtuple->Fill();
935  //map module IDs to strip IDs hit by muons
936  //map< uint16_t,set<uint8_t>* > muHitMapC; //hits in C modules only
937  //map< uint16_t,set<uint8_t>* > muHitMapM; //hits in M modules only
938  //map< uint16_t,set<uint8_t>* > muHitMapD; //hits in D modules only
939  //map< uint16_t,set<uint8_t>* > muHitMap; //all hits
941  map< int, vector<double> > regCRTEnter, regCRTExit, regCRTEnterPE, regCRTExitPE;
943  //reinitialize ADChannel vars
944  fNAuxDet = 0;
945  fADType.clear();
946  fAuxDetReg.clear();
947  fADTrackLength.clear();
948  fADEDep.clear();
949  fADdEdx.clear();
950  fAuxDetID.clear();
951  fAuxDetSensitiveID.clear();
952  fADEnterXYZT.clear();
953  fADExitXYZT.clear();
954  fADEnterPE.clear();
955  fADExitPE.clear();
956  fADMac.clear();
958  // To look at the energy deposited by this particle's track,
959  // we loop over the AuxDetSimChannel objects in the event.
960  // Note all volumes are included, not just ones with energy deps
961  for ( auto const& channel : (*auxDetSimChannelHandle) )
962  {
963  // Get vector of hits in this AuxDet channel
964  auto const& auxDetIDEs = channel.AuxDetIDEs();
966  // For every hit in this channel:
967  for ( auto const& ide : auxDetIDEs )
968  {
969  // Check if the track that deposited the
970  // energy matches the track of the MCParticle.
971  if ( ide.trackID != fSimTrackID ) continue;
972  if ( ide.energyDeposited * 1.0e6 < 50 ) continue;
974  size_t adid = channel.AuxDetID();
975  //size_t adsid = channel.AuxDetSensitiveID();
976  fADType.push_back(fCrtutils->GetAuxDetTypeCode(adid));
977  fAuxDetReg.push_back(
980  // What is the distance from the hit (centroid of the entry
981  // and exit points) to the readout end?
982  /*double trueX = (ide.entryX + ide.exitX) / 2.0;
983  double trueY = (ide.entryY + ide.exitY) / 2.0;
984  double trueZ = (ide.entryZ + ide.exitZ) / 2.0;
985  //double trueT = (ide.entryT + ide.exitT) / 2.0;
986  double pos[3] = {trueX,trueY,trueZ};
987  size_t chanad, chanads;
988  int32_t adchan = fGeometryService->PositionToAuxDetChannel(pos,chanad,chanads);
989  std::cout << "retrieved AuxDetChannel from position (" << trueX << ", " << trueY
990  << ", " << trueZ << ")" << '\n'
991  << " true AuxDetID, AuxDetSensitiveID: " << adid << ", " << adsid << '\n'
992  << " from map-> chan, adid, adsid: " << adchan << ", " << chanad
993  << ", " << chanads << std::endl;*/
995  //calculate track length in strip
996  double dx = ide.entryX-ide.exitX;
997  double dy = ide.entryY-ide.exitY;
998  double dz = ide.entryZ-ide.exitZ;
999  double adlength = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
1000  if ( adlength < 0.0001) continue;
1002  fADTrackLength.push_back(adlength);
1003  fADEDep.push_back(ide.energyDeposited);
1004  fADdEdx.push_back(ide.energyDeposited/fADTrackLength.back());
1005  fAuxDetID.push_back(channel.AuxDetID());
