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1 /**
2  * @file larpandora/LArPandoraAnalysis/
3  *
4  * @brief Analysis module for created particles
5  *
6  */
8 #include "art/Framework/Core/EDAnalyzer.h"
9 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
11 #include "TTree.h"
15 #include <string>
17 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 namespace lar_pandora {
21  /**
22  * @brief PFParticleMonitoring class
23  */
24  class PFParticleMonitoring : public art::EDAnalyzer {
25  public:
26  /**
27  * @brief Constructor
28  *
29  * @param pset
30  */
31  PFParticleMonitoring(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
33  /**
34  * @brief Destructor
35  */
36  virtual ~PFParticleMonitoring();
38  void beginJob();
39  void endJob();
40  void analyze(const art::Event& evt);
41  void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset);
43  private:
44  typedef std::set<art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>> PFParticleSet;
45  typedef std::set<art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle>> MCParticleSet;
46  typedef std::set<art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth>> MCTruthSet;
48  /**
49  * @brief Build mapping from true neutrinos to hits
50  *
51  * @param truthToParticles the input mapping from true event to true particles
52  * @param trueParticlesToHits the input mapping from true particles to hits
53  * @param trueNeutrinosToHits the output mapping from trues event to hits
54  * @param trueHitsToNeutrinos the output mappign from hits to true events
55  */
56  void BuildTrueNeutrinoHitMaps(const MCTruthToMCParticles& truthToParticles,
57  const MCParticlesToHits& trueParticlesToHits,
58  MCTruthToHits& trueNeutrinosToHits,
59  HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos) const;
61  /**
62  * @brief Build mapping from reconstructed neutrinos to hits
63  *
64  * @param recoParticleMap the input mapping from reconstructed particle and particle ID
65  * @param recoParticlesToHits the input mapping from reconstructed particles to hits
66  * @param recoNeutrinosToHits the output mapping from reconstructed particles to hits
67  * @param recoHitsToNeutrinos the output mapping from reconstructed hits to particles
68  */
69  void BuildRecoNeutrinoHitMaps(const PFParticleMap& recoParticleMap,
70  const PFParticlesToHits& recoParticlesToHits,
71  PFParticlesToHits& recoNeutrinosToHits,
72  HitsToPFParticles& recoHitsToNeutrinos) const;
74  /**
75  * @brief Perform matching between true and reconstructed neutrino events
76  *
77  * @param recoNeutrinosToHits the mapping from reconstructed neutrino events to hits
78  * @param trueHitsToNeutrinos the mapping from hits to true neutrino events
79  * @param matchedNeutrinos the output matches between reconstructed and true neutrinos
80  * @param matchedNeutrinoHits the output matches between reconstructed neutrinos and hits
81  */
82  void GetRecoToTrueMatches(const PFParticlesToHits& recoNeutrinosToHits,
83  const HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos,
84  MCTruthToPFParticles& matchedNeutrinos,
85  MCTruthToHits& matchedNeutrinoHits) const;
87  /**
88  * @brief Perform matching between true and reconstructed neutrino events
89  *
90  * @param recoNeutrinosToHits the mapping from reconstructed neutrino events to hits
91  * @param trueHitsToNeutrinos the mapping from hits to true neutrino events
92  * @param matchedNeutrinos the output matches between reconstructed and true neutrinos
93  * @param matchedNeutrinoHits the output matches between reconstructed neutrinos and hits
94  * @param recoVeto the veto list for reconstructed particles
95  * @param trueVeto the veto list for true particles
96  */
97  void GetRecoToTrueMatches(const PFParticlesToHits& recoNeutrinosToHits,
98  const HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos,
99  MCTruthToPFParticles& matchedNeutrinos,
100  MCTruthToHits& matchedNeutrinoHits,
101  PFParticleSet& recoVeto,
102  MCTruthSet& trueVeto) const;
104  /**
105  * @brief Perform matching between true and reconstructed particles
106  *
107  * @param recoParticlesToHits the mapping from reconstructed particles to hits
108  * @param trueHitsToParticles the mapping from hits to true particles
109  * @param matchedParticles the output matches between reconstructed and true particles
110  * @param matchedHits the output matches between reconstructed particles and hits
111  */
112  void GetRecoToTrueMatches(const PFParticlesToHits& recoParticlesToHits,
113  const HitsToMCParticles& trueHitsToParticles,
114  MCParticlesToPFParticles& matchedParticles,
115  MCParticlesToHits& matchedHits) const;
117  /**
118  * @brief Perform matching between true and reconstructed particles
119  *
120  * @param recoParticlesToHits the mapping from reconstructed particles to hits
121  * @param trueHitsToParticles the mapping from hits to true particles
122  * @param matchedParticles the output matches between reconstructed and true particles
123  * @param matchedHits the output matches between reconstructed particles and hits
124  * @param recoVeto the veto list for reconstructed particles
125  * @param trueVeto the veto list for true particles
126  */
127  void GetRecoToTrueMatches(const PFParticlesToHits& recoParticlesToHits,
128  const HitsToMCParticles& trueHitsToParticles,
129  MCParticlesToPFParticles& matchedParticles,
130  MCParticlesToHits& matchedHits,
131  PFParticleSet& recoVeto,
132  MCParticleSet& trueVeto) const;
134  /**
135  * @brief Count the number of reconstructed hits in a given wire plane
136  *
137  * @param view the wire plane ID
138  * @param hitVector the input vector of reconstructed hits
139  */
140  int CountHitsByType(const int view, const HitVector& hitVector) const;
142  /**
143  * @brief Find the start and end points of the true particle in the active region of detector
144  *
145  * @param trueParticle the input true particle
146  * @param startT the true start point
147  * @param endT the true end point
148  */
149  void GetStartAndEndPoints(const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> trueParticle,
150  int& startT,
151  int& endT) const;
153  /**
154  * @brief Find the length of the true particle trajectory through the active region of the detector
155  *
156  * @param trueParticle the input true particle
157  * @param startT the true start point
158  * @param endT the true end point
159  */
160  double GetLength(const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> trueParticle,
161  const int startT,
162  const int endT) const;
164  TTree* m_pRecoTree; ///<
166  int m_run; ///<
167  int m_event; ///<
168  int m_index; ///<
170  int m_nMCParticles; ///<
171  int m_nNeutrinoPfos; ///<
172  int m_nPrimaryPfos; ///<
173  int m_nDaughterPfos; ///<
175  int m_mcPdg; ///<
176  int m_mcNuPdg; ///<
177  int m_mcParentPdg; ///<
178  int m_mcPrimaryPdg; ///<
179  int m_mcIsNeutrino; ///<
180  int m_mcIsPrimary; ///<
181  int m_mcIsDecay; ///<
182  int m_mcIsCC; ///<
184  int m_pfoPdg; ///<
185  int m_pfoNuPdg; ///<
186  int m_pfoParentPdg; ///<
187  int m_pfoPrimaryPdg; ///<
188  int m_pfoIsNeutrino; ///<
189  int m_pfoIsPrimary; ///<
190  int m_pfoIsStitched; ///<
192  int m_pfoTrack; ///<
193  int m_pfoVertex; ///<
194  double m_pfoVtxX; ///<
195  double m_pfoVtxY; ///<
196  double m_pfoVtxZ; ///<
197  double m_pfoEndX; ///<
198  double m_pfoEndY; ///<
199  double m_pfoEndZ; ///<
200  double m_pfoDirX; ///<
201  double m_pfoDirY; ///<
202  double m_pfoDirZ; ///<
203  double m_pfoLength; ///<
204  double m_pfoStraightLength; ///<
206  int m_mcVertex; ///<
207  double m_mcVtxX; ///<
208  double m_mcVtxY; ///<
209  double m_mcVtxZ; ///<
210  double m_mcEndX; ///<
211  double m_mcEndY; ///<
212  double m_mcEndZ; ///<
213  double m_mcDirX; ///<
214  double m_mcDirY; ///<
215  double m_mcDirZ; ///<
216  double m_mcEnergy; ///<
217  double m_mcLength; ///<
218  double m_mcStraightLength; ///<
220  double m_completeness; ///<
221  double m_purity; ///<
223  int m_nMCHits; ///<
224  int m_nPfoHits; ///<
225  int m_nMatchedHits; ///<
227  int m_nMCHitsU; ///<
228  int m_nMCHitsV; ///<
229  int m_nMCHitsW; ///<
231  int m_nPfoHitsU; ///<
232  int m_nPfoHitsV; ///<
233  int m_nPfoHitsW; ///<
235  int m_nMatchedHitsU; ///<
236  int m_nMatchedHitsV; ///<
237  int m_nMatchedHitsW; ///<
239  int
240  m_nTrueWithoutRecoHits; ///< True hits which don't belong to any reconstructed particle - "available"
241  int
242  m_nRecoWithoutTrueHits; ///< Reconstructed hits which don't belong to any true particle - "missing"
244  double m_spacepointsMinX; ///<
245  double m_spacepointsMaxX; ///<
247  std::string m_hitfinderLabel; ///<
248  std::string m_trackLabel; ///<
249  std::string m_particleLabel; ///<
250  std::string m_backtrackerLabel; ///<
251  std::string m_geantModuleLabel; ///<
259  bool m_printDebug; ///< switch for print statements (TODO: use message service!)
