10 PMTMeanAmplitude: 0.9 #
in pC
11 PMTBaselineRMS: 1.0 #
in ADC
12 PMTDarkNoiseRate: 1000.0 #
in Hz
14 TTS: 2.4 #Transit Time Spread
in ns
15 CableTime: 135 #time delay of
the 30
m long readout cable
in ns
16 PMTChargeToADC: -11.1927 #charge to adc factor
18 PMTBaseline: 8000.0 #
in ADC
19 ##This is the readout window size for each "trigger" on the electronics
20 # ReadoutWindowSize: 2000 #ticks (if 2ns each --> 4us)
21 # PreTrigFraction: 0.25 # fraction of readout window size that should come before the "trigger" on the electronics
22 ##NOTE this is assumed to be positive-going and ABOVE BASELINE! Pulse polarity is corrected before determining trigger.
23 # ThresholdADC: 10 #Threshold for self-triggered readout (ADC counts)
24 # PulsePolarity: -1 #Pulse polarity (1 = positive, -1 = negative)
25 # TriggerOffsetPMT: -1150 #Time (us) relative to trigger that readout begins
26 # ReadoutEnablePeriod: 3450 #Time (us) for which pmt readout is enabled
27 # CreateBeamGateTriggers: true #Option to create unbiased readout around beam spill
28 # BeamGateTriggerRepPeriod: 2.0 #Repetition Period (us) for BeamGateTriggers
29 # BeamGateTriggerNReps: 10 #Number of beamgate trigger reps to produce
31 QEDirect: 0.03 #
PMT quantum efficiency
for direct (VUV) light
32 QERefl: 0.03
#PMT quantum efficiency for reflected (TPB converted) light
33 PMTSinglePEmodel:
false #
false for ideal
PMT response,
true for test bench measured response
34 PMTDataFile:
"OpDetSim/digi_pmt_sbnd.root" # located
in sbnd_data
36 MakeGainFluctuations:
BEGIN_PROLOG sbnd_digipmt_alg
tuple m
now if test mode generate materials, CRT shell, world, gdml header else just generate CRT shell for u...
process_name drop raw::OpDetWaveforms_DataApr2016RecoStage1_saturation_ saturation
BEGIN_PROLOG Booster Rep Rate is Hz
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG FirstDynodeGainFluctuations
BEGIN_PROLOG hitmakerfive clustermakerfour pfparticlemakerthree showermakertwo END_PROLOG hitmakerfive clustermakerfour pfparticlemakerthree sequence::inline_paths sequence::inline_paths sequence::inline_paths showermakers test