17 #include "cetlib/cpu_timer.h"
23 #include "art/Framework/Core/EDAnalyzer.h"
24 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
25 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
26 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h"
27 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Run.h"
28 #include "art/Framework/Principal/SubRun.h"
29 #include "art_root_io/TFileService.h"
30 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
31 #include "art/Utilities/make_tool.h"
32 #include "canvas/Utilities/InputTag.h"
33 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindManyP.h"
34 #include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
35 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
36 #include "cetlib_except/exception.h"
42 #include "icarus_signal_processing/Filters/ICARUSFFT.h"
92 using FFTPointer = std::unique_ptr<icarus_signal_processing::ICARUSFFT<double>>;
174 auto const detProp = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService const>()->DataForJob();
184 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
190 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
197 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
203 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
209 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
220 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
226 std::cout <<
" after resizing " << std::endl;
232 std::cout <<
" after intrinsic i2 resizing " << std::endl;
236 double freqBin=0.6103515625;
237 fRawPowerHistoC=
new TH1D(
259 std::cout <<
" end constructor " << std::endl;
264 std::cout <<
" begin analyze " << std::endl;
265 art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry> geom;
269 std::cout <<
" after clearing " << std::endl;
275 fCoherentRMSC.clear();
278 fCoherentRMSI1.clear();
280 fCoherentRMSI2.clear();
281 fIntrinsicMean.clear();
282 fIntrinsicRMSC.clear();
283 fIntrinsicRMSI1.clear();
284 fIntrinsicRMSI2.clear();
285 fIntrinsicRMSTrim.clear();
286 std::cout <<
" after clearing " << std::endl;
289 fEvent = e.id().event();
290 std::cout <<
" event " << fEvent << std::endl;
292 std::cout <<
" run " << fRun << std::endl;
293 fSubRun = e.id().subRun();
294 std::cout <<
" subrun " << fSubRun << std::endl;
295 std::cout <<
"Processing event " << NEvents+1 <<
" for TPC Noise Analysis " <<
" Run " << fRun <<
", " <<
"Event " << fEvent <<
"." << std::endl;
302 art::Handle< std::vector<raw::RawDigit> > RawDigitHandle;
303 e.getByLabel(fRawDigitModuleLabel, fRawDigitInstance,fRawDigitProcess, RawDigitHandle);
306 for(
const auto& RawDigit : *RawDigitHandle)
309 unsigned int DataSize = RawDigit.Samples();
310 std::vector<short> RawADC;
311 RawADC.resize(DataSize);
315 std::vector<short> SortedADC(RawADC);
316 std::sort(SortedADC.begin(),SortedADC.end(),[](
const auto&
const auto&
return std::fabs(
left) < std::fabs(
317 float median(SortedADC.at(SortedADC.size()/2));
320 float mean(
321 std::vector<geo::WireID> widVec = geom->ChannelToWire(RawDigit.Channel());
322 size_t plane = widVec[0].Plane;
323 size_t wire = widVec[0].Wire;
324 size_t tpc = widVec[0].TPC;
325 size_t cryostat = widVec[0].Cryostat;
326 std::cout <<
" cryo " << cryostat <<
" tpc " << tpc <<
" plane " << plane <<
" wire " << wire << std::endl;
328 std::vector<float> ADCLessPed;
329 ADCLessPed.resize(SortedADC.size());
330 std::transform(SortedADC.begin(),SortedADC.end(),ADCLessPed.begin(),std::bind(std::minus<float>(),std::placeholders::_1,median));
333 float rms(std::sqrt(std::inner_product(ADCLessPed.begin(), ADCLessPed.end(), ADCLessPed.begin(), 0.) / float(ADCLessPed.size())));
336 unsigned int MinBins((1.0 - 0.01)*ADCLessPed.size());
343 float truncrms(std::sqrt(std::inner_product(ADCLessPed.begin(), ADCLessPed.begin() + MinBins, ADCLessPed.begin(), 0.) / float(MinBins)));
346 std::vector<double> power(DataSize);
347 std::vector<double> RawLessPed;
348 RawLessPed.resize(RawADC.size());
349 std::transform(RawADC.begin(),RawADC.end(),RawLessPed.begin(),std::bind(std::minus<double>(),std::placeholders::_1,median));
350 fFFT->getFFTPower(RawLessPed, power);
353 std::transform(fRawPowerI1.at(0).begin(), fRawPowerI1.at(0).end(), power.begin(), fRawPowerI1.at(0).begin(), std::plus<float>()); }
354 if(plane==1) {
