6 tool_type:
9 OpDetDataFile:
10 ApplyExpoAvSmooth:
15 ####SPE area must be set to 1./DecoWaveformPrecision in OpHit finder
16 DecoWaveformPrecision: 0.01
17 HypoSignalTimeWindow: 8000 #ns
18 HypoSignalCustom:
19 HypoSignalTimeConsts: [25., 1500.] #ns
22 PMTChargeToADC: 51.9 #is -11.1927
for ideal SER, -51.9
for test bench
24 #### Filter type. Options are:
25 #### Wiener: hypothesis is 2,3,4...-exponential shape
26 #### Wiener1PE: hypothesis is 1PE (delta pulse)
30 #Filter: "(x>0)*exp(-0.5*pow(x/[0],[1]))"
33 DaphneFreq: 80 #
in MHz
BEGIN_PROLOG pmt_uncoated SBNDOpDeconvolutionPMT xarapuca_vis SBNDOpDeconvolutionXARAPUCA SBNDOpDeconvolutionXARAPUCA OpDecoAlg FilterParams
BEGIN_PROLOG HypoSignalScale
return match has_match and(match.match_pdg==11 or match.match_pdg==-11)
BEGIN_PROLOG HypoSignalWeights
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG OpDeconvolutionAlg
stream1 can override from command line with o or output services user sbnd
BEGIN_PROLOG for test bench ScaleHypoSignal
BEGIN_PROLOG hitmakerfive clustermakerfour pfparticlemakerthree showermakertwo END_PROLOG hitmakerfive clustermakerfour pfparticlemakerthree sequence::inline_paths sequence::inline_paths sequence::inline_paths showermakers test
process_name largeant Optical
BEGIN_PROLOG for test bench Electronics