7 ScanModuleLabel:
9 Neutrino_req: 1 #0=no neutrinos, 1=maybe neutrino, 2=neutrino.
10 #2 is most stringent, 0 is least stringent
11 NumShowers_req: 0 #Maximum number of showers required to pass
12 NumTracks_req: 2 #Maximum number of
tracks in any plane required to pass
18 HitsModuleLabel:
26 ClusterModuleLabel:
27 LineModuleLabel:
31 Cuts: [22.0, 16.0, 42.5]
53 argoneut_finalstateparticlefilter:
56 GenieModuleLabel:
57 PDG: [3122, -13] #
pdg codes of
final state particles
in an
event that you want to pick
60 microboone_finalstateselectfilter:
64 GenieModuleLabel:
65 #Return an inclusive final state
67 # List of particles to search for
69 # Will return events with this many of above particles
71 # Will return events with only the specified number
74 # Commentary by Joseph
76 # This example allows for no charged leptons
77 # more than 1 proton and exactly 1 photon
82 standard_smallclusterfilter:
85 HitFinderModuleLabel:
91 standard_showerselector:
94 ClusterModuleLabel:
95 ClusterParamsAlg: @local::standard_clusterparamsalg
99 argoneut_smallclusterfilter: @local::standard_smallclusterfilter
100 argoneut_smallclusterfilter.MaxHitsByPlane: [5,5]
105 microboone_smallclusterfilter: @local::standard_smallclusterfilter
106 microboone_smallclusterfilter.MaxHitsByPlane: [5,5,5]
107 microboone_showerselector: @local::standard_showerselector
108 microboone_showerselector.ClusterParamsAlg: @local::microboone_clusterparamsalg
BEGIN_PROLOG argoneut_scanfilter
process_name stream1 can override from command line with o or output services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService physics analyzers pmtresponse NeutronTrackingCut services LArG4Parameters gaussian physics producers generator PDG
process_name can override from command line with o or output photon
ClusterModuleLabel join with tracks
process_name showerreco Particles Coinciding wih the Vertex services ScanOptions nu_mu NC
BEGIN_PROLOG argoneut_showerselector
BEGIN_PROLOG icarushit pmAlgKalmanTrackGaus pmAlgKalmanTrackICARUS pandoraKalmanTrackGaus pandoraKalmanTrackICARUS sequence::icarus_reco_mcrecoICARUS icarus_reco_producers rawdigitfilter icarus_reco_producers recowire DigitModuleLabel
BEGIN_PROLOG Ave chg rms MinHits
BEGIN_PROLOG triggeremu_data_config_icarus settings PMTADCthresholds sequence::icarus_stage0_multiTPC_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_EastHits_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_WestHits_TPC physics producers purityana0 module_type
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG PDGCountExclusivity