std::transform(fRawPowerI2.at(0).begin(), fRawPowerI2.at(0).end(), power.begin(), fRawPowerI2.at(0).begin(), std::plus<float>()); }
355 if(plane==2) {
std::transform(fRawPowerC.at(0).begin(), fRawPowerC.at(0).end(), power.begin(), fRawPowerC.at(0).begin(), std::plus<float>()); }
358 fPed.push_back(median);
359 if(plane==2) fRawMeanC.push_back(mean);
360 if(plane==1) fRawMeanI2.push_back(mean);
361 if(plane==0) fRawMeanI1.push_back(mean);
362 if(plane==2) { fRawRMSC.push_back(rms);}
363 if(plane==0) { fRawRMSI1.push_back(rms); }
364 if(plane==1) { fRawRMSI2.push_back(rms);
int j=0;j<4096;j++)
std::cout <<
" wire 0 tick " << j <<
" signal " << RawADC.at(j) << std::endl;
366 fRawRMSTrim.push_back(truncrms);
368 fChannel.push_back(RawDigit.Channel());
384 fRawDigitModuleLabel = p.get< std::string >(
"RawDigitModuleLabel", std::string(
386 fRawDigitProcess = p.get< std::string >(
"RawDigitProcess", std::string(
388 fRawDigitInstance = p.get< std::string >(
"RawDigitInstance", std::string(
389 fHistoFileName = p.get< std::string >(
397 art::ServiceHandle<art::TFileService>
399 fNoiseTree = tfs->makeAndRegister<TTree>(
"TPC Noise");
400 fRawPowerTree = tfs->makeAndRegister<TTree>(
"TPC Raw Power");
401 fIntrinsicPowerTree = tfs->makeAndRegister<TTree>(
"TPC Intrinsic Power");
402 fCoherentPowerTree = tfs->makeAndRegister<TTree>(
"TPC Coherent Power");
405 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"Event", &fEvent,
406 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"Run", &fRun,
407 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"SubRun", &fSubRun,
408 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"Channel", &fChannel);
409 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"Pedestal", &fPed);
410 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"RawMeanC", &fRawMeanC);
411 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"RawRMSC", &fRawRMSC);
413 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"RawTrimmedRMS", &fRawRMSTrim);
414 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"IntrinsicMean", &fIntrinsicMean);
415 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"IntrinsicRMSC", &fIntrinsicRMSC);
416 fNoiseTree->Branch(
"IntrinsicTrimmedRMS", &fIntrinsicRMSTrim);
423 double freqBin=0.6103515625;
425 std::cout <<
"Averaging power vectors..." << std::endl;
426 std::vector<float> TMPVect;
427 fRawPowerTree->Branch(
"Power", &TMPVect);
428 for(
auto &it : fRawPowerC)
430 std::transform(it.begin(), it.end(), it.begin(), std::bind(std::divides<float>(), std::placeholders::_1, NEvents));
433 std::cout <<
" tmpvect size " << TMPVect.size() << std::endl;
434 for(
unsigned int jv=0;jv<TMPVect.size();jv++)
435 fRawPowerHistoC->Fill(jv*freqBin,TMPVect[jv]);
437 std::cout <<
" after filling raw power histo " << std::endl;
440 std::cout <<
" frawrmsc size " << fRawRMSC.size() << std::endl;
441 for(
unsigned int jj=0;jj<fRawRMSC.size();jj++)
442 fRawRMSHistoC->Fill(fRawRMSC.at(jj));
443 std::cout <<
" after filling raw rms histo " << std::endl;
444 for(
unsigned int j=0;j<fRawMeanC.size(); j++) {
445 std::cout <<
" filling media " << std::endl;
446 fMediaHistoC->Fill(fRawMeanC.at(j));
448 std::cout <<
" after filling media histo " << std::endl;
451 std::cout <<
"Averaging power vectors..." << std::endl;
453 fRawPowerTree->Branch(
"Power", &TMPVect);
455 for(
auto &it : fRawPowerI1)
457 std::cout <<
" i1 counter " << count++ << std::endl;
458 std::transform(it.begin(), it.end(), it.begin(), std::bind(std::divides<float>(), std::placeholders::_1, NEvents));
462 for(
unsigned int jv=0;jv<TMPVect.size();jv++)
463 fRawPowerHistoI1->Fill(jv*freqBin,TMPVect[jv]);
465 std::cout <<
" after filling raw power histo " << std::endl;
468 std::cout <<
" rawrmsi1 size " << fRawRMSI1.size() << std::endl;
469 for(
unsigned int jj=0;jj<fRawRMSI1.size();jj++) {
470 std::cout <<
" filling rawrmsi1 value " << fRawRMSI1.at(jj) << std::endl;
471 fRawRMSHistoI1->Fill(fRawRMSI1.at(jj));
473 std::cout <<
" after filling raw rms histo entries " << fRawRMSHistoI1->GetEntries() << std::endl;
474 for(
unsigned int j=0;j<fRawMeanI1.size(); j++) {
476 fMediaHistoI1->Fill(fRawMeanI1.at(j));
478 std::cout <<
" after filling media histo " << std::endl;
480 for(
