| v09.34.00 | 25 Oct 2021 | ReleaseNotes | | — | — | — |
sbndcode v09_34_00 Release Notes
Download instructions for sbndcode v09_34_00
- Weekly release
New features
- sbndcode PR 188:
- Consolidate SBND filters
- All SBND filters are now in the same Filters/ directory, and all configuration fcl files are in Filters/fcls/. Fixes issue #7.
- A wiki page was made, with description of these filters: https://sbnsoftware.github.io/sbndcode_wiki/simulation/sbnd_filters
- sbndcode PR 190:
- Add caloskimmer to reco2_sce.fcl
- This commit enables the end_paths to include the caloskimana analyzer, similarly to the standard_reco2_sbnd.fcl.
- sbndcode PR 193:
- New Dirt Flux Files Config I
- Zarko produced new gSimple flux files for dirt event generation. These new files are produced with the same configuration as config H (added with PR #95) but with a larger window.
- The files are installed in /cvmfs/sbnd.osgstorage.org/pnfs/fnal.gov/usr/sbnd/persistent/stash/fluxFiles/bnb/BooNEtoGSimple/configI-v1/october2021/neutrinoMode/, and this PR sets them as the default flux files to use for dirt generation.
- The wiki page has been updated accordingly: https://sbnsoftware.github.io/sbndcode_wiki/The_SBND_flux_files.html.
- sbndcode PR 194:
- Enable Scintillation By Particle Type and LArQL Model
- enables the scintillation by particles type, and fixes issue #150. In the Correlated model that we are using now this option only controls the ratio of fast light to the total light.
- enables the LArQL model, and fixes issue #146.
- sbndcode PR 196:
- Add fcl for empty file generation
- Today we needed to remake some “EmptyEvent” files as input for the ci. I reverse engineered this fcl file based on the config dump from the previous incarnations. Thought it was worth committing in case we want to do the same again.
- sbndcode PR 197:
- Add truth-level photon analyser
- Adds analyser to look at photon truth information, as alternative to simphotoncounter, that works with the refactored larg4 and the multiple photon collections in SBND. Useful in development/testing of larg4 light simulation.
Bug fixes
- sbndcode PR 195:
- SCE Position Offsets
- It was pointed out in docdb 23637, “Summary of SBN Calibration Workshop” that the space-charge position offsets were applied twice in the simulation. In fact, they are applied in both the IonAndScint and SimDrift modules. This PR fixes it by feeding to SimDrift a SimEnergyDeposit collection without offsets applied.
- Fixes issue #189.
Updated dependencies
- sbncode v09_34_00
- larsoft v09_34_00
Change List
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Merge branch ‘release/v09_34_00’
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Update to v09_34_00
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #195 from SBNSoftware/mdeltutt_issue_189
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #197 from SBNSoftware/feature/pgreen_OpDetAnalyzer
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : added analyser to look at photon truth information
- 2021-10-22 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #196 from SBNSoftware/feature/hlay_empty_file_fcl
- 2021-10-22 Henry Lay : Add fcl for empty file generation
- 2021-10-22 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #194 from SBNSoftware/mdeltutt_issue150_146
- 2021-10-21 Marco Del Tutto : Drop the unused SimDriftElectrons collection from IonAndScint which has SCE offsets applied.
- 2021-10-21 Marco Del Tutto : Set SimDriftElectrons to use priorSCE SimEnergyDeposit collection from IonAndScint. SCE offsets are applied in the SimDriftElectrons module itself.
- 2021-10-20 Marco Del Tutto : Enable LArQL model
- 2021-10-20 Marco Del Tutto : Enable scintillation by particle type
- 2021-10-20 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #193 from SBNSoftware/mdelutt_fluxes_config_i
- 2021-10-20 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #188 from SBNSoftware/mdeltutt_issue7
- 2021-10-20 Patrick Green : Merge pull request #190 from SBNSoftware/feature/lnguyen_caloskim_reco2_sce_fcl
- 2021-10-19 Marco Del Tutto : Add new flux file configuration I for dirt
- 2021-10-18 Lan Nguyen : add caloskim to reco2_sce.fcl
- 2021-10-15 Patrick Green : Merge tag ‘v09_33_00’ into develop
- 2021-10-12 Marco Del Tutto : Add wiki link to readme file
- 2021-10-12 Marco Del Tutto : Remove trailing whitespaces
- 2021-10-12 Marco Del Tutto : Clean up CMakeLists.txt
- 2021-10-12 Marco Del Tutto : All filters in the same directory, and all fcl configuration in fcl subdirectory
- 2021-10-12 Marco Del Tutto : Move SimulationFilters/ inside Filters/
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Merge tag ‘v09_34_00’ into develop
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Merge branch ‘release/v09_34_00’
- 2021-10-25 Patrick Green : Update to v09_34_00
- 2021-10-15 Patrick Green : Merge tag ‘v09_33_00’ into develop