Electron neutrino event selection. More...
#include <NumuReco.h>
Classes | |
struct | Config |
Public Member Functions | |
NumuReco () | |
void | Initialize (fhicl::ParameterSet *config=NULL) |
void | Finalize () |
bool | ProcessEvent (const gallery::Event &ev, const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth, std::vector< event::RecoInteraction > &reco) |
![]() | |
SelectionBase () | |
virtual | ~SelectionBase () |
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ProcessorBase () | |
virtual | ~ProcessorBase () |
virtual void | FillTree () |
virtual void | FillRecoTree () |
virtual void | EventCleanup () |
template<class T > | |
TBranch * | AddBranch (std::string name, T *obj) |
template<class T > | |
TBranch * | AddRecoBranch (std::string name, T *obj) |
Protected Member Functions | |
numu::RecoEvent | Reconstruct (const gallery::Event &ev, const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth) |
std::map< size_t, numu::TrueParticle > | MCParticleInfos () |
numu::TrueParticle | MCParticleInfo (const simb::MCParticle &particle) |
std::vector< numu::CRTHit > | InTimeCRTHits () |
void | FillCRTHits () |
numu::CRTHit | SBND2numuCRTHit (const sbn::crt::CRTHit &hit) |
bool | InBeamSpill (float time) |
std::vector< numu::RecoParticle > | RecoParticleInfo () |
bool | SelectSlice (const numu::RecoSlice &slice) |
std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > | RecoTrackInfo () |
std::vector< numu::RecoSlice > | RecoSliceInfo (std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &reco_tracks, const std::vector< numu::RecoParticle > &particles) |
bool | HasPrimaryTrack (const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &tracks, const numu::RecoSlice &slice) |
std::vector< size_t > | RecoSliceTracks (const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &tracks, const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoParticle > &particles) |
event::RecoInteraction | CoreRecoInteraction (const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth, const numu::RecoInteraction &vertex, double weight) |
int | GetPhotonMotherID (int mcparticle_id) |
numu::FlashMatch | FlashMatching (const recob::Track &pandora_track, const numu::RecoTrack &track) |
numu::CRTMatch | CRTMatching (const numu::RecoTrack &track, const recob::Track &pandora_track, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &track_hits) |
void | ApplyCosmicID (numu::RecoTrack &track) |
std::array< bool, 4 > | RecoTrackTopology (const art::Ptr< recob::Track > &track) |
numu::TrackTruthMatch | MatchTrack2Truth (size_t track_id) |
void | CollectPMTInformation (const gallery::Event &ev) |
void | CollectCRTInformation (const gallery::Event &ev) |
void | CollectTPCInformation (const gallery::Event &ev) |
void | CollectTruthInformation (const gallery::Event &ev) |
bool | InActive (const TVector3 &v) const |
![]() | |
virtual void | Initialize (char *config=NULL) |
virtual void | Setup (char *config=NULL) |
virtual void | Setup (fhicl::ParameterSet *config=NULL) |
virtual void | Teardown () |
void | BuildEventTree (gallery::Event &ev) |
void | SetupServices (gallery::Event &ev) |
void | UpdateSubRuns (gallery::Event &ev) |
void | UpdateFileMeta (gallery::Event &ev) |
Protected Attributes | |
unsigned | _event_counter |
Count processed events. More... | |
unsigned | _nu_count |
Count selected events. More... | |
TGraph * | _cut_counts |
Keep track of neutrinos per cut. More... | |
Config | _config |
The config. More... | |
trkf::TrackMomentumCalculator * | _track_momentum_calculator |
Calculator for range-based track momentum. More... | |
trkf::TrajectoryMCSFitter * | _mcs_fitter |
Calculator for MCS based momentum. More... | |
numu::RecoEvent | _recoEvent |
Branch container for the RecoEvent. More... | |
std::vector < numu::RecoInteraction > * | _selected |
Branch container for the list of selected reco vertices. More... | |
sbnd::CRTTrackMatchAlg * | _crt_track_matchalg |
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT Tracks. More... | |
sbnd::CRTT0MatchAlg * | _crt_hit_matchalg |
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT hits (T0's) More... | |
ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg | _apa_cross_cosmic_alg |
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID by looking for tracks crossing APA. More... | |
StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg | _stopping_cosmic_alg |
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID using a fit to the energy deposits. More... | |
opdet::opHitFinderSBND * | _op_hit_maker |
Optical hit maker. More... | |
const std::vector < sbn::crt::CRTTrack > * | _crt_tracks |
std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTTrack > | _crt_tracks_local |
std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTHit > | _crt_hits_local |
const std::vector < sbn::crt::CRTHit > * | _crt_hits |
bool | _has_crt_hits |
bool | _has_crt_tracks |
std::vector< art