260  bool
261  m_disableRealDataCheck; ///< Whether to check if the input file contains real data before accessing MC information
262  };
264  DEFINE_ART_MODULE(PFParticleMonitoring)
266 } // namespace lar_pandora
268 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
269 // implementation follows
271 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
272 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h"
273 #include "art/Framework/Services/Registry/ServiceHandle.h"
274 #include "art_root_io/TFileDirectory.h"
275 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
276 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
277 #include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
288 #include "lardataobj/RecoBase/Hit.h"
293 #include "nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCParticle.h"
294 #include "nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCTruth.h"
296 #include <iostream>
298 namespace lar_pandora {
300  PFParticleMonitoring::PFParticleMonitoring(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset)
301  : art::EDAnalyzer(pset)
302  {
303  this->reconfigure(pset);
304  }
306  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
310  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312  void
313  PFParticleMonitoring::reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const& pset)
314  {
315  m_trackLabel = pset.get<std::string>("TrackModule", "pandoraTracks");
316  m_particleLabel = pset.get<std::string>("PFParticleModule", "pandora");
317  m_hitfinderLabel = pset.get<std::string>("HitFinderModule", "gaushit");
318  m_backtrackerLabel = pset.get<std::string>("BackTrackerModule", "gaushitTruthMatch");
319  m_geantModuleLabel = pset.get<std::string>("GeantModule", "largeant");
321  m_useDaughterPFParticles = pset.get<bool>("UseDaughterPFParticles", false);
322  m_useDaughterMCParticles = pset.get<bool>("UseDaughterMCParticles", true);
323  m_addDaughterPFParticles = pset.get<bool>("AddDaughterPFParticles", true);
324  m_addDaughterMCParticles = pset.get<bool>("AddDaughterMCParticles", true);
326  m_recursiveMatching = pset.get<bool>("RecursiveMatching", false);
327  m_printDebug = pset.get<bool>("PrintDebug", false);
328  m_disableRealDataCheck = pset.get<bool>("DisableRealDataCheck", false);
329  }
331  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333  void
335  {
336  mf::LogDebug("LArPandora") << " *** PFParticleMonitoring::beginJob() *** " << std::endl;
338  //
339  art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService const> tfs;
341  m_pRecoTree = tfs->make<TTree>("pandora", "LAr Reco vs True");
342  m_pRecoTree->Branch("run", &m_run, "run/I");
343  m_pRecoTree->Branch("event", &m_event, "event/I");
344  m_pRecoTree->Branch("index", &m_index, "index/I");
345  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMCParticles", &m_nMCParticles, "nMCParticles/I");
346  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nNeutrinoPfos", &m_nNeutrinoPfos, "nNeutrinoPfos/I");
347  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nPrimaryPfos", &m_nPrimaryPfos, "nPrimaryPfos/I");
348  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nDaughterPfos", &m_nDaughterPfos, "nDaughterPfos/I");
349  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcPdg", &m_mcPdg, "mcPdg/I");
350  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcNuPdg", &m_mcNuPdg, "mcNuPdg/I");
351  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcParentPdg", &m_mcParentPdg, "mcParentPdg/I");
352  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcPrimaryPdg", &m_mcPrimaryPdg, "mcPrimaryPdg/I");
353  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcIsNeutrino", &m_mcIsNeutrino, "mcIsNeutrino/I");
354  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcIsPrimary", &m_mcIsPrimary, "mcIsPrimary/I");
355  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcIsDecay", &m_mcIsDecay, "mcIsDecay/I");
356  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcIsCC", &m_mcIsCC, "mcIsCC/I");
357  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoPdg", &m_pfoPdg, "pfoPdg/I");
358  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoNuPdg", &m_pfoNuPdg, "pfoNuPdg/I");
359  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoParentPdg", &m_pfoParentPdg, "pfoParentPdg/I");
360  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoPrimaryPdg", &m_pfoPrimaryPdg, "pfoPrimaryPdg/I");
361  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoIsNeutrino", &m_pfoIsNeutrino, "pfoIsNeutrino/I");
362  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoIsPrimary", &m_pfoIsPrimary, "pfoIsPrimary/I");
363  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoIsStitched", &m_pfoIsStitched, "pfoIsStitched/I");
364  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoTrack", &m_pfoTrack, "pfoTrack/I");
365  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoVertex", &m_pfoVertex, "pfoVertex/I");
366  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoVtxX", &m_pfoVtxX, "pfoVtxX/D");
367  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoVtxY", &m_pfoVtxY, "pfoVtxY/D");
368  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoVtxZ", &m_pfoVtxZ, "pfoVtxZ/D");
369  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoEndX", &m_pfoEndX, "pfoEndX/D");
370  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoEndY", &m_pfoEndY, "pfoEndY/D");
371  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoEndZ", &m_pfoEndZ, "pfoEndZ/D");
372  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoDirX", &m_pfoDirX, "pfoDirX/D");
373  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoDirY", &m_pfoDirY, "pfoDirY/D");
374  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoDirZ", &m_pfoDirZ, "pfoDirZ/D");
375  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoLength", &m_pfoLength, "pfoLength/D");
376  m_pRecoTree->Branch("pfoStraightLength", &m_pfoStraightLength, "pfoStraightLength/D");
377  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcVertex", &m_mcVertex, "mcVertex/I");
378  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcVtxX", &m_mcVtxX, "mcVtxX/D");
379  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcVtxY", &m_mcVtxY, "mcVtxY/D");
380  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcVtxZ", &m_mcVtxZ, "mcVtxZ/D");
381  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcEndX", &m_mcEndX, "mcEndX/D");
382  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcEndY", &m_mcEndY, "mcEndY/D");
383  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcEndZ", &m_mcEndZ, "mcEndZ/D");
384  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcDirX", &m_mcDirX, "mcDirX/D");
385  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcDirY", &m_mcDirY, "mcDirY/D");
386  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcDirZ", &m_mcDirZ, "mcDirZ/D");
387  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcEnergy", &m_mcEnergy, "mcEnergy/D");
388  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcLength", &m_mcLength, "mcLength/D");
389  m_pRecoTree->Branch("mcStraightLength", &m_mcStraightLength, "mcStraightLength/D");
390  m_pRecoTree->Branch("completeness", &m_completeness, "completeness/D");
391  m_pRecoTree->Branch("purity", &m_purity, "purity/D");
392  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMCHits", &m_nMCHits, "nMCHits/I");
