4 #ifndef sbnobj_CRUMBSResult_H
5 #define sbnobj_CRUMBSResult_H
9 constexpr
int default_int = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
10 constexpr
float default_float = std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN();
float tpc_CRFracHitsInLongestTrack
fraction of slice’s space points in longest track (cosmic reco)
float crt_HitTime
the time associated with the matched CRT hit [us]
float tpc_CRLongestTrackDeflection
1 - the cosine of the angle between the starting and finishing directions of the longest track (cosmi...
constexpr float default_float
int tpc_NuNHitsTotal
the total number of space points (nu reco)
float ncscore
CRUMBS result, for NC signal.
int bestid
ID corresponding to the best score, 14 for CCNuMu, 12 for CCNuE, 1 for NC.
float tpc_NuEigenRatioInSphere
the ratio between the first and second eigenvalues from a PCA of spacepoints within 10cm of the verte...
float pds_FMTotalScore
the total flash match score
float ccnumuscore
CRUMBS result, for CCNuMu signal.
float score
CRUMBS result, for inclusive neutrino signal.
float tpc_NuVertexY
the vertex position in Y (nu reco) [cm]
float pds_FMTime
the time associated with the flash [us]
float crt_TrackTime
the time associated with the matched CRT track [us]
CRUMBSResult(float score=default_float, float ccnumuscore=default_float, float ccnuescore=default_float, float ncscore=default_float, float bestscore=default_float, int bestid=default_int, float tpc_CRFracHitsInLongestTrack=default_float, float tpc_CRLongestTrackDeflection=default_float, float tpc_CRLongestTrackDirY=default_float, int tpc_CRNHitsMax=default_int, float tpc_NuEigenRatioInSphere=default_float, int tpc_NuNFinalStatePfos=default_int, int tpc_NuNHitsTotal=default_int, int tpc_NuNSpacePointsInSphere=default_int, float tpc_NuVertexY=default_float, float tpc_NuWeightedDirZ=default_float, float tpc_StoppingChi2CosmicRatio=default_float, float pds_FMTotalScore=default_float, float pds_FMPE=default_float, float pds_FMTime=default_float, float crt_TrackScore=default_float, float crt_HitScore=default_float, float crt_TrackTime=default_float, float crt_HitTime=default_float)
int tpc_CRNHitsMax
the number of space points in the largest pfp
float pds_FMPE
the total number of photoelectrons in the associated flash
float crt_HitScore
the best distance from an extrapolated TPC track to a CRT hit [cm]
float tpc_NuWeightedDirZ
the Z component of the space-point weighted direction of the final state pfos (nu reco) ...
float tpc_CRLongestTrackDirY
relative direction of the longest track in Y (cosmic reco)
float bestscore
Best score from the three signal-specific versions.
int tpc_NuNFinalStatePfos
the number of final state pfos (nu reco)
float tpc_StoppingChi2CosmicRatio
a ratio of chi2 values intended to find Bragg peaks in stopping muon tracks
constexpr int default_int
float crt_TrackScore
a combination of the DCA and angle between the best matched TPC & CRT tracks
float ccnuescore
CRUMBS result, for CCNuE signal.
int tpc_NuNSpacePointsInSphere
the total number of space points within 10cm of the vertex (nu reco)