| v09.04.01 | 28 Sep 2020 | ReleaseNotes | | — | — | — |
sbndcode v09_04_01 Release Notes
Download instructions for sbndcode v09_04_01
- Weekly release + bug fix.
New features
Bug fixes(Bug-fixes)
- Fixes issues in v09_04_00 (no matching sbndcode release).
Updated dependencies
Change List
sbndcode v09_04_01
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Merge branch ‘release/v09_04_01’
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Update to larsoft v09_04_01
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Merge pull request #31 from pgreen135/feature/pgreen_semianalytic_update
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Merge pull request #33 from SBNSoftware/ggamezdiego-patch-1
- 2020-09-25 Marco Del Tutto : Merge pull request #32 from SBNSoftware/mdeltutt_optical
- 2020-09-25 ggamezdiego : Updating the Optical library information
- 2020-09-24 Patrick Green : updated vuv transport time landau width parameters to fix issue with extrapolation of parameters at very large distances
- 2020-09-23 Marco Del Tutto : Adding new ophit and opflash reco to base reco fcl file.
- 2020-09-23 Marco Del Tutto : Merge branch ‘develop’ into mdeltutt_optical
- 2020-09-23 Marco Del Tutto : ophit reco is now divided in ophitpmt and ophitarapuca
- 2020-09-23 Marco Del Tutto : Flash finder plugin can now accept multiple ophit producs
- 2020-09-23 Dom Brailsford : Separate out the reconstruction stages into reco1 and reco2, but still provide a convenience fcl for running both stages tog
ether. This has required a bit of a hack in a base fcl to ensure reco1->reco2 running order is maintained. There should be a more long term fix to tidy ev
erything up - 2020-09-23 Dom Brailsford : Reorganise all of the job fcls in the JobConfigurations folder. This includes moving all of the production gen fcls from th
e top level ‘fcl’ directory into subdirectories of JobConfigurations - 2020-09-21 Andrew Scarff : Merge tag ‘v09_03_00’ into develop
- 2020-09-21 Patrick Green : updated semi-analytic visible flat optical detector parameterisation
- 2020-09-17 Patrick Green : updated semi-analytic hits parameterisations, vuv and visible light
- 2020-09-16 Patrick Green : updated photon transport time parameterisations, VUV and visible
sbndutil v09_04_01
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Merge branch ‘release/v09_04_01’
- 2020-09-28 Andrew Scarff : Update to larsoft v09_04_01
- 2020-09-21 Andrew Scarff : Merge tag ‘v09_03_00’ into develop