1006  fAuxDetSensitiveID.push_back(channel.AuxDetSensitiveID());
1007  fADEnterXYZT.push_back({ide.entryX,ide.entryY,ide.entryZ,ide.entryT});
1008  fADExitXYZT.push_back({ide.exitX,ide.exitY,ide.exitZ,ide.exitT});
1009  //we dont have entry mom. or total E info on adsc, so very rough approx. E~P
1010  double pmag = sqrt(pow(ide.exitMomentumX,2)+pow(ide.exitMomentumY,2)+pow(ide.exitMomentumZ,2));
1011  fADExitPE.push_back({ide.exitMomentumX,ide.exitMomentumY,ide.exitMomentumZ,pmag});
1012  fADEnterPE.push_back({fADExitPE[fNAuxDet][0]+pmag/3,fADExitPE[fNAuxDet][1]+pmag/3,
1013  fADExitPE[fNAuxDet][2]+pmag/3,pmag+ide.energyDeposited});
1014  fADMac.push_back(fCrtutils->ADToMac(channel.AuxDetID()).first);
1016  if (regCRTEnter.find(fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet])!=regCRTEnter.end()) {
1017  if (regCRTEnter[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]][3] > ide.entryT) {
1018  regCRTEnter[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADEnterXYZT[fNAuxDet];
1019  regCRTEnterPE[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADEnterPE[fNAuxDet];
1020  }
1021  }
1022  else {
1023  regCRTEnter[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADEnterXYZT[fNAuxDet];
1024  regCRTEnterPE[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADEnterPE[fNAuxDet];
1025  }
1027  if (regCRTExit.find(fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet])!=regCRTExit.end()) {
1028  if (regCRTExit[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]][3] < ide.exitT){
1029  regCRTExit[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADExitXYZT[fNAuxDet];
1030  regCRTExitPE[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADExitPE[fNAuxDet];
1031  }
1032  }
1033  else {
1034  regCRTExit[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADExitXYZT[fNAuxDet];
1035  regCRTExitPE[fAuxDetReg[fNAuxDet]] = fADExitPE[fNAuxDet];
1036  }
1038  fNAuxDet++;
1040  } // For each IDE (strip hit by muon)
1041  } // For each SimChannel (module)
1043  // write values to tree for this event and particle
1044  fSimulationNtuple->Fill();
1046  for( auto it=regCRTEnter.begin(); it!=regCRTEnter.end(); it++) {
1047  //std::cout << "found CRT region " << it->first << std::endl;
1048  fRegRegions.push_back(it->first);
1049  fRegEntryXYZT.push_back({(it->second)[0],(it->second)[1],(it->second)[2],(it->second)[3]});
1050  fRegExitXYZT.push_back({regCRTExit[it->first][0],regCRTExit[it->first][1],regCRTExit[it->first][2],
1051  regCRTExit[it->first][3]});
1052  fRegdL.push_back(sqrt(pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][0]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][0],2)
1053  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][1]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][1],2)
1054  +pow(fRegExitXYZT[fNReg][2]-fRegEntryXYZT[fNReg][2],2)));
1055  fRegEntryPE.push_back({regCRTEnterPE[it->first][0],regCRTEnterPE[it->first][1],
