9 # only save standard configuration, save experiment-specific configuration in experiment-specific fcl file
14 HitModuleLabel:
15 ClusterModuleLabel:
17 MaxDAng: 0.6 # kink
angle cut (radians)
18 ChainMaxdX: 1.0
# max dX for merging broken clusters
19 ChainVtxAng: 0.1 # kill 2-
cluster US-DS vertices
if angle diff <
this cut
20 MergeChgAsym: 0.7 # charge asymmetry cut
for merging clusters
21 # Order of algorithm calls (1 = vtx, 2 = pln)
22 # First find track matches using clusters associated with 3D vertices (neutrino interactions)
23 # Make tracks from the matches
24 # Next find long track matches (cosmic rays)
25 # Make tracks from the matches
26 # Last find track matches with looser cuts (garbage collection)
27 # Make tracks from the matches
31 ChgAsymFactor: [1, 1, 1] # scale rms by charge asymmetry *
this factor
for alg
35 NVtxTrkHitsFit: 4 # number of hits/plane fitted to
a vertex, 0 = no vertex fit
37 DeltaRayCut: 5
# cut (cm) for tagging delta-rays
38 HitFitErrFac: 0.1 # Factor applied to SigmaPeakTime
for vertex fit
39 uBCode:
true # uB code patches
40 DebugAlg: -1 # 1 = vtx, 2 = pln, 666 = MakeClusterChains
41 DebugPlane: -1 # -1 = none
43 PrintAllClusters:
false #
print clusters as well as
cluster chains
44 errorOnFailureToPut:
47 # Does the full PMA job.
48 # Input: collection of unassociated clusters in 2D views.
49 # Output: 3D track-vertex structure.
50 # First, loops over clusters from each view in order to find/fit individual 3D tracks:
51 # - cluster pairs are processed from the largest, best matching by time, down to small
52 # clusters, new tracks are created and iteratively extended;
53 # - cluster are selected from any pair of views, and the 3rd view is used to validate
54 # the result (if available); all 3 views are used to fine-tune good track candidates;
55 # - track parts are stitched between TPCs;
56 # - vertex candidates are estimated from tracks, tracks connected in vtx are reoptimized
57 # - track-vertex structures are extended and finally PFParticle hierarchy is created,
58 # with tracks and vertices associated to PFPs.
59 standard_pmalgtrackmaker:
62 ProjectionMatchingAlg: @local::standard_projectionmatchingalg
64 PMAlgCosmicTagging: @local::standard_pmalgtagger
65 PMAlgVertexing: @local::standard_pmavertexalg
66 PMAlgStitching: @local::standard_pmastitchalg
68 SaveOnlyBranchingVtx:
false # use
true to save only vertices interconnecting many
tracks, otherwise
69 # vertex is added to the front of each track
70 SavePmaNodes:
false # save
track nodes (only
for algorithm development purposes)
72 HitModuleLabel:
"hits" # unclustered hits
are used
for tracks validation
73 WireModuleLabel:
"caldata" # deconvoluted adc is also used
for tracks validation
76 EmClusterModuleLabel:
"" # EM-like clusters, will be excluded
from tracking
if provided
79 # Trajectory fit using PMA.
80 # Input: clusters associated to PFParticles.
81 # Output: 3D trajectories associated to PFParticles.
82 # Simply use all clusters associated to each PFParticle and fit 3D trajectories (no pattern recognition at all,
83 # no corrections to input objects, etc). Resulting trajectories are associated to existing PFPs.