393  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nPfoHits", &m_nPfoHits, "nPfoHits/I");
394  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMatchedHits", &m_nMatchedHits, "nMatchedHits/I");
395  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMCHitsU", &m_nMCHitsU, "nMCHitsU/I");
396  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMCHitsV", &m_nMCHitsV, "nMCHitsV/I");
397  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMCHitsW", &m_nMCHitsW, "nMCHitsW/I");
398  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nPfoHitsU", &m_nPfoHitsU, "nPfoHitsU/I");
399  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nPfoHitsV", &m_nPfoHitsV, "nPfoHitsV/I");
400  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nPfoHitsW", &m_nPfoHitsW, "nPfoHitsW/I");
401  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMatchedHitsU", &m_nMatchedHitsU, "nMatchedHitsU/I");
402  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMatchedHitsV", &m_nMatchedHitsV, "nMatchedHitsV/I");
403  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nMatchedHitsW", &m_nMatchedHitsW, "nMatchedHitsW/I");
404  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nTrueWithoutRecoHits", &m_nTrueWithoutRecoHits, "nTrueWithoutRecoHits/I");
405  m_pRecoTree->Branch("nRecoWithoutTrueHits", &m_nRecoWithoutTrueHits, "nRecoWithoutTrueHits/I");
406  m_pRecoTree->Branch("spacepointsMinX", &m_spacepointsMinX, "spacepointsMinX/D");
407  m_pRecoTree->Branch("spacepointsMaxX", &m_spacepointsMaxX, "spacepointsMaxX/D");
408  }
410  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
412  void
414  {}
416  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
418  void
420  {
421  if (m_printDebug) std::cout << " *** PFParticleMonitoring::analyze(...) *** " << std::endl;
423  m_run =;
424  m_event =;
425  m_index = 0;
427  m_nMCParticles = 0;
428  m_nNeutrinoPfos = 0;
429  m_nPrimaryPfos = 0;
430  m_nDaughterPfos = 0;
432  m_mcPdg = 0;
433  m_mcNuPdg = 0;
434  m_mcParentPdg = 0;
435  m_mcPrimaryPdg = 0;
436  m_mcIsNeutrino = 0;
437  m_mcIsPrimary = 0;
438  m_mcIsDecay = 0;
439  m_mcIsCC = 0;
441  m_pfoPdg = 0;
442  m_pfoNuPdg = 0;
443  m_pfoParentPdg = 0;
444  m_pfoPrimaryPdg = 0;
445  m_pfoIsNeutrino = 0;
446  m_pfoIsPrimary = 0;
447  m_pfoIsStitched = 0;
448  m_pfoTrack = 0;
449  m_pfoVertex = 0;
450  m_pfoVtxX = 0.0;
451  m_pfoVtxY = 0.0;
452  m_pfoVtxZ = 0.0;
453  m_pfoEndX = 0.0;
454  m_pfoEndY = 0.0;
455  m_pfoEndZ = 0.0;
456  m_pfoDirX = 0.0;
457  m_pfoDirY = 0.0;
458  m_pfoDirZ = 0.0;
459  m_pfoLength = 0.0;
460  m_pfoStraightLength = 0.0;
462  m_mcVertex = 0;
463  m_mcVtxX = 0.0;
464  m_mcVtxY = 0.0;
465  m_mcVtxZ = 0.0;
466  m_mcEndX = 0.0;
467  m_mcEndY = 0.0;
468  m_mcEndZ = 0.0;
469  m_mcDirX = 0.0;
470  m_mcDirY = 0.0;
471  m_mcDirZ = 0.0;
472  m_mcEnergy = 0.0;
473  m_mcLength = 0.0;
474  m_mcStraightLength = 0.0;
476  m_completeness = 0.0;
477  m_purity = 0.0;
479  m_nMCHits = 0;
480  m_nPfoHits = 0;
481  m_nMatchedHits = 0;
482  m_nMCHitsU = 0;
483  m_nMCHitsV = 0;
484  m_nMCHitsW = 0;
485  m_nPfoHitsU = 0;
486  m_nPfoHitsV = 0;
487  m_nPfoHitsW = 0;
488  m_nMatchedHitsU = 0;
489  m_nMatchedHitsV = 0;
490  m_nMatchedHitsW = 0;
495  m_spacepointsMinX = 0.0;
496  m_spacepointsMaxX = 0.0;
498  if (m_printDebug) {
499  std::cout << " Run: " << m_run << std::endl;
500  std::cout << " Event: " << m_event << std::endl;
501  }
503  // Collect Hits
504  // ============
505  HitVector hitVector;
508  if (m_printDebug) std::cout << " Hits: " << hitVector.size() << std::endl;
510  // Collect SpacePoints and SpacePoint <-> Hit Associations
511  // =======================================================
512  SpacePointVector spacePointVector;
513  SpacePointsToHits spacePointsToHits;
514  HitsToSpacePoints hitsToSpacePoints;
516  evt, m_particleLabel, spacePointVector, spacePointsToHits, hitsToSpacePoints);
518  if (m_printDebug) std::cout << " SpacePoints: " << spacePointVector.size() << std::endl;
520  // Collect Tracks and PFParticle <-> Track Associations
521  // ====================================================
522  TrackVector recoTrackVector;
523  PFParticlesToTracks recoParticlesToTracks;
524  LArPandoraHelper::CollectTracks(evt, m_trackLabel, recoTrackVector, recoParticlesToTracks);
526  if (m_printDebug) std::cout << " Tracks: " << recoTrackVector.size() << std::endl;
528  // Collect TOs and PFParticle <-> T0 Associations
529  // ==============================================
530  T0Vector t0Vector;
531  PFParticlesToT0s particlesToT0s;
532  LArPandoraHelper::CollectT0s(evt, m_particleLabel, t0Vector, particlesToT0s);
534  // Collect Vertices and PFParticle <-> Vertex Associations
535  // =======================================================
536  VertexVector recoVertexVector;
537  PFParticlesToVertices recoParticlesToVertices;
539  evt, m_particleLabel, recoVertexVector, recoParticlesToVertices);
541  if (m_printDebug) std::cout << " Vertices: " << recoVertexVector.size() << std::endl;
543  // Collect PFParticles and match Reco Particles to Hits
544  // ====================================================
545  PFParticleVector recoParticleVector;
546  PFParticleVector recoNeutrinoVector;
547  PFParticlesToHits recoParticlesToHits;
548  HitsToPFParticles recoHitsToParticles;
550  LArPandoraHelper::CollectPFParticles(evt, m_particleLabel, recoParticleVector);
551  LArPandoraHelper::SelectNeutrinoPFParticles(recoParticleVector, recoNeutrinoVector);
553  evt,
555  recoParticlesToHits,
556  recoHitsToParticles,
561  if (m_printDebug) {
562  std::cout << " RecoNeutrinos: " << recoNeutrinoVector.size() << std::endl;
563  std::cout << " RecoParticles: " << recoParticleVector.size() << std::endl;
564  }
566  // Collect MCParticles and match True Particles to Hits
567  // ====================================================
568  MCParticleVector trueParticleVector;
569  MCTruthToMCParticles truthToParticles;
570  MCParticlesToMCTruth particlesToTruth;
571  MCParticlesToHits trueParticlesToHits;
572  HitsToMCParticles trueHitsToParticles;
574  if (m_disableRealDataCheck || !evt.isRealData()) {
577  evt, m_geantModuleLabel, truthToParticles, particlesToTruth);
580  evt,
582  hitVector,
583  trueParticlesToHits,
584  trueHitsToParticles,
586  LArPandoraHelper::kUseDaughters) :
587  LArPandoraHelper::kIgnoreDaughters));
589  if (trueHitsToParticles.empty()) {
590  if (m_backtrackerLabel.empty())
591  throw cet::exception("LArPandora") << " PFParticleMonitoring::analyze - no sim channels "
592  "found, backtracker module must be set in FHiCL "
593  << std::endl;
596  evt,
600  trueParticlesToHits,
601  trueHitsToParticles,
603  LArPandoraHelper::kUseDaughters) :
604  LArPandoraHelper::kIgnoreDaughters));
605  }
606  }
608  if (m_printDebug) {
609  std::cout << " TrueParticles: " << particlesToTruth.size() << std::endl;
610  std::cout << " TrueEvents: " << truthToParticles.size() << std::endl;
611  std::cout << " MatchedParticles: " << trueParticlesToHits.size() << std::endl;
612  }
614  if (trueParticlesToHits.empty()) {
615  m_pRecoTree->Fill();
616  return;
617  }
619  // Build Reco and True Particle Maps (for Parent/Daughter Navigation)
620  // =================================================================
621  MCParticleMap trueParticleMap;
