v08.19.01 05/13/2019 Release Notes ———– ———— – – ——————————————————
icaruscode v08_19_01 Release Notes
- Table of contents
- [icaruscode v08_19_01 Release
- [Purpose]
- [New features]
- [Bug fixes]
- [Updated dependencies]
- [Change List (generated with the command "git log --date=short
--pretty=format:"* %ad - %an - %s"
- [icaruscode v08_19_01]
- [icarusutil v08_19_01]
list of icaruscode
Download instructions for icaruscode
- Catch up release to stay current with LArSoft
New features
- No major new features
Bug fixes
- (none?)
Updated dependencies
Change List (generated with the command "git log --date=short --pretty=format:"* %ad - %an - %s" v08_19_01")
icaruscode v08_19_01
- 2019-05-13 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'develop'
- 2019-05-13 - Usher, Tracy L - The eternal LArSoft chase... now v08_19_01
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - debugging...
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - Fix bug where collection does not get filled
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge commit 'c2e0efbfeec74b6d463e65684ff8b2f358d887f7' into develop
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - LArsoft v08_17_00
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - Include multiple TPC workflow for "raw" path
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - Module for merging hits from multiple producers into a single collection for output
- 2019-05-08 - Usher, Tracy L - Fix compilation errors
- 2019-05-08 - Usher, Tracy L - Initial import of module capable of merging hits from different producers (e.g. from a pair of TPCs) into a single hit collection for output (e.g. for a Cryostat), including associations
- 2019-05-08 - Usher, Tracy L - Updating fhicl file to include "raw" reconstruction based on TPC/Cryostat
- 2019-05-03 - Christopher Hilgenberg - generated new geometry files with updates from Alessandro, CRT naming convention
- 2019-05-03 - Christopher Hilgenberg - change to latest script from Alessandro
- 2019-05-03 - Christopher Hilgenberg - change to correct naming convention
- 2019-05-03 - Usher, Tracy L - Implement the possibility to do simulation and reconstruction on a "per TPC" or "per Cryostat" basis. The intention of breaking up the running of the reconstruction is to improve the overall reconstruction time - both through reduced memory footprint of any individual module and reduced loop combinatorics, and to allow simple parallelization of tasks for whenever larsoft can make use of it.
- 2019-05-03 - Usher, Tracy L - Fix bug where it can happen that the seed is set to zero
- 2019-04-29 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'develop'
- 2019-04-29 - Usher, Tracy L - Preparing to tag v08_17_00
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Removing from this version (v08_16_00) forward the "extra" scripts and geometry files so as to cut back on confusion
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Reconciling geometry gdml file naming scheme
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Reconciling naming convention for gdml and scripting files for geometry
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Update to v08_16_00
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Updating to reflect new art_root handling of reading histograms from input files... intended to not delete the histo when input file is closed.
- 2019-04-21 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'develop' into feature/team_for_art_v3_02
- 2019-04-19 - Gianluca Petrillo - Gallery C.I. test: set up cmake only if none is present.
- 2019-04-19 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'develop'
- 2019-04-19 - Usher, Tracy L - Formatting and also fix tiny error in maximum number of channels in a TPC in the initialization loop.
- 2019-04-19 - Kyle Knoepfel - Upgrade to art 3.02.04
- 2019-04-18 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'develop' of ssh://cdcvs.fnal.gov/cvs/projects/icaruscode into develop
- 2019-04-18 - Usher, Tracy L - Preparing to tag v08_15_01
- 2019-04-16 - Usher, Tracy L - Splitting the reco step into two sections, the first primarily does the gauss hit finding path (plus optical), the second the "raw" path (plus CRT)
- 2019-04-15 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge branch 'feature/gp_PhotonVisTransformations' into develop
- 2019-04-15 - Usher, Tracy L - Merge commit '2c875661a03ea6ce52d8a0ab40252e1114e8fd25' into develop
- 2019-04-15 - Gianluca Petrillo - Added comment on photon map coordinates
- 2019-04-15 - Usher, Tracy L - 19Nov2018 geometry with the overlaps found by Chris Hilgenberg fixed.
- 2019-04-12 - Gianluca Petrillo - Added documentation of timestamp of simulated optical waveforms.
- 2019-04-12 - Usher, Tracy L - Move product_deps to v08_15_00
- 2019-04-12 - Filippo Varanini - default parameter for ICARUS event display
- 2019-04-11 - Gianluca Petrillo - Dumping of the photon library mapping made optional.
- 2019-04-08 - Gianluca Petrillo - LArSoft version dependency bump to v08_14_01
- 2019-04-04 - Gianluca Petrillo - Fixing commit
- 2019-04-04 - Gianluca Petrillo - Added ICARUS-specific photon library mapping tool.
- 2019-04-02 - Usher, Tracy L - Fixing compile issues
- 2019-03-31 - Usher, Tracy L - Massaging around larcv2 for now
- 2019-03-31 - Usher, Tracy L - comment out reference to larcv2 temporarily
- 2019-03-31 - Laura Domine - Kazu's updates on MultiPartRain and MultiPartVertex
- 2019-03-30 - Usher, Tracy L - Moving to larsoft v08_14_00
icarusutil v08_19_01
- 2019-05-13 - Usher, Tracy L - Chasing LArSoft v08_19_01
- 2019-05-10 - Usher, Tracy L - larsoft v08_18_00
- 2019-04-29 - Usher, Tracy L - Going to larsoft v08_17_00
- 2019-04-26 - Usher, Tracy L - Moving to v08_16_00
- 2019-04-19 - Kyle Knoepfel - Update to art 3.02.04
- 2019-04-18 - Usher, Tracy L - Preparing to tag v08_15_01
- 2019-04-12 - Usher, Tracy L - Moving to larsoft v08_15_00
- 2019-03-30 - Usher, Tracy L - Moving to larsoft v08_14_00