void checkBeachLine(double) const
BSTNode * rotateWithLeftChild(BSTNode *)
This defines the actual beach line. The idea is to implement this as a self balancing binary search t...
EventUtilities m_utilities
void setRightChild(BSTNode *node)
void setSuccessor(BSTNode *node)
bool operator<(const BSTNode &) const
Provide override definition for ordering.
Provides some basic functions operating in IEvent class objects.
BSTNode class definiton specifically for use in constructing Voronoi diagrams. We are trying to follo...
void rebalance(BSTNode *)
Tree balancing functions.
BSTNode * getParent() const
std::list< BSTNode > BSTNodeList
int getTreeDepth(const BSTNode *) const
This recovers the depth of longest branch in the tree below input node.
Internal class definitions to facilitate construction of diagram.
BSTNode * findBestLeaf(const IEvent *event) const
BSTNode * getAssociated() const
BSTNode * insertNewLeaf(IEvent *)
void setLeftChild(BSTNode *node)
void setParent(BSTNode *node)
Allow setting of the points.
BSTNode * getRightChild() const
virtual void setBSTNode(BSTNode *)=0
int traverseBeachLeft(BSTNode *) const
BSTNode * removeLeaf(BSTNode *)
void setAssociated(BSTNode *node)
const BSTNode * getTopNode() const
int traverseBeachRight(BSTNode *) const
int getDepth() const
recover the data members
int traverseBeach() const
BSTNode * getPredecessor() const
BSTNode * rotateWithRightChild(BSTNode *)
dcel2d::Face * getFace() const
void setFace(dcel2d::Face *face)
dcel2d::HalfEdge * getHalfEdge() const
void setPredecessor(BSTNode *node)
IEvent * getEvent() const
dcel2d::HalfEdge * m_halfEdge
BSTNode * getSuccessor() const
BSTNode * getLeftChild() const
void setHalfEdge(dcel2d::HalfEdge *half)