622  PFParticleMap recoParticleMap;
624  LArPandoraHelper::BuildMCParticleMap(trueParticleVector, trueParticleMap);
625  LArPandoraHelper::BuildPFParticleMap(recoParticleVector, recoParticleMap);
627  m_nMCParticles = trueParticlesToHits.size();
628  m_nNeutrinoPfos = 0;
629  m_nPrimaryPfos = 0;
630  m_nDaughterPfos = 0;
632  // Count reconstructed particles
633  for (PFParticleVector::const_iterator iter = recoParticleVector.begin(),
634  iterEnd = recoParticleVector.end();
635  iter != iterEnd;
636  ++iter) {
637  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoParticle = *iter;
639  if (LArPandoraHelper::IsNeutrino(recoParticle)) { m_nNeutrinoPfos++; }
640  else if (LArPandoraHelper::IsFinalState(recoParticleMap, recoParticle)) {
641  m_nPrimaryPfos++;
642  }
643  else {
644  m_nDaughterPfos++;
645  }
646  }
648  // Match Reco Neutrinos to True Neutrinos
649  // ======================================
650  PFParticlesToHits recoNeutrinosToHits;
651  HitsToPFParticles recoHitsToNeutrinos;
652  HitsToMCTruth trueHitsToNeutrinos;
653  MCTruthToHits trueNeutrinosToHits;
655  recoParticleMap, recoParticlesToHits, recoNeutrinosToHits, recoHitsToNeutrinos);
657  truthToParticles, trueParticlesToHits, trueNeutrinosToHits, trueHitsToNeutrinos);
659  MCTruthToPFParticles matchedNeutrinos;
660  MCTruthToHits matchedNeutrinoHits;
661  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(
662  recoNeutrinosToHits, trueHitsToNeutrinos, matchedNeutrinos, matchedNeutrinoHits);
664  for (MCTruthToHits::const_iterator iter = trueNeutrinosToHits.begin(),
665  iterEnd = trueNeutrinosToHits.end();
666  iter != iterEnd;
667  ++iter) {
668  const art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> trueEvent = iter->first;
669  const HitVector& trueHitVector = iter->second;
671  if (trueHitVector.empty()) continue;
673  if (!trueEvent->NeutrinoSet()) continue;
675  const simb::MCNeutrino trueNeutrino(trueEvent->GetNeutrino());
676  const simb::MCParticle trueParticle(trueNeutrino.Nu());
678  m_mcIsCC = ((simb::kCC == trueNeutrino.CCNC()) ? 1 : 0);
679  m_mcPdg = trueParticle.PdgCode();
680  m_mcNuPdg = m_mcPdg;
681  m_mcParentPdg = 0;
682  m_mcPrimaryPdg = 0;
683  m_mcIsNeutrino = 1;
684  m_mcIsPrimary = 0;
685  m_mcIsDecay = 0;
687  m_mcVertex = 1;
688  m_mcVtxX = trueParticle.Vx();
689  m_mcVtxY = trueParticle.Vy();
690  m_mcVtxZ = trueParticle.Vz();
691  m_mcEndX = m_mcVtxX;
692  m_mcEndY = m_mcVtxY;
693  m_mcEndZ = m_mcVtxZ;
694  m_mcDirX = trueParticle.Px() / trueParticle.P();
695  m_mcDirY = trueParticle.Py() / trueParticle.P();
696  m_mcDirZ = trueParticle.Pz() / trueParticle.P();
697  m_mcEnergy = trueParticle.E();
698  m_mcLength = 0.0;
699  m_mcStraightLength = 0.0;
701  m_nMCHits = trueHitVector.size();
702  m_nMCHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, trueHitVector);
703  m_nMCHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, trueHitVector);
704  m_nMCHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, trueHitVector);
706  m_pfoPdg = 0;
707  m_pfoNuPdg = 0;
708  m_pfoParentPdg = 0;
709  m_pfoPrimaryPdg = 0;
710  m_pfoIsNeutrino = 0;
711  m_pfoIsPrimary = 0;
712  m_pfoIsStitched = 0;
713  m_pfoTrack = 0;
714  m_pfoVertex = 0;
715  m_pfoVtxX = 0.0;
716  m_pfoVtxY = 0.0;
717  m_pfoVtxZ = 0.0;
718  m_pfoEndX = 0.0;
719  m_pfoEndY = 0.0;
720  m_pfoEndZ = 0.0;
721  m_pfoDirX = 0.0;
722  m_pfoDirY = 0.0;
723  m_pfoDirZ = 0.0;
724  m_pfoLength = 0.0;
725  m_pfoStraightLength = 0.0;
727  m_nPfoHits = 0;
728  m_nPfoHitsU = 0;
729  m_nPfoHitsV = 0;
730  m_nPfoHitsW = 0;
732  m_nMatchedHits = 0;
733  m_nMatchedHitsU = 0;
734  m_nMatchedHitsV = 0;
735  m_nMatchedHitsW = 0;
740  m_spacepointsMinX = 0.0;
741  m_spacepointsMaxX = 0.0;
743  m_completeness = 0.0;
744  m_purity = 0.0;
746  for (HitVector::const_iterator hIter1 = trueHitVector.begin(),
747  hIterEnd1 = trueHitVector.end();
748  hIter1 != hIterEnd1;
749  ++hIter1) {
750  if (recoHitsToNeutrinos.find(*hIter1) == recoHitsToNeutrinos.end())
752  }
754  MCTruthToPFParticles::const_iterator pIter1 = matchedNeutrinos.find(trueEvent);
755  if (matchedNeutrinos.end() != pIter1) {
756  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoParticle = pIter1->second;
757  m_pfoPdg = recoParticle->PdgCode();
760  m_pfoPrimaryPdg = 0;
761  m_pfoIsNeutrino = 1;
762  m_pfoIsPrimary = 0;
764  if (!LArPandoraHelper::IsNeutrino(recoParticle))
765  std::cout << " Warning: Found neutrino with an invalid PDG code " << std::endl;
767  PFParticlesToHits::const_iterator pIter2 = recoNeutrinosToHits.find(recoParticle);
768  if (recoParticlesToHits.end() != pIter2) {
769  const HitVector& recoHitVector = pIter2->second;
771  for (HitVector::const_iterator hIter2 = recoHitVector.begin(),
772  hIterEnd2 = recoHitVector.end();
773  hIter2 != hIterEnd2;
774  ++hIter2) {
775  if (trueHitsToNeutrinos.find(*hIter2) == trueHitsToNeutrinos.end())
777  }
779  MCTruthToHits::const_iterator pIter3 = matchedNeutrinoHits.find(trueEvent);
780  if (matchedNeutrinoHits.end() != pIter3) {
781  const HitVector& matchedHitVector = pIter3->second;
783  m_nPfoHits = recoHitVector.size();
784  m_nPfoHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, recoHitVector);
785  m_nPfoHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, recoHitVector);
786  m_nPfoHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, recoHitVector);
788  m_nMatchedHits = matchedHitVector.size();
789  m_nMatchedHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, matchedHitVector);
790  m_nMatchedHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, matchedHitVector);
791  m_nMatchedHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, matchedHitVector);
793  PFParticlesToVertices::const_iterator pIter4 =
794  recoParticlesToVertices.find(recoParticle);
795  if (recoParticlesToVertices.end() != pIter4) {
796  const VertexVector& vertexVector = pIter4->second;
797  if (!vertexVector.empty()) {
798  if (vertexVector.size() != 1 && m_printDebug)
799  std::cout << " Warning: Found particle with more than one associated vertex "
800  << std::endl;
802  const art::Ptr<recob::Vertex> recoVertex = *(vertexVector.begin());
803  double xyz[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
804  recoVertex->XYZ(xyz);
806  m_pfoVertex = 1;
807  m_pfoVtxX = xyz[0];
808  m_pfoVtxY = xyz[1];
809  m_pfoVtxZ = xyz[2];
810  }
811  }
812  }
813  }
814  }
816  m_purity =
817  ((m_nPfoHits == 0) ? 0.0 :
818  static_cast<double>(m_nMatchedHits) / static_cast<double>(m_nPfoHits));
820  ((m_nPfoHits == 0) ? 0.0 :
821  static_cast<double>(m_nMatchedHits) / static_cast<double>(m_nMCHits));
823  if (m_printDebug)
824  std::cout << " MCNeutrino [" << m_index << "]"
825  << " trueNu=" << m_mcNuPdg << ", truePdg=" << m_mcPdg
826  << ", recoNu=" << m_pfoNuPdg << ", recoPdg=" << m_pfoPdg
827  << ", mcHits=" << m_nMCHits << ", pfoHits=" << m_nPfoHits
828  << ", matchedHits=" << m_nMatchedHits
829  << ", availableHits=" << m_nTrueWithoutRecoHits << std::endl;
831  m_pRecoTree->Fill();
832  ++m_index; // Increment index number
833  }
835  // Match Reco Particles to True Particles
836  // ======================================
837  MCParticlesToPFParticles matchedParticles;
838  MCParticlesToHits matchedParticleHits;
839  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(
840  recoParticlesToHits, trueHitsToParticles, matchedParticles, matchedParticleHits);
