Get a certificate proxy

Get an ICARUS certificate proxy

This is similar enough to SBND, that we refer to the documentation in there, with the following amendments.

Analysis certificate proxy for personal accounts

SBND instructions are formally correct, with some changes:

  • the virtual organization name is, unsurprisingly, icarus, which shows in the VOMS interface as /fermilab/icarus group.
  • as a consequence, the correct ritual for summoning a certificate proxy ends with a different enchantment:

    kinit "${USER}@FNAL.GOV"                                                       # get your Kerberos authentication
    kx509                                                                          # ask for a certificate
    voms-proxy-init -noregen -rfc -voms 'fermilab:/fermilab/icarus/Role=Analysis'  # create a "proxy" from the certificate

    The commands kx509 and voms-* should be installed in the system already (and also in the apptainers).

  • the setup script is run with: source /cvmfs/
  • these instructions are not appropriate for production accounts: see below.

Production certificate proxy for icaruspro shared user

For people who needs a certificate proxy when wearing the icaruspro user, the procedure is different. Again, SBND instructions are formally correct, with some changes.

The safest path is to ask ICARUS production manager to get the specific instructions. The following is a snapshot of the status that might change in the future.

A certificate for Production role is always automatically kept up to date, and the startup script (.bash_profile) is automatically setting up the environment variable KX509_USER_PROXY to point at it. If this does not executed for any reason, an equivalent line can be executed. First cross-check the correct command, e.g.

  • run grep '^export X509_USER_PROXY' ~icaruspro/.bash_profile and figure out the correct path to set KX509_USER_PROXY to;
  • run kx509, which is set to write instructions on how to actual set up the proxy (but won’t actually do it);
  • run setup_icaruspro <version> <qualifiers> specifying an icaruscode version (this currently needs to happen in a SLF7 apptainer); this will do the setup.

As an example, the actual command that worked on June 2024:

export X509_USER_PROXY='/opt/icaruspro/icaruspro.Production.proxy'