unsigned int jj=0;jj<fIntrinsicRMSI1.size();jj++)
481 fIntrinsicRMSHistoI1->Fill(fIntrinsicRMSI1.at(jj));
483 std::cout <<
" fillhisto cohrms size " << fCoherentRMSI1.size() << std::endl;
485 for(
unsigned int j=0;j<fCoherentRMSI1.size();j++) {
486 std::cout <<
" filling coherent RMS " << fCoherentRMSI1.at(j) << std::endl;
487 fCoherentRMSHistoI1->Fill(fCoherentRMSI1.at(j));
491 std::cout <<
"Averaging power vectors..." << std::endl;
493 fRawPowerTree->Branch(
"Power", &TMPVect);
494 for(
auto &it : fRawPowerI2)
496 std::transform(it.begin(), it.end(), it.begin(), std::bind(std::divides<float>(), std::placeholders::_1, NEvents));
499 std::cout <<
" tmpvect size " << TMPVect.size() << std::endl;
500 for(
unsigned int jv=0;jv<TMPVect.size();jv++)
501 fRawPowerHistoI2->Fill(jv*freqBin,TMPVect[jv]);
503 std::cout <<
" after filling raw power histo " << std::endl;
505 for(
unsigned int jj=0;jj<fRawRMSI2.size();jj++)
506 fRawRMSHistoI2->Fill(fRawRMSI2.at(jj));
507 std::cout <<
" after filling raw rms histo " << std::endl;
508 for(
unsigned int j=0;j<fRawMeanI2.size(); j++) {
510 fMediaHistoI2->Fill(fRawMeanI2.at(j));
512 std::cout <<
" after filling media histo " << std::endl;
514 TFile *f =
new TFile(fHistoFileName.c_str(),
516 std::cout <<
" coherent rms histo entries "<< std::endl;
518 fRawPowerHistoI2->Write();
520 fRawRMSHistoI2->Write();
521 fMediaHistoI2->Write();
524 std::cout <<
" after filling i2 histos " << std::endl;
526 fRawPowerHistoI1->Write();
528 fRawRMSHistoI1->Write();
529 fMediaHistoI1->Write();
532 std::cout <<
" after filling i1 histos " << std::endl;
534 fRawPowerHistoC->Write();
536 fRawRMSHistoC->Write();
537 fMediaHistoC->Write();
541 std::cout <<
" after filling c histos " << std::endl;
542 std::cout <<
"Ending job..." << std::endl;
std::string fRawDigitProcess
std::unique_ptr< icarus_signal_processing::ICARUSFFT< double >> FFTPointer
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fRawPowerC
std::vector< double > fCoherentRMSC
std::vector< float > fRawMeanC
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fCoherentPowerI1
TH1D * fIntrinsicPowerHistoI2
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fRawPowerI2
std::vector< float > fRawMeanI2
std::vector< double > fIntrinsicRMSC
std::vector< double > fCoherentRMSTrim
std::vector< float > fRawMeanI1
Definition of basic raw digits.
TPCNoiseMC(fhicl::ParameterSet const &p)
std::vector< double > fIntrinsicRMSTrim
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fCoherentPowerC
std::string fRawDigitModuleLabel
void analyze(const art::Event &e)
std::vector< double > fCoherentRMSI2
void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset)
TH1D * fCoherentRMSHistoI2
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fCoherentPowerI2
TH1D * fCoherentRMSHistoC
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fRawPowerI1
std::vector< double > fRawRMSC
std::vector< double > fIntrinsicRMSI1
std::string fHistoFileName
std::string fRawDigitInstance
TH1D * fCoherentPowerHistoC
std::vector< double > fCoherentRMSI1
Collect all the RawData header files together.
std::vector< float > fCoherentMean
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fIntrinsicPowerI1
TH1D * fIntrinsicRMSHistoC
TH1D * fCoherentPowerHistoI1
TH1D * fIntrinsicPowerHistoC
Definition of data types for geometry description.
TTree * fCoherentPowerTree
TH1D * fCoherentPowerHistoI2
std::vector< double > fRawRMSI2
double mean(const std::vector< short > &wf, size_t start, size_t nsample)
std::vector< float > fIntrinsicMean
TH1D * fCoherentRMSHistoI1
std::vector< unsigned short int > fChannel
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fIntrinsicPowerC
TH1D * fIntrinsicRMSHistoI1
std::vector< double > fRawRMSTrim
art::ServiceHandle< art::TFileService > tfs
TH1D * fIntrinsicPowerHistoI1
std::size_t count(Cont const &cont)
TTree * fIntrinsicPowerTree
void Uncompress(const std::vector< short > &adc, std::vector< short > &uncompressed, raw::Compress_t compress)
Uncompresses a raw data buffer.
std::vector< double > fIntrinsicRMSI2
std::vector< double > fRawRMSI1
art framework interface to geometry description
BEGIN_PROLOG could also be cout
std::vector< float > fPed
std::vector< std::vector< float > > fIntrinsicPowerI2
TH1D * fIntrinsicRMSHistoI2