842  // Compare true and reconstructed particles
843  for (MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter = trueParticlesToHits.begin(),
844  iterEnd = trueParticlesToHits.end();
845  iter != iterEnd;
846  ++iter) {
847  const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> trueParticle = iter->first;
848  const HitVector& trueHitVector = iter->second;
850  if (trueHitVector.empty()) continue;
852  m_mcPdg = trueParticle->PdgCode();
853  m_mcNuPdg = 0;
854  m_mcParentPdg = 0;
855  m_mcPrimaryPdg = 0;
856  m_mcIsNeutrino = 0;
857  m_mcIsPrimary = 0;
858  m_mcIsDecay = 0;
859  m_mcIsCC = 0;
861  m_pfoPdg = 0;
862  m_pfoNuPdg = 0;
863  m_pfoParentPdg = 0;
864  m_pfoPrimaryPdg = 0;
865  m_pfoIsNeutrino = 0;
866  m_pfoIsPrimary = 0;
867  m_pfoIsStitched = 0;
868  m_pfoTrack = 0;
869  m_pfoVertex = 0;
870  m_pfoVtxX = 0.0;
871  m_pfoVtxY = 0.0;
872  m_pfoVtxZ = 0.0;
873  m_pfoEndX = 0.0;
874  m_pfoEndY = 0.0;
875  m_pfoEndZ = 0.0;
876  m_pfoDirX = 0.0;
877  m_pfoDirY = 0.0;
878  m_pfoDirZ = 0.0;
879  m_pfoLength = 0.0;
880  m_pfoStraightLength = 0.0;
882  m_mcVertex = 0;
883  m_mcVtxX = 0.0;
884  m_mcVtxY = 0.0;
885  m_mcVtxZ = 0.0;
886  m_mcEndX = 0.0;
887  m_mcEndY = 0.0;
888  m_mcEndZ = 0.0;
889  m_mcDirX = 0.0;
890  m_mcDirY = 0.0;
891  m_mcDirZ = 0.0;
892  m_mcEnergy = 0.0;
893  m_mcLength = 0.0;
894  m_mcStraightLength = 0.0;
896  m_completeness = 0.0;
897  m_purity = 0.0;
899  m_nMCHits = 0;
900  m_nMCHitsU = 0;
901  m_nMCHitsV = 0;
902  m_nMCHitsW = 0;
904  m_nPfoHits = 0;
905  m_nPfoHitsU = 0;
906  m_nPfoHitsV = 0;
907  m_nPfoHitsW = 0;
909  m_nMatchedHits = 0;
910  m_nMatchedHitsU = 0;
911  m_nMatchedHitsV = 0;
912  m_nMatchedHitsW = 0;
917  m_spacepointsMinX = 0.0;
918  m_spacepointsMaxX = 0.0;
920  // Set true properties
921  try {
922  int startT(-1);
923  int endT(-1);
924  this->GetStartAndEndPoints(trueParticle, startT, endT);
926  // vertex and end positions
927  m_mcVertex = 1;
928  m_mcVtxX = trueParticle->Vx(startT);
929  m_mcVtxY = trueParticle->Vy(startT);
930  m_mcVtxZ = trueParticle->Vz(startT);
931  m_mcEndX = trueParticle->Vx(endT);
932  m_mcEndY = trueParticle->Vy(endT);
933  m_mcEndZ = trueParticle->Vz(endT);
935  const double dx(m_mcEndX - m_mcVtxX);
936  const double dy(m_mcEndY - m_mcVtxY);
937  const double dz(m_mcEndZ - m_mcVtxZ);
939  m_mcStraightLength = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
940  m_mcLength = this->GetLength(trueParticle, startT, endT);
942  // energy and momentum
943  const double Ptot(trueParticle->P(startT));
945  if (Ptot > 0.0) {
946  m_mcDirX = trueParticle->Px(startT) / Ptot;
947  m_mcDirY = trueParticle->Py(startT) / Ptot;
948  m_mcDirZ = trueParticle->Pz(startT) / Ptot;
949  m_mcEnergy = trueParticle->E(startT);
950  }
951  }
952  catch (cet::exception& e) {
953  }
955  // Get the true parent neutrino
956  MCParticlesToMCTruth::const_iterator nuIter = particlesToTruth.find(trueParticle);
957  if (particlesToTruth.end() == nuIter)
958  throw cet::exception("LArPandora") << " PFParticleMonitoring::analyze --- Found a true "
959  "particle without any ancestry information ";
961  const art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> trueEvent = nuIter->second;
963  if (trueEvent->NeutrinoSet()) {
964  const simb::MCNeutrino neutrino(trueEvent->GetNeutrino());
965  m_mcNuPdg = neutrino.Nu().PdgCode();
966  m_mcIsCC = ((simb::kCC == neutrino.CCNC()) ? 1 : 0);
967  }
969  // Get the true 'parent' and 'primary' particles
970  try {
971  const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> parentParticle(
972  LArPandoraHelper::GetParentMCParticle(trueParticleMap, trueParticle));
973  const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> primaryParticle(
974  LArPandoraHelper::GetFinalStateMCParticle(trueParticleMap, trueParticle));
975  m_mcParentPdg = ((parentParticle != trueParticle) ? parentParticle->PdgCode() : 0);
976  m_mcPrimaryPdg = primaryParticle->PdgCode();
977  m_mcIsPrimary = (primaryParticle == trueParticle);
978  m_mcIsDecay = ("Decay" == trueParticle->Process());
979  }
980  catch (cet::exception& e) {
981  }
983  // Find min and max X positions of space points
984  bool foundSpacePoints(false);
986  for (HitVector::const_iterator hIter1 = trueHitVector.begin(),
987  hIterEnd1 = trueHitVector.end();
988  hIter1 != hIterEnd1;
989  ++hIter1) {
990  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *hIter1;
992  HitsToSpacePoints::const_iterator hIter2 = hitsToSpacePoints.find(hit);
993  if (hitsToSpacePoints.end() == hIter2) continue;
995  const art::Ptr<recob::SpacePoint> spacepoint = hIter2->second;
996  const double X(spacepoint->XYZ()[0]);
998  if (!foundSpacePoints) {
1000  m_spacepointsMaxX = X;
1001  foundSpacePoints = true;
1002  }
1003  else {
1004  m_spacepointsMinX = std::min(m_spacepointsMinX, X);
1005  m_spacepointsMaxX = std::max(m_spacepointsMaxX, X);
1006  }
1007  }
1009  // Count number of available hits
1010  for (HitVector::const_iterator hIter1 = trueHitVector.begin(),
1011  hIterEnd1 = trueHitVector.end();
1012  hIter1 != hIterEnd1;
1013  ++hIter1) {
1014  if (recoHitsToParticles.find(*hIter1) == recoHitsToParticles.end())
1016  }
1018  // Match true and reconstructed hits
1019  m_nMCHits = trueHitVector.size();
1020  m_nMCHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, trueHitVector);
1021  m_nMCHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, trueHitVector);
1022  m_nMCHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, trueHitVector);
1024  MCParticlesToPFParticles::const_iterator pIter1 = matchedParticles.find(trueParticle);
1025  if (matchedParticles.end() != pIter1) {
1026  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoParticle = pIter1->second;
1027  m_pfoPdg = recoParticle->PdgCode();
1028  m_pfoNuPdg = LArPandoraHelper::GetParentNeutrino(recoParticleMap, recoParticle);
1029  m_pfoIsPrimary = LArPandoraHelper::IsFinalState(recoParticleMap, recoParticle);
1031  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> parentParticle =
1032  LArPandoraHelper::GetParentPFParticle(recoParticleMap, recoParticle);
1033  m_pfoParentPdg = parentParticle->PdgCode();
1035  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> primaryParticle =
1036  LArPandoraHelper::GetFinalStatePFParticle(recoParticleMap, recoParticle);
1037  m_pfoPrimaryPdg = primaryParticle->PdgCode();
1039  PFParticlesToHits::const_iterator pIter2 = recoParticlesToHits.find(recoParticle);
1040  if (recoParticlesToHits.end() == pIter2)
1041  throw cet::exception("LArPandora")
1042  << " PFParticleMonitoring::analyze --- Found a reco particle without any hits ";
1044  const HitVector& recoHitVector = pIter2->second;
1046  for (HitVector::const_iterator hIter2 = recoHitVector.begin(),
1047  hIterEnd2 = recoHitVector.end();
1048  hIter2 != hIterEnd2;
1049  ++hIter2) {
1050  if (trueHitsToParticles.find(*hIter2) == trueHitsToParticles.end())
1052  }
1054  MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator pIter3 = matchedParticleHits.find(trueParticle);
1055  if (matchedParticleHits.end() == pIter3)
1056  throw cet::exception("LArPandora") << " PFParticleMonitoring::analyze --- Found a "
1057  "matched true particle without matched hits ";
1059  const HitVector& matchedHitVector = pIter3->second;
1061  m_nPfoHits = recoHitVector.size();
