9 #include "TDirectory.h"
10 #include "TObjString.h"
TH1D * ToTH1(double exposure, Color_t col=kBlack, Style_t style=kSolid, EExposureType expotype=kPOT, EBinType bintype=kBinContent) const
Histogram made from this Spectrum, scaled to some exposure.
double LogLikelihood(double e, double o)
The log-likelihood formula for a single bin.
const double kBaselineIcarus
Simple record of shifts applied to systematic parameters.
const IPrediction * fPredFD
virtual double ChiSq(osc::IOscCalcAdjustable *osc, const SystShifts &syst=SystShifts::Nominal()) const override
process_name opflashCryoW ana
Representation of a spectrum in any variable, with associated POT.
static void Delete(TH1D *&h)
virtual Spectrum PredictSyst(osc::IOscCalc *calc, const SystShifts &syst) const
const IPrediction * fPredND
Represent the ratio between two spectra.
const double kBaselineSBND