84 standard_pmalgtrajfitter:
87 ProjectionMatchingAlg: @local::standard_projectionmatchingalg
88 PMAlgFitting: @local::standard_pmalgfitter
89 PMAlgVertexing: @local::standard_pmavertexalg
91 SaveOnlyBranchingVtx:
false # use
true to save only vertices interconnecting many
tracks, otherwise
92 # vertex is added to the front of each track
93 SavePmaNodes:
false # save
track nodes (only
for algorithm development purposes)
95 HitModuleLabel:
"hits" # tag of unclustered hits, which were used to produce PFPs
and clusters
96 PfpModuleLabel:
"pandora" # tag of
the input PFParticles
and associated clusters
99 standard_featuretracker:
102 HitModuleLabel:
103 LineIntFraction: 0.90
105 CornerPset: @local::standard_cornerfinderalg
106 SpacepointPset: @local::microboone_spacepointalg
109 standard_featuretracker.SpacepointPset.MinViews: 2
112 standard_seedfindermodule:
115 InputSource: 1 # 1: use clusters
117 InputModuleLabel:
118 SeedAlg: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
121 standard_beziertrackermodule:
124 SeedModuleLabel:
125 HitModuleLabel:
126 ClusterModuleLabel:
133 standard_trackcheater:
136 CheatedClusterLabel:
137 G4ModuleLabel:
140 standard_trackkalmancheater:
145 HitModuleLabel:
146 ClusterModuleLabel:
147 MaxTcut: 10. # Maximum delta ray energy
in MeV for restricted dE/dx
148 KalmanFilterAlg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
152 standard_track3Dreco:
155 ClusterModuleLabel:
160 standard_cosmictracker:
163 ClusterModuleLabel:
169 ClusterMatch: @local::standard_clustermatchtq
170 CTAlg: @local::standard_cosmictrackeralg
173 standard_track3Dkalman:
176 SpacePtsModuleLabel:
177 GenieGenModuleLabel:
"generator" # comment out
for real data.
178 G4ModuleLabel:
179 PosErr3: [0.02,0.02,0.02] # position resolution, cm.
180 MomErr3: [0.10,0.10,0.2] # momentum resolution,
186 standard_track3DkalmanSPS:
188 module_type: "Track3DKalmanSPS"
189 ClusterModuleLabel: "dbscan"
190 SpptModuleLabel: "spacepointfinder"
191 GenieGenModuleLabel: "generator" # comment out for real data.
192 G4ModuleLabel: "largeant"
193 PosErr3: [0.05,0.1,0.1] # position resolution, cm.
194 MomErr3: [0.5,0.5,1.8] # momentum resolution, GeV/c.
195 MomStart3: [0.10,0.10,1.5] # GeV/c. Will *not* be Unit norm'd.
202 DecimateU: 1 # on
first pass. after that its increased.
205 Chi2HitThresh: 1000000.0
213 HitsModuleLabel:
214 ClusterModuleLabel:
216 PFParticleModuleLabel:
218 ElecKERange: [50, 10000] #
Min, max KE (
for matching Primary only
219 MuonKERange: [50, 10000]
# Min, max KE (MeV) for matching
221 KaonKERange: [50, 10000]
# Min, max KE (MeV) for matching
224 MergeDaughters:
true # merge daughter MC particles with mothers (not
225 SkipCosmics:
true #
do not evaluate
cosmic rays
226 PrintLevel: 0 # 0 = none, 1 =
event summary, 2 += each MC particle, 3 += truth
234 MCTrackModuleLabel:
235 SpacepointModuleLabel:
236 StitchModuleLabel:
237 TrkSpptAssocModuleLabel:
238 HitSpptAssocModuleLabel:
239 HitModuleLabel:
243 MatchColinearity: 0.98
248 StitchedAnalysis:
257 SeedModuleLabel:
258 MCTrackModuleLabel:
262 MatchColinearity: 0.97
271 ClusterModuleLabel:
272 EndPoint2DModuleLabel:
274 vertexclusterWindow: 100.
277 standard_spacepointana:
280 HitModuleLabel:
282 ClusterModuleLabel:
289 standard_spacepointfinder:
292 ClusterModuleLabel:
298 standard_spacepointcheater:
301 ClusterModuleLabel:
307 development_beziertrackjoiner:
317 development_beziertrackana:
320 BezierTrackModuleLabel:
323 standard_track3Dkalmanhit:
328 UsePFParticleHits:
329 UsePFParticleSeeds:
330 HitModuleLabel:
331 ClusterModuleLabel:
332 PFParticleModuleLabel:
333 #MaxTcut: 10. # Maximum delta ray energy in MeV for restricted dE/dx
334 #DoDedx: false # dE/dx enable flag.
335 #SelfSeed: false # Generate seeds internally.
336 #LineSurface: false # Store hits on line surfaces.
337 #MinSeedHits: 12 # Minimum number of hits per track seed.
338 #MinSeedChopHits: 50 # Potentially chop seeds that exceed this length.
339 #MaxChopHits: 20 # Maximum number of hits to chop from each end of seed.
340 #MaxSeedChiDF: 20. # Maximum seed track chisquare/dof.
341 #MinSeedSlope: 0.0 # Minimum seed slope (dx/dz).
342 #InitialMomentum: 0.5 # Initial momentum (GeV/c).
343 #KalmanFilterAlg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
344 #SeedFinderAlg: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
345 Track3DKalmanHitAlg: @local::standard_track3Dkalmanhitalg
349 standard_trackstitcher:
354 StitchAlg: @local::standard_trackstitcheralg
357 standard_magdriftana:
360 HitsModuleLabel:
361 LArGeantModuleLabel:
364 standard_neutrinotrackingeff:
367 MCTruthModuleLabel:
380 standard_muontrackingeff:
383 MCTruthModuleLabel:
ClusterModuleLabel join with tracks
process_name can override from command line with o or output stream1 physics producers trackkal PosErr3
BEGIN_PROLOG pandoraGausReCaloCryo0 TrackModuleLabel
esac done echo Signal files are
physics producers generator FiducialCut
do one_file $F done echo for F in find $TOP name CMakeLists txt print
process_name use argoneut_mc_hitfinder track
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle ProtKERange
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data multiple common symbols may appear with the echo same name If the symbol is defined the common echo symbols are treated as undefined references For more echo details on common see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker such as a global int variable echo as opposed to a large global array echo echo I echo The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol This echo is a GNU extension to the a out object file format which is echo rarely used echo echo N echo The symbol is a debugging symbol echo echo R echo The symbol is in a read only data section echo echo S echo The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small echo objects echo echo T echo The symbol is in the the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo W echo The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically echo tagged as a weak object symbol When a weak defined symbol echo is linked with a normal defined the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo echo The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a out object file In echo this the next values printed are the stabs other echo the stabs desc and the stab type Stabs symbols are echo used to hold debugging information For more echo see *Note or object file format specific echo echo For Mac OS X
process_name ccluster WireModuleLabel
physics analyzers analysistree true physics analyzers analysistree VertexModuleLabel
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle KaonKERange
A value measured in the specified unit.
for($it=0;$it< $RaceTrack_number;$it++)
auto end(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_spacepointalg
return match has_match and(match.match_pdg==11 or match.match_pdg==-11)
BEGIN_PROLOG Z sum does not need to be standard_pmalgtracker
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_cctrackmaker
auto norm(Vector const &v)
Return norm of the specified vector.
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle PrintLevel
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle PionKERange
TrackingSkipPdg join with reoptimize track vertex structure standard_beziertrackeralgorithm
process_name can override from command line with o or output trkana stream1 Oct physics producers trackkal SpptModuleLabel
BEGIN_PROLOG Ave chg rms MinHits
BEGIN_PROLOG triggeremu_data_config_icarus settings PMTADCthresholds sequence::icarus_stage0_multiTPC_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_EastHits_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_WestHits_TPC physics producers purityana0 module_type
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle TrackWeightOption
finds tracks best matching by angle
BEGIN_PROLOG SN SingleParticle MuonKERange