1062  m_nPfoHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, recoHitVector);
1063  m_nPfoHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, recoHitVector);
1064  m_nPfoHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, recoHitVector);
1066  m_nMatchedHits = matchedHitVector.size();
1067  m_nMatchedHitsU = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kU, matchedHitVector);
1068  m_nMatchedHitsV = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kV, matchedHitVector);
1069  m_nMatchedHitsW = this->CountHitsByType(geo::kW, matchedHitVector);
1071  PFParticlesToVertices::const_iterator pIter4 = recoParticlesToVertices.find(recoParticle);
1072  if (recoParticlesToVertices.end() != pIter4) {
1073  const VertexVector& vertexVector = pIter4->second;
1074  if (!vertexVector.empty()) {
1075  if (vertexVector.size() != 1 && m_printDebug)
1076  std::cout << " Warning: Found particle with more than one associated vertex "
1077  << std::endl;
1079  const art::Ptr<recob::Vertex> recoVertex = *(vertexVector.begin());
1080  double xyz[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
1081  recoVertex->XYZ(xyz);
1083  m_pfoVertex = 1;
1084  m_pfoVtxX = xyz[0];
1085  m_pfoVtxY = xyz[1];
1086  m_pfoVtxZ = xyz[2];
1087  }
1088  }
1090  PFParticlesToTracks::const_iterator pIter5 = recoParticlesToTracks.find(recoParticle);
1091  if (recoParticlesToTracks.end() != pIter5) {
1092  const TrackVector& trackVector = pIter5->second;
1093  if (!trackVector.empty()) {
1094  if (trackVector.size() != 1 && m_printDebug)
1095  std::cout << " Warning: Found particle with more than one associated track "
1096  << std::endl;
1098  const art::Ptr<recob::Track> recoTrack = *(trackVector.begin());
1099  const auto& vtxPosition = recoTrack->Vertex();
1100  const auto& endPosition = recoTrack->End();
1101  const auto& vtxDirection = recoTrack->VertexDirection();
1103  m_pfoTrack = 1;
1104  m_pfoVtxX = vtxPosition.x();
1105  m_pfoVtxY = vtxPosition.y();
1106  m_pfoVtxZ = vtxPosition.z();
1107  m_pfoEndX = endPosition.x();
1108  m_pfoEndY = endPosition.y();
1109  m_pfoEndZ = endPosition.z();
1110  m_pfoDirX = vtxDirection.x();
1111  m_pfoDirY = vtxDirection.y();
1112  m_pfoDirZ = vtxDirection.z();
1113  m_pfoStraightLength = (endPosition - vtxPosition).R();
1114  m_pfoLength = recoTrack->Length();
1115  }
1116  }
1118  m_pfoIsStitched = (particlesToT0s.end() != particlesToT0s.find(recoParticle));
1119  }
1121  m_purity =
1122  ((m_nPfoHits == 0) ? 0.0 :
1123  static_cast<double>(m_nMatchedHits) / static_cast<double>(m_nPfoHits));
1124  m_completeness =
1125  ((m_nPfoHits == 0) ? 0.0 :
1126  static_cast<double>(m_nMatchedHits) / static_cast<double>(m_nMCHits));
1128  if (m_printDebug)
1129  std::cout << " MCParticle [" << m_index << "]"
1130  << " trueNu=" << m_mcNuPdg << ", truePdg=" << m_mcPdg
1131  << ", recoNu=" << m_pfoNuPdg << ", recoPdg=" << m_pfoPdg
1132  << ", mcHits=" << m_nMCHits << ", pfoHits=" << m_nPfoHits
1133  << ", matchedHits=" << m_nMatchedHits
1134  << ", availableHits=" << m_nTrueWithoutRecoHits << std::endl;
1136  m_pRecoTree->Fill();
1137  ++m_index; // Increment index number
1138  }
1139  }
1141  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1143  void
1145  const MCParticlesToHits& trueParticlesToHits,
1146  MCTruthToHits& trueNeutrinosToHits,
1147  HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos) const
1148  {
1149  for (MCTruthToMCParticles::const_iterator iter1 = truthToParticles.begin(),
1150  iterEnd1 = truthToParticles.end();
1151  iter1 != iterEnd1;
1152  ++iter1) {
1153  const art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> trueNeutrino = iter1->first;
1154  const MCParticleVector& trueParticleVector = iter1->second;
1156  for (MCParticleVector::const_iterator iter2 = trueParticleVector.begin(),
1157  iterEnd2 = trueParticleVector.end();
1158  iter2 != iterEnd2;
1159  ++iter2) {
1160  const MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter3 = trueParticlesToHits.find(*iter2);
1161  if (trueParticlesToHits.end() == iter3) continue;
1163  const HitVector& hitVector = iter3->second;
1165  for (HitVector::const_iterator iter4 = hitVector.begin(), iterEnd4 = hitVector.end();
1166  iter4 != iterEnd4;
1167  ++iter4) {
1168  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *iter4;
1169  trueHitsToNeutrinos[hit] = trueNeutrino;
1170  trueNeutrinosToHits[trueNeutrino].push_back(hit);
1171  }
1172  }
1173  }
1174  }
1176  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1178  void
1180  const PFParticlesToHits& recoParticlesToHits,
1181  PFParticlesToHits& recoNeutrinosToHits,
1182  HitsToPFParticles& recoHitsToNeutrinos) const
1183  {
1184  for (PFParticleMap::const_iterator iter1 = recoParticleMap.begin(),
1185  iterEnd1 = recoParticleMap.end();
1186  iter1 != iterEnd1;
1187  ++iter1) {
1188  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoParticle = iter1->second;
1189  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoNeutrino =
1190  LArPandoraHelper::GetParentPFParticle(recoParticleMap, recoParticle);
1192  if (!LArPandoraHelper::IsNeutrino(recoNeutrino)) continue;
1194  const PFParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter2 = recoParticlesToHits.find(recoParticle);
1195  if (recoParticlesToHits.end() == iter2) continue;
1197  const HitVector& hitVector = iter2->second;
1199  for (HitVector::const_iterator iter3 = hitVector.begin(), iterEnd3 = hitVector.end();
1200  iter3 != iterEnd3;
1201  ++iter3) {
1202  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *iter3;
1203  recoHitsToNeutrinos[hit] = recoNeutrino;
1204  recoNeutrinosToHits[recoNeutrino].push_back(hit);
1205  }
1206  }
1207  }
1209  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1211  void
1213  const HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos,
1214  MCTruthToPFParticles& matchedNeutrinos,
1215  MCTruthToHits& matchedNeutrinoHits) const
1216  {
1217  PFParticleSet recoVeto;
1218  MCTruthSet trueVeto;
1220  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(recoNeutrinosToHits,
1221  trueHitsToNeutrinos,
1222  matchedNeutrinos,
1223  matchedNeutrinoHits,
1224  recoVeto,
1225  trueVeto);
1226  }
1228  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1230  void
1232  const HitsToMCTruth& trueHitsToNeutrinos,
1233  MCTruthToPFParticles& matchedNeutrinos,
1234  MCTruthToHits& matchedNeutrinoHits,
1235  PFParticleSet& vetoReco,
1236  MCTruthSet& vetoTrue) const
1237  {
1238  bool foundMatches(false);
1240  for (PFParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter1 = recoNeutrinosToHits.begin(),
1241  iterEnd1 = recoNeutrinosToHits.end();
1242  iter1 != iterEnd1;
1243  ++iter1) {
1244  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoNeutrino = iter1->first;
1245  if (vetoReco.count(recoNeutrino) > 0) continue;
1247  const HitVector& hitVector = iter1->second;
1249  MCTruthToHits truthContributionMap;
1251  for (HitVector::const_iterator iter2 = hitVector.begin(), iterEnd2 = hitVector.end();
1252  iter2 != iterEnd2;
1253  ++iter2) {
1254  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *iter2;
1256  HitsToMCTruth::const_iterator iter3 = trueHitsToNeutrinos.find(hit);
1257  if (trueHitsToNeutrinos.end() == iter3) continue;
1259  const art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> trueNeutrino = iter3->second;
