pandora::StringVector m_pfoListNames
The list of pfo list names.
PfoMergeStats(const ClusterNumHitsList &numClusterHits, const float trackScore)
unsigned int m_maxIterations
Maximum number of iterations.
PfoMergeStats class: Object to compare PFO before/after merging algs have run to see if anything chan...
PfoMergeStatsList GetPfoMergeStats() const
Get the PfoMergeStats for all of the particles in the event from m_pfoListNames.
static bool PfoMergeStatsComp(const PfoMergeStats &lhs, const PfoMergeStats &rhs)
Equality comparator for two PfoMergeStats.
const float m_trackScore
MVA "Track Score" for the PFO.
pandora::StatusCode Run()
std::vector< PfoMergeStats > PfoMergeStatsList
Default constructor.
pandora::StatusCode ReadSettings(const pandora::TiXmlHandle xmlHandle)
const ClusterNumHitsList m_numClusterHits
Vector filled with number of hits in each of the PFO's clusters.
std::vector< unsigned int > ClusterNumHitsList
pandora::StringVector m_mopUpAlgorithms
Ordered list of mop up algorithms to run.
RecursivePfoMopUpAlgorithm class.