60 std::vector<recob::Hit const*>
const& hits)
153 size_t NHits()
Algorithm class inheriting cluster parameters.
Measure_t EndAngle() override
size_t NHits() override
Returns the number of hits in the cluster.
ClusterParamsAlgBase::Measure_t Measure_t
Measure_t SummedADC() override
Computes the total charge of the cluster from Hit::SummedADC()
cluster_params const & params
the parameters, already computed
Measure_t EndOpeningAngle() override
Measure_t Integral() override
Computes the total charge of the cluster from Hit::Integral()
Algorithm collection class computing cluster parameters.
Measure_t SummedADCStdDev() override
Computes the standard deviation on the charge of the cluster hits.
float MultipleHitDensity() override
Fraction of wires in the cluster with more than one hit.
Measure_t IntegralStdDev() override
Computes the standard deviation on the charge of the cluster hits.
details::Measure_t< float > Measure_t
Type used to return values with errors.
Measure_t StartOpeningAngle() override
Computes the opening angle at the start or end of the cluster.
Measure_t StartAngle() override
Computes the angle of the cluster.
Interface for a algorithm class computing cluster parameters.
Measure_t StartCharge(util::GeometryUtilities const &gser) override
Computes the charge on the first and last wire of the track.
cluster_params const & GetParams() const
Returns the original precomputed parameters.
void SetHits(util::GeometryUtilities const &gser, std::vector< recob::Hit const * > const &hits) override
Sets the list of input hits.
Measure_t EndCharge(util::GeometryUtilities const &gser) override
LazyClusterParamsAlg(cluster_params const &new_params)
Constructor: references to the parameters (no copy is performed!)
float Width(util::GeometryUtilities const &) override
Computes the width of the cluster.
void Clear() override
Restores the class to post-configuration, pre-initialization state; dummy.