1260  if (vetoTrue.count(trueNeutrino) > 0) continue;
1262  truthContributionMap[trueNeutrino].push_back(hit);
1263  }
1265  MCTruthToHits::const_iterator mIter = truthContributionMap.end();
1267  for (MCTruthToHits::const_iterator iter4 = truthContributionMap.begin(),
1268  iterEnd4 = truthContributionMap.end();
1269  iter4 != iterEnd4;
1270  ++iter4) {
1271  if ((truthContributionMap.end() == mIter) ||
1272  (iter4->second.size() > mIter->second.size())) {
1273  mIter = iter4;
1274  }
1275  }
1277  if (truthContributionMap.end() != mIter) {
1278  const art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth> trueNeutrino = mIter->first;
1280  MCTruthToHits::const_iterator iter5 = matchedNeutrinoHits.find(trueNeutrino);
1282  if ((matchedNeutrinoHits.end() == iter5) || (mIter->second.size() > iter5->second.size())) {
1283  matchedNeutrinos[trueNeutrino] = recoNeutrino;
1284  matchedNeutrinoHits[trueNeutrino] = mIter->second;
1285  foundMatches = true;
1286  }
1287  }
1288  }
1290  if (!foundMatches) return;
1292  for (MCTruthToPFParticles::const_iterator pIter = matchedNeutrinos.begin(),
1293  pIterEnd = matchedNeutrinos.end();
1294  pIter != pIterEnd;
1295  ++pIter) {
1296  vetoTrue.insert(pIter->first);
1297  vetoReco.insert(pIter->second);
1298  }
1300  if (m_recursiveMatching)
1301  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(recoNeutrinosToHits,
1302  trueHitsToNeutrinos,
1303  matchedNeutrinos,
1304  matchedNeutrinoHits,
1305  vetoReco,
1306  vetoTrue);
1307  }
1309  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1311  void
1313  const HitsToMCParticles& trueHitsToParticles,
1314  MCParticlesToPFParticles& matchedParticles,
1315  MCParticlesToHits& matchedHits) const
1316  {
1317  PFParticleSet recoVeto;
1318  MCParticleSet trueVeto;
1320  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(
1321  recoParticlesToHits, trueHitsToParticles, matchedParticles, matchedHits, recoVeto, trueVeto);
1322  }
1324  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1326  void
1328  const HitsToMCParticles& trueHitsToParticles,
1329  MCParticlesToPFParticles& matchedParticles,
1330  MCParticlesToHits& matchedHits,
1331  PFParticleSet& vetoReco,
1332  MCParticleSet& vetoTrue) const
1333  {
1334  bool foundMatches(false);
1336  for (PFParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter1 = recoParticlesToHits.begin(),
1337  iterEnd1 = recoParticlesToHits.end();
1338  iter1 != iterEnd1;
1339  ++iter1) {
1340  const art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle> recoParticle = iter1->first;
1341  if (vetoReco.count(recoParticle) > 0) continue;
1343  const HitVector& hitVector = iter1->second;
1345  MCParticlesToHits truthContributionMap;
1347  for (HitVector::const_iterator iter2 = hitVector.begin(), iterEnd2 = hitVector.end();
1348  iter2 != iterEnd2;
1349  ++iter2) {
1350  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *iter2;
1352  HitsToMCParticles::const_iterator iter3 = trueHitsToParticles.find(hit);
1353  if (trueHitsToParticles.end() == iter3) continue;
1355  const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> trueParticle = iter3->second;
1356  if (vetoTrue.count(trueParticle) > 0) continue;
1358  truthContributionMap[trueParticle].push_back(hit);
1359  }
1361  MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator mIter = truthContributionMap.end();
1363  for (MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter4 = truthContributionMap.begin(),
1364  iterEnd4 = truthContributionMap.end();
1365  iter4 != iterEnd4;
1366  ++iter4) {
1367  if ((truthContributionMap.end() == mIter) ||
1368  (iter4->second.size() > mIter->second.size())) {
1369  mIter = iter4;
1370  }
1371  }
1373  if (truthContributionMap.end() != mIter) {
1374  const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> trueParticle = mIter->first;
1376  MCParticlesToHits::const_iterator iter5 = matchedHits.find(trueParticle);
1378  if ((matchedHits.end() == iter5) || (mIter->second.size() > iter5->second.size())) {
1379  matchedParticles[trueParticle] = recoParticle;
1380  matchedHits[trueParticle] = mIter->second;
1381  foundMatches = true;
1382  }
1383  }
1384  }
1386  if (!foundMatches) return;
1388  for (MCParticlesToPFParticles::const_iterator pIter = matchedParticles.begin(),
1389  pIterEnd = matchedParticles.end();
1390  pIter != pIterEnd;
1391  ++pIter) {
1392  vetoTrue.insert(pIter->first);
1393  vetoReco.insert(pIter->second);
1394  }
1396  if (m_recursiveMatching)
1397  this->GetRecoToTrueMatches(recoParticlesToHits,
1398  trueHitsToParticles,
1399  matchedParticles,
1400  matchedHits,
1401  vetoReco,
1402  vetoTrue);
1403  }
1405  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1407  int
1408  PFParticleMonitoring::CountHitsByType(const int view, const HitVector& hitVector) const
1409  {
1410  int nHits(0);
1412  for (HitVector::const_iterator iter = hitVector.begin(), iterEnd = hitVector.end();
1413  iter != iterEnd;
1414  ++iter) {
1415  const art::Ptr<recob::Hit> hit = *iter;
1416  if (hit->View() == view) ++nHits;
1417  }
1419  return nHits;
1420  }
1422  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1424  void
1425  PFParticleMonitoring::GetStartAndEndPoints(const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> particle,
1426  int& startT,
1427  int& endT) const
1428  {
1429  art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry const> theGeometry;
1431  bool foundStartPosition(false);
1433  const int numTrajectoryPoints(static_cast<int>(particle->NumberTrajectoryPoints()));
1435  for (int nt = 0; nt < numTrajectoryPoints; ++nt) {
1436  try {
1437  double pos[3] = {particle->Vx(nt), particle->Vy(nt), particle->Vz(nt)};
1438  unsigned int which_tpc(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
1439  unsigned int which_cstat(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
1440  theGeometry->PositionToTPC(pos, which_tpc, which_cstat);
1442  // TODO: Apply fiducial cut due to readout window
1444  endT = nt;
1445  if (!foundStartPosition) {
1446  startT = endT;
1447  foundStartPosition = true;
1448  }
1449  }
1450  catch (cet::exception& e) {
1451  continue;
1452  }
1453  }
1455  if (!foundStartPosition) throw cet::exception("LArPandora");
1456  }
1458  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1460  double
1461  PFParticleMonitoring::GetLength(const art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle> particle,
1462  const int startT,
1463  const int endT) const
1464  {
1465  if (endT <= startT) return 0.0;
1467  double length(0.0);
1469  for (int nt = startT; nt < endT; ++nt) {
1470  const double dx(particle->Vx(nt + 1) - particle->Vx(nt));
1471  const double dy(particle->Vy(nt + 1) - particle->Vy(nt));
1472  const double dz(particle->Vz(nt + 1) - particle->Vz(nt));
1473  length += sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
1474  }
1476  return length;
1477  }
1479 } //namespace lar_pandora
static void BuildPFParticleHitMaps(const PFParticleVector &particleVector, const PFParticlesToSpacePoints &particlesToSpacePoints, const SpacePointsToHits &spacePointsToHits, PFParticlesToHits &particlesToHits, HitsToPFParticles &hitsToParticles, const DaughterMode daughterMode=kUseDaughters)
Build mapping between PFParticles and Hits using PFParticle/SpacePoint/Hit maps.
