36 std::vector<SRStubHit>
SRTrackTruth truth
truth information
A 3-vector with more efficient storage than TVector3.
float pitch
Pitch of the stub on each wire [cm].
int pfpid
PFP ID of an object that "overlays" the stub. -1 if there is no such object.
short hit_w
Wire of the end-point-hit.
std::vector< SRStubPlane > planes
short wire
Wire number of the hit.
caf::Plane_t p
Plane number.
bool ontrack
Whether this hit is also on an overlaid track.
float vtx_w
Wire coordinate of vertex on this plane (not space charge corrected).
float trkpitch
Pitch of the overlaid track on each wire [cm].
SRVector3D end
End position of stub [cm].
float charge
Calibrated and electron-lifetime-corrected charge [#elec].
std::vector< SRStubHit > hits
List of all the hits on this plane.
float efield_end
Electric field at the end position of the stub [kV/cm].
SRVector3D vtx
Vertex/start position of stub [cm].
float efield_vtx
Electric field at the vertex position of the stub [kV/cm].