1056  regCRTEnterPE[it->first][2], regCRTEnterPE[it->first][3]});
1057  fRegExitPE.push_back({regCRTExitPE[it->first][0],regCRTExitPE[it->first][1],
1058  regCRTExitPE[it->first][2], regCRTExitPE[it->first][3]});
1059  fRegEDep.push_back(fRegEntryPE[fNReg][3] - fRegExitPE[fNReg][3]);
1060  fRegDistToOpDet.push_back(-1);
1061  fRegOpDetID.push_back(-1);
1062  fRegOpDetXYZT.push_back({-1,-1,-1,-1});
1063  fRegEntrySlope.push_back({-1,-1,-1});
1064  fRegExitSlope.push_back({-1,-1,-1});
1066  fNReg++; fRegCRTs++;
1067  }
1069  //sort region tree entries by entry time
1070  int flag = 1; // set flag to 1 to start first pass
1071  int tempInt;
1072  double tempDoub;
1074  for(int i = 1; (i <= (int)fNReg) && flag; i++)
1075  {
1076  flag = 0;
1077  for (int j=0; j < ((int)fNReg -1); j++)
1078  {
1079  if (fRegEntryXYZT[j+1][3] < fRegEntryXYZT[j][3])
1080  {
1081  tempInt = fRegRegions[j]; // swap regions
1082  fRegRegions[j] = fRegRegions[j+1];
1083  fRegRegions[j+1] = tempInt;
1084  tempDoub = fRegEDep[j]; // swap EDep
1085  fRegEDep[j] = fRegEDep[j+1];
1086  fRegEDep[j+1] = tempDoub;
1087  tempDoub = fRegdL[j]; // swap dL
1088  fRegdL[j] = fRegdL[j+1];
1089  fRegdL[j+1] = tempDoub;
1090  tempDoub = fRegDistToOpDet[j]; //swap distToOpDet
1091  fRegDistToOpDet[j] = fRegDistToOpDet[j+1];
1092  fRegDistToOpDet[j+1] = tempDoub;
1093  tempInt = fRegOpDetID[j]; //swap opDetID
1094  fRegOpDetID[j] = fRegOpDetID[j+1];
1095  fRegOpDetID[j+1] = tempInt;
1096  for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
1097  tempDoub = fRegEntryPE[j][k]; //swap entryPE
1098  fRegEntryPE[j][k] = fRegEntryPE[j+1][k];
1099  fRegEntryPE[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1100  tempDoub = fRegExitPE[j][k]; //swap exitPE
1101  fRegExitPE[j][k] = fRegExitPE[j+1][k];
1102  fRegExitPE[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1103  tempDoub = fRegEntryXYZT[j][k]; //swap entryXYZT
1104  fRegEntryXYZT[j][k] = fRegEntryXYZT[j+1][k];
1105  fRegEntryXYZT[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1106  tempDoub = fRegExitXYZT[j][k]; //swap exitXYZT
1107  fRegExitXYZT[j][k] = fRegExitXYZT[j+1][k];
1108  fRegExitXYZT[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1109  tempDoub = fRegOpDetXYZT[j][k]; //swap opDetXYZT
1110  fRegOpDetXYZT[j][k] = fRegOpDetXYZT[j+1][k];
1111  fRegOpDetXYZT[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1112  if(k<3) {
1113  tempDoub = fRegEntrySlope[j][k];
1114  fRegEntrySlope[j][k] = fRegEntrySlope[j+1][k];
1115  fRegEntrySlope[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1116  tempDoub = fRegExitSlope[j][k];
1117  fRegExitSlope[j][k] = fRegExitSlope[j+1][k];
1118  fRegExitSlope[j+1][k] = tempDoub;
1119  }
1120  }
1121  flag = 1; // indicates that a swap occurred.
1122  }
1123  }
1124  }
1126  fRegionsNtuple->Fill();
1128  } // loop over all particles in the event.
1130  //CRTData
1131  art::Handle<vector<CRTData>> crtDetSimHandle;
1132  if (event.getByLabel(fCRTDetSimProducerLabel, crtDetSimHandle)) {
1134  vector<art::Ptr<CRTData>> febdata;
1135  art::fill_ptr_vector(febdata,crtDetSimHandle);
1136  mf::LogPrint("CRTSimAnalysis") << "found " << febdata.size() << " CRTData" << '\n';
1138  for ( auto const& data : febdata ) {
1139  fMac5 = data->fMac5;
1140  fEntry = data->fEntry;
1143  fT0 = data->fTs0;
1144  fT1 = data->fTs1;
1145  fMaxAdc = 0;
1146  fMaxChan = -1;
1147  fNAbove = 0;
1148  fTrackID.clear();
1149  fDetPDG.clear();
1150  bool passfilter = false;
1151  if(fPDGs.size()==1 && fPDGs[0]==0)
1152  passfilter = true;
1153  //set max channel by subsystem (32 (c,m) or 64 (d))
1154  //int chmax = 0;
1155  //if(fDetSubSys!=2) chmax=32;
1156  //else chmax=64;
1158  //loop over all FEB channels
1159  for(int ch=0; ch<64; ch++) {
1160  fADC[ch] = data->fAdc[ch];
1161  if(fADC[ch] > 300) fNAbove++;
1162  if(fADC[ch]>fMaxAdc) {
1163  fMaxAdc = fADC[ch];
1164  fMaxChan = ch;
1165  }
1166  //loop over all track IDs
1167  }//loop over channels
1168  //loop over all track IDs
1169  for( int trk : bt.AllTrueIds(event,*data)) {
1170  fTrackID.push_back(trk);
1171  if (particleMap.find(trk) != particleMap.end() ){
1172  fDetPDG.push_back(particleMap[trk]->PdgCode());
1173  if(!passfilter)
1174  for(int const& pdg: fPDGs) {
1175  if(fDetPDG.back()==pdg)
1176  passfilter = true;
1177  }
1178  }
1179  else
1180  fDetPDG.push_back(INT_MAX);
1181  }//for trackIDs
1183  if(passfilter)
1184  fDetSimNtuple->Fill();
1186  } //for CRT FEB events
1188  }//if crtdetsim products present
1190  else
1191  mf::LogWarning("CRTSimAnalysis") << "CRTData products not found! (expected if gen/G4 step)" << '\n';
1194  //simulted CRTHits
1195  art::Handle<vector<CRTHit>> crtSimHitHandle;
1196  fNHit = 0;
1197  if (event.getByLabel(fCRTSimHitProducerLabel, crtSimHitHandle)) {
1199  vector<art::Ptr<CRTHit>> crtSimHits;
1200  art::fill_ptr_vector(crtSimHits,crtSimHitHandle);
1202  mf::LogPrint("CRTSimAnalysis") << "found " << crtSimHits.size() << " sim CRTHits" << '\n';
1203  for ( auto const& hit : crtSimHits )
1204  {
1205  fNHit++;
1206  fXHit = hit->x_pos;
1207  fYHit = hit->y_pos;
1208  fZHit = hit->z_pos;
1209  fXHitErr = hit->x_err;
1210  fYHitErr = hit->y_err;
1211  fZHitErr = hit->z_err;
1212  fT0Hit = hit->ts0_ns;
1213  fT1Hit = hit->ts1_ns;
1214  fNHitFeb = hit->feb_id.size();
1215  fHitTotPe = hit->peshit;
1216  fHitPeRms = 0.;
1217  fHitPe.clear();
1218  fHitTrk.clear();
1219  fHitPDG.clear();
1220  fHitMod.clear();
1221  fHitStrip.clear();
1223  uint8_t mactmp = hit->feb_id[0];
1225  fHitSubSys = fCrtutils->MacToTypeCode(mactmp);
1227  bool passfilter=false;
1228  if(fPDGs.size()==1 && fPDGs[0]==0)
1229  passfilter = true;
1231  for(auto const& mactopes : hit->pesmap){
1232  //std::cout << "SimHit with mac5 " << (int)mactopes.first << std::endl;
1233  for(auto const& chanpe : mactopes.second) {
1234  //std::cout << " chan: " << chanpe.first << std::endl;
1235  fHitMod.push_back(fCrtutils->MacToAuxDetID(mactopes.first, chanpe.first));
1236  fHitStrip.push_back(fCrtutils->ChannelToAuxDetSensitiveID(mactopes.first,chanpe.first));
1237  fHitPe.push_back(chanpe.second);
1238  fHitPeRms+=pow(chanpe.second-fHitTotPe,2);
1239  }
1240  }
1241  fHitPeRms = sqrt(fHitPeRms/(fHitPe.size()-1));
1243  //loop over all track IDs
1244  for( int trk : bt.AllTrueIds(event,*hit)) {
1245  fHitTrk.push_back(trk);
1246  if ( particleMap.find(trk) != particleMap.end()) {
1247  fHitPDG.push_back(particleMap[trk]->PdgCode());
1248  if(!passfilter)
1249  for(int const& pdg: fPDGs) {
1250  if(fHitPDG.back()==pdg)
1251  passfilter = true;
1252  }
1253  }
1254  else
1255  fHitPDG.push_back(INT_MAX);
1256  }
1258  if(passfilter)
1259  fSimHitNtuple->Fill();
1260  }//for CRTHits
1261  }//if sim CRTHits
1263  else
1264  mf::LogWarning("CRTSimAnalysis")
1265  << "CRTHit products not found! (expected if gen/G4/detsim step)" << '\n';
1267  //true CRTHits
1268  art::Handle<vector<CRTHit>> crtTrueHitHandle;
1269  fTrueNHit = 0;
1270  if (event.getByLabel(fCRTTrueHitProducerLabel, crtTrueHitHandle)) {
1272  vector<art::Ptr<CRTHit>> crtTrueHits;
1273  art::fill_ptr_vector(crtTrueHits,crtTrueHitHandle);
1275  mf::LogPrint("CRTSimAnalysis") << "found " << crtTrueHits.size() << " true CRTHits" << '\n';
1276  for ( auto const& hit : crtTrueHits )
1277  {
1278  fTrueNHit++;
1279  fTrueXHit = hit->x_pos;
1280  fTrueYHit = hit->y_pos;
1281  fTrueZHit = hit->z_pos;
1282  fTrueXHitErr = hit->x_err;
1283  fTrueYHitErr = hit->y_err;
1284  fTrueZHitErr = hit->z_err;
1285  fTrueT0Hit = hit->ts0_ns;
1286  fTrueT1Hit = hit->ts1_ns;
1287  fTrueNHitFeb = hit->feb_id.size();
1288  fTrueHitTotPe = hit->peshit;
1289  fTrueHitPeRms = 0.;
1290  fTrueHitPe.clear();
1291  fTrueHitTrk.clear();
1292  fTrueHitPDG.clear();
1293  fTrueHitMod.clear();
1294  fTrueHitStrip.clear();
1296  uint8_t mactmp = hit->feb_id[0];
1300  bool passfilter=false;
1301  if(fPDGs.size()==1 && fPDGs[0]==0)
1302  passfilter = true;
1304  for(auto const& mactopes : hit->pesmap){
1305  for(auto const& chanpe : mactopes.second) {
1306  fTrueHitMod.push_back(fCrtutils->MacToAuxDetID(mactopes.first, chanpe.first));
1307  fTrueHitStrip.push_back(fCrtutils->ChannelToAuxDetSensitiveID(mactopes.first,chanpe.first));
1308  fTrueHitPe.push_back(chanpe.second);
1309  fTrueHitPeRms+=pow(chanpe.second-fHitTotPe,2);
1310  }
1311  }
1312  fTrueHitPeRms = sqrt(fTrueHitPeRms/(fTrueHitPe.size()-1));
1314  //loop over all track IDs
1315  for( int trk : bt.AllTrueIds(event,*hit)) {
1316  fTrueHitTrk.push_back(trk);
1317  if ( particleMap.find(trk) != particleMap.end()){
1318  fTrueHitPDG.push_back(particleMap[trk]->PdgCode());
1319  if(!passfilter)
1320  for(int const& pdg: fPDGs) {
1321  if(fTrueHitPDG.back()==pdg)
1322  passfilter = true;
1323  }
1324  }
1325  else
1326  fTrueHitPDG.push_back(INT_MAX);
1327  }
1329  if(passfilter)
1330  fTrueCRTHitNtuple->Fill();
1331  }//for CRTHits
1332  }//if true CRTHits
1334  else
1335  mf::LogWarning("CRTSimAnalysis") << "true CRTHit products not found" << '\n';
1337  //CRTSimTrack
1338  art::Handle<vector<sbn::crt::CRTTrack>> crtSimTrackHandle;
1339  fTrueNHit = 0;
1340  if (event.getByLabel(fCRTSimTrackProducerLabel, crtSimTrackHandle)) {
1342  vector<art::Ptr<sbn::crt::CRTTrack>> crtTracks;
1343  art::fill_ptr_vector(crtTracks,crtSimTrackHandle);
1344  fNSimTrack=crtTracks.size();
1346  art::FindManyP<CRTHit> findManyHits(
1347  crtSimTrackHandle, event, fCRTSimTrackProducerLabel);
1349  mf::LogPrint("CRTSimAnalysis") << "found " << crtTracks.size() << " sim CRTTracks" << '\n';
1350  for ( size_t itrk=0; itrk<crtTracks.size(); itrk++ )
1351  {
1352  auto const& trk = crtTracks[itrk];
1353  fSimTrackPE = trk->peshit;
1354  fSimTrackT0 = (double)trk->ts0_ns;
1355  fSimTrackStart[0] = trk->x1_pos;
1356  fSimTrackStart[1] = trk->y1_pos;
1357  fSimTrackStart[2] = trk->z1_pos;
1358  fSimTrackEnd[0] = trk->x2_pos;
1359  fSimTrackEnd[1] = trk->y2_pos;
1360  fSimTrackEnd[2] = trk->z2_pos;
1361  fSimTrackL = trk->length;
1362  fSimTrackTheta = trk->thetaxy;
1363  fSimTrackPhi = trk->phizy;
1365  auto const& trkhits =;
1366  fNHitSimTrack = (int)trkhits.size();
1367  uint32_t tstart=UINT32_MAX;
1368  uint32_t tend=0;
1369  size_t ihit_start=0, ihit_end=0;
1370  for(size_t ihit=0; ihit<trkhits.size(); ihit++){
1371  if(trkhits[ihit]->ts0_ns<tstart) {
1372  ihit_start = ihit;
1373  tstart = trkhits[ihit]->ts0_ns;
1374  }
1375  if(trkhits[ihit]->ts0_ns>tend){
1376  ihit_end = ihit;
1377  tend = trkhits[ihit]->ts0_ns;
1378  }
1379  }//for track hits
1380  fSimTrackHitStart[0] = trkhits[ihit_start]->x_pos;
1381  fSimTrackHitStart[1] = trkhits[ihit_start]->y_pos;
1382  fSimTrackHitStart[2] = trkhits[ihit_start]->z_pos;
1383  fSimTrackHitStart[3] = tstart-1.6e6;
1384  fSimTrackHitEnd[0] = trkhits[ihit_end]->x_pos;
1385  fSimTrackHitEnd[1] = trkhits[ihit_end]->y_pos;
1386  fSimTrackHitEnd[2] = trkhits[ihit_end]->z_pos;
1387  fSimTrackHitEnd[3] = tend-1.6e6;
1388  //fSimTrackRegStart = fCrtutils->AuxDetRegionNameToNum(trkhits[ihit_start]->tagger);
1389  //fSimTrackRegEnd = fCrtutils->AuxDetRegionNameToNum(trkhits[ihit_end]->tagger);
1390  fSimTrackRegStart = trk->plane1;
1391  fSimTrackRegEnd = trk->plane2;
1393  fSimTrackNtuple->Fill();
1394  }
1395  }//if tracks found
1396  else
1397  mf::LogWarning("CRTSimAnalysis") << "no CRTTrack products not found" << '\n';
1399  } // CRTSimAnalysis::analyze()
1403 } // namespace crt
1404 } // namespace icarus
1407 // Back to our local namespace.
1408 namespace {
1410  int ProcessToICode(string const& p)
1411  {
1412  int icode = -1;
1414  if(p=="primary") icode=0;
1416  //gamma (PDG 22)
1417  if(p=="eBrem") icode=1;
1418  if(p=="muBrems") icode=2;
1419  if(p=="annihil") icode=3;
1420  if(p=="muMinusCaptureAtRest") icode=4;
1421  if(p=="nCapture") icode=5;
1422  if(p=="hBertiniCaptureAtRest") icode=6;
1423  if(p=="photonNuclear") icode=7;
1424  if(p=="muonNuclear") icode=8;
1425  if(p=="neutronInelastic") icode=9;
1426  if(p=="protonInelastic") icode=10;
1427  if(p=="pi-Inelastic") icode=11;
1428  if(p=="Decay") icode=12;
1430  //e (PDG +/- 11)
1431  if (p=="muIoni") icode=13;
1432  if (p=="eIoni") icode=14;
1433  if (p=="hIoni") icode=15;
1434  if (p=="compt") icode=16;
1435  if (p=="conv") icode=17;
1436  if (p=="muPairProd") icode=18;
1437  if (p=="phot") icode=19;
1439  if (p=="hadElastic") icode=20;
1441  if (p=="LArVoxelReadoutScoringProcess") icode=30;
1442  if (p=="CoupledTransportation") icode=31;
1444  return icode;
1446  }
1448 }//local namespace
Store parameters for running LArG4.
unsigned int GetClosestOpDet(geo::Point_t const &point) const
vector< vector< double > > fRegEntryXYZT
float fTrueXHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco X (cm)
int fSimTrackID
GEANT ID of the particle being processed.
Utilities related to art service access.
var pdg
Definition: selectors.fcl:14
art::InputTag fSimulationProducerLabel
The name of the producer that tracked simulated particles through the detector.
int fEntry
front-end board entry number (reset for each event)
float fXHit
signal inducing particle(s)&#39; PDG code
then echo unknown compiler flag
float fZHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco Z (cm)
vector< uint32_t > fAuxDetID
Global CRT module ID.
float fT1Hit
hit time w.r.t. PPS
int fNSimTrack
number of simulated CRT tracks for this event
Declaration of signal hit object.
vector< vector< double > > fCDxyzt
vector< double > fADdEdx
average dEdx for particle traversing CRT strip
pdgs p
Definition: selectors.fcl:22
vector< vector< double > > fGenStartXYZT
Geometry information for a single TPC.
Definition: TPCGeo.h:38
float fYHit
reconstructed Y position of CRT hit (cm)
TTree * fSimulationNtuple
tuple with simulated data
void GetCenter(double *xyz, double localz=0.0) const
Definition: OpDetGeo.cxx:40
geo::GeometryCore const * fGeometryService
pointer to Geometry provider
process_name hit
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
Geometry information for a single cryostat.
Definition: CryostatGeo.h:43
int fNHit
number of CRT hits for this event
CRTSimAnalysis(fhicl::ParameterSet const &p)
Constructor: configures the module (see the Config structure above)
uint32_t fNAuxDet
Number of scintillator strips hit.
virtual void analyze(const art::Event &event) override
float fEndPE[4]
(Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true end of the particle
int fHitReg
region code of CRT hit
int fT0
signal time w.r.t. global event time
virtual void beginRun(const art::Run &run) override
Access the description of auxiliary detector geometry.
int fTrueHitReg
region code of CRT hit
vector< vector< double > > fRegExitSlope
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:265
Access the description of detector geometry.
int fEvent
number of the event being processed
int fMother
G4 track ID of mother that directly produced this MCParticle.
TTree * fCosmicDisplayNtuple
for ROOT based event display
vector< vector< double > > fRegExitPE
object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking ...
int fNDaught
number of daughters belonging to this MCParticle
float fTrueZHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco Z (cm)
int fSimProcess
process that created the particle (e.g. brehmstralung)
float fTrueYHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco Y (cm)
uint32_t fSimHits
number of trajectory points for each MCParticle
const OpDetGeo & OpDet(unsigned int iopdet) const
Return the iopdet&#39;th optical detector in the cryostat.
int fProgenitor
G4 track ID of the primary particle that ultimately led to this one.
int fRun
number of the run being processed
float fTrueYHit
reconstructed Y position of CRT hit (cm)
int fTriggerOffset
(units of ticks) time of expected neutrino event
int fMac5
Mac5 address for this front-end board.
vector< vector< double > > fADEnterXYZT
4-position of entry into CRT strip
vector< int > fPDGs
PDG code of particle we&#39;ll focus on.
virtual void beginJob() override
vector< uint32_t > fADMac
Mac5 address of the CRT module.
vector< double > fADTrackLength
Track length in CRT strip (cm)
CryostatGeo const & Cryostat(geo::CryostatID const &cryoid) const
Returns the specified cryostat.
float fTrackLength
total track length for each MCParticle
float fStartPE[4]
(Px,Py,Pz,E) at the true start of the particle
vector< double > fADEDep
Energy deposited in CRT strip (GeV)
vector< vector< double > > fGenEndXYZT
vector< vector< double > > fCDpe
int fSimPDG
PDG ID of the particle being processed.
float fZHit
reconstructed Z position of CRT hit (cm)
Description of geometry of one entire detector.
Declaration of cluster object.
Definition of data types for geometry description.
vector< vector< double > > fCDSlopes
direction cosines
int fADC[64]
signal amplitude
vector< vector< double > > fRegEntryPE
uint32_t fTrueNHit
number of CRT hits for this event
vector< vector< double > > fADEnterPE
4-position of entry into CRT strip
bool InFiducialY(double y, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const
Returns whether TPC fiducial volume contains world y coordinate.
int fT1
signal time w.r.t. PPS
float fTrueXHit
reconstructed X position of CRT hit (cm)
int fFEBReg
CRT region for this front-end board.
vector< uint32_t > fAuxDetReg
CRT region code.
float fEndXYZT[4]
(x,y,z,t) of the true end of the particle
float fXHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco X (cm)
vector< int > fTrackID
track ID(s) of particle that produced the signal
const TPCGeo & TPC(unsigned int itpc) const
Return the itpc&#39;th TPC in the cryostat.
Definition: CryostatGeo.cxx:93
float fYHitErr
stat error of CRT hit reco Y (cm)
vector< vector< double > > fADExitXYZT
4-position of exit from CRT strip
vector< vector< double > > fRegEntrySlope
int fSimEndProcess
process the killed the particle (e.g. annihilation)
object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking ...
std::vector< int > AllTrueIds(const art::Event &event, const CRTData &data)
float fTrueT1Hit
hit time w.r.t. global event time
float fStartXYZT[4]
(x,y,z,t) of the true start of the particle
art::InputTag fCRTSimHitProducerLabel
The name of the producer that created hits.
art::ServiceHandle< art::TFileService > tfs
float fT0Hit
hit time w.r.t. global event time
bool InFiducialX(double x, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const
Returns whether TPC fiducial volume contains world x coordinate.
pdgs k
Definition: selectors.fcl:22
float fTrueZHit
reconstructed Z position of CRT hit (cm)
bool InFiducialZ(double z, double neg_margin, double pos_margin) const
Returns whether TPC fiducial volume contains world z coordinate.
double sampling_rate(DetectorClocksData const &data)
Returns the period of the TPC readout electronics clock.
vector< vector< double > > fADExitPE
4-position of exit from CRT strip
float fTrueT0Hit
hit time w.r.t. global event time
process_name crt
vector< vector< double > > fGenStartPE
vector< vector< double > > fRegExitXYZT
bool ContainsPosition(geo::Point_t const &point, double wiggle=1.0) const
Returns whether this volume contains the specified point.
art framework interface to geometry description
BEGIN_PROLOG could also be cout
vector< vector< double > > fRegOpDetXYZT
vector< uint32_t > fAuxDetSensitiveID
Strip ID in module.
vector< vector< double > > fGenEndPE