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >, art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > HitsToMCParticles
int CountHitsByType(const int view, const HitVector &hitVector) const
Count the number of reconstructed hits in a given wire plane.
static void BuildPFParticleMap(const PFParticleVector &particleVector, PFParticleMap &particleMap)
Build particle maps for reconstructed particles.
static int GetParentNeutrino(const PFParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > daughterParticle)
Return the parent neutrino PDG code (or zero for cosmics) for a given reconstructed particle...
Encapsulate the construction of a single cyostat.
void GetRecoToTrueMatches(const PFParticlesToHits &recoNeutrinosToHits, const HitsToMCTruth &trueHitsToNeutrinos, MCTruthToPFParticles &matchedNeutrinos, MCTruthToHits &matchedNeutrinoHits) const
Perform matching between true and reconstructed neutrino events.
std::set< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > PFParticleSet
static bool IsNeutrino(const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > particle)
Determine whether a particle has been reconstructed as a neutrino.
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth >, HitVector > MCTruthToHits
Planes which measure V.
Definition: geo_types.h:130
Declaration of signal hit object.
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle >, art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth > > MCParticlesToMCTruth
static art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > GetFinalStatePFParticle(const PFParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > daughterParticle)
Return the final-state parent particle by navigating up the chain of parent/daughter associations...
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle >, art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > MCParticlesToPFParticles
process_name hit
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data multiple common symbols may appear with the echo same name If the symbol is defined the common echo symbols are treated as undefined references For more echo details on common see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker such as a global int variable echo as opposed to a large global array echo echo I echo The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol This echo is a GNU extension to the a out object file format which is echo rarely used echo echo N echo The symbol is a debugging symbol echo echo R echo The symbol is in a read only data section echo echo S echo The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small echo objects echo echo T echo The symbol is in the the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo W echo The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically echo tagged as a weak object symbol When a weak defined symbol echo is linked with a normal defined the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo echo The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a out object file In echo this the next values printed are the stabs other echo the stabs desc and the stab type Stabs symbols are echo used to hold debugging information For more echo see *Note or object file format specific echo echo For Mac OS X
static art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > GetParentPFParticle(const PFParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > daughterParticle)
Return the top-level parent particle by navigating up the chain of parent/daughter associations...
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle >, TrackVector > PFParticlesToTracks
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle >, VertexVector > PFParticlesToVertices
std::map< int, art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > PFParticleMap
void BuildTrueNeutrinoHitMaps(const MCTruthToMCParticles &truthToParticles, const MCParticlesToHits &trueParticlesToHits, MCTruthToHits &trueNeutrinosToHits, HitsToMCTruth &trueHitsToNeutrinos) const
Build mapping from true neutrinos to hits.
std::map< int, art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleMap
std::set< art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth > > MCTruthSet
static void CollectSpacePoints(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, SpacePointVector &spacePointVector, SpacePointsToHits &spacePointsToHits)
Collect the reconstructed SpacePoints and associated hits from the ART event record.
Planes which measure U.
Definition: geo_types.h:129
Charged-current interactions.
Definition: IPrediction.h:38
double GetLength(const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > trueParticle, const int startT, const int endT) const
Find the length of the true particle trajectory through the active region of the detector.
int m_nTrueWithoutRecoHits
True hits which don&#39;t belong to any reconstructed particle - &quot;available&quot;.
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle >, T0Vector > PFParticlesToT0s
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >, art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth > > HitsToMCTruth
static art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > GetParentMCParticle(const MCParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > daughterParticle)
Return the top-level parent particle by navigating up the chain of parent/daughter associations...
void BuildRecoNeutrinoHitMaps(const PFParticleMap &recoParticleMap, const PFParticlesToHits &recoParticlesToHits, PFParticlesToHits &recoNeutrinosToHits, HitsToPFParticles &recoHitsToNeutrinos) const
Build mapping from reconstructed neutrinos to hits.
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle >, HitVector > MCParticlesToHits
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > PFParticleVector
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth >, MCParticleVector > MCTruthToMCParticles
std::map< art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth >, art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > MCTruthToPFParticles
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::SpacePoint > > SpacePointVector
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle >, HitVector > PFParticlesToHits
bool m_printDebug
switch for print statements (TODO: use message service!)
static void CollectVertices(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, VertexVector &vertexVector, PFParticlesToVertices &particlesToVertices)
Collect the reconstructed PFParticles and associated Vertices from the ART event record.
PFParticleMonitoring(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >, art::Ptr< recob::SpacePoint > > HitsToSpacePoints
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Track > > TrackVector
Declaration of cluster object.
static void CollectTracks(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, TrackVector &trackVector, PFParticlesToTracks &particlesToTracks)
Collect the reconstructed PFParticles and associated Tracks from the ART event record.
static void CollectPFParticles(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, PFParticleVector &particleVector)
Collect the reconstructed PFParticles from the ART event record.
void GetStartAndEndPoints(const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > trueParticle, int &startT, int &endT) const
Find the start and end points of the true particle in the active region of detector.
Provides recob::Track data product.
static void CollectHits(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, HitVector &hitVector)
Collect the reconstructed Hits from the ART event record.
static void SelectNeutrinoPFParticles(const PFParticleVector &inputParticles, PFParticleVector &outputParticles)
Select reconstructed neutrino particles from a list of all reconstructed particles.
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > HitVector
Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >, art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > HitsToPFParticles
do i e
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > > VertexVector
void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
std::set< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleSet
Planes which measure W (third view for Bo, MicroBooNE, etc).
Definition: geo_types.h:131
art::ServiceHandle< art::TFileService > tfs
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:8
std::vector< art::Ptr< anab::T0 > > T0Vector
static void CollectT0s(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, T0Vector &t0Vector, PFParticlesToT0s &particlesToT0s)
Collect a vector of T0s from the ART event record.
static void BuildMCParticleHitMaps(const art::Event &evt, const HitVector &hitVector, const SimChannelVector &simChannelVector, HitsToTrackIDEs &hitsToTrackIDEs)
Collect the links from reconstructed hits to their true energy deposits.
static void CollectMCParticles(const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, MCParticleVector &particleVector)
Collect a vector of MCParticle objects from the ART event record.
helper function for LArPandoraInterface producer module
static art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > GetFinalStateMCParticle(const MCParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > daughterParticle)
Return the final-state parent particle by navigating up the chain of parent/daughter associations...
int m_nRecoWithoutTrueHits
Reconstructed hits which don&#39;t belong to any true particle - &quot;missing&quot;.
art framework interface to geometry description
BEGIN_PROLOG could also be cout
static bool IsFinalState(const PFParticleMap &particleMap, const art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > daughterParticle)
Determine whether a particle has been reconstructed as a final-state particle.
std::map< art::Ptr< recob::SpacePoint >, art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > SpacePointsToHits
bool m_disableRealDataCheck
Whether to check if the input file contains real data before accessing MC information.
Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane.
static void BuildMCParticleMap(const MCParticleVector &particleVector, MCParticleMap &particleMap)
Build particle maps for true particles.