| v09.22.03.01 | 17 May 2021 | ReleaseNotes | | — | — | — |
sbndcode v09_22_03_01 Release Notes
Download instructions for sbndcode v09_22_03_01
- Weekly release
New features
- sbndcode PR 84:
- Integrated File Slimming into Production Chain
- This work follows the discussion in: https://sbn-docdb.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/private/ShowDocument?docid=20825
- It retunes the signal processing, drops data-products, replaces SimChannels with an assn between Hits and MCParticles, and sparsifies the MCParticles to be on the scale of the wire pitch
- Note: SimChannels were temporarily added back in due to issues with truth matching requiring changes in LArSoft. Issue opened to take them out, aiming to drop them before next production
- sbndcode PR 104:
- Commissioning HitDumper Updates
- Updates to the HitDumper analyzer used for commissioning studies
- Add POT information, Saves all CRT taggers by default, Keeps art-root files by default, General clean-up
- sbndcode PR 107:
- Reduce verbosity of SBNDOpT0Finder
Bug fixes
Updated dependencies
- sbncode v09_22_03_01
Change List
sbndcode v09_22_03_01
- 2021-05-17 Patrick Green : Merge branch ‘release/v09_22_03_01’
- 2021-05-17 Patrick Green : Update to v09_22_03_01
- 2021-05-13 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #84 from SBNSoftware/feature/zennamo_AddingHitTruthMatching
- 2021-05-13 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #107 from SBNSoftware/feature/icaza_reduce_verbosity
- 2021-05-12 Iker de Icaza Astiz : Reduce verbosity of SBNDOpT0Finder
- 2021-05-12 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #106 from pgreen135/bugfix/pgreen_fixing_c7_errors
- 2021-05-12 Patrick Green : Fixing c7 compiler errors
- 2021-05-11 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #104 from SBNSoftware/mdeltutt_hitdumper
- 2021-05-11 Joseph Zennamo : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/zennamo_AddingHitTruthMatching
- 2021-05-11 Joseph Zennamo : Merge branch ‘develop’ into feature/zennamo_AddingHitTruthMatching
- 2021-05-11 Joseph Zennamo : moved drop command to base reco fcl
- 2021-05-11 Joseph Zennamo : switch to using gaushit
- 2021-05-11 Joseph Zennamo : switch from linecluster to gaushit in reco chain
- 2021-05-07 Marco Del Tutto : Keep art-root files and also all CRT taggers
- 2021-05-07 Patrick Green : Merge tag ‘v09_22_03_00’ into develop
- 2021-05-06 Marco Del Tutto : Clean up
- 2021-05-05 Marco Del Tutto : Add POT information to HitDumper
- 2021-05-01 Joseph Zennamo : temporarilly adding back simchannels, which are heavy
- 2021-05-01 Joseph Zennamo : Merge tag ‘tags/v09_22_02’ into feature/zennamo_AddingHitTruthMatching
- 2021-03-11 Joseph Zennamo : dropping unneed association to save space
- 2021-03-03 Joseph Zennamo : missed dropping a heavy data-product
- 2021-02-12 Joseph Zennamo : added script to search for fcl files
- 2021-02-12 Joseph Zennamo : dropped extra data-products
- 2021-02-12 Joseph Zennamo : sparsify MCParticles
- 2021-02-12 Joseph Zennamo : sparsify MCParticles
- 2021-02-12 Joseph Zennamo : added ROITuning and fixing the truth matching to linecluster hits
- 2021-01-28 Joseph Zennamo : adding gausHitTruthMatch
- 2021-01-28 Joseph Zennamo : adding backtracker services
sbndutil v09_22_03_01
- 2021-05-17 Patrick Green : Merge branch ‘release/v09_22_03_01’
- 2021-05-17 Patrick Green : Update to v09_22_03_01
- 2021-05-07 Patrick Green : Merge tag ‘v09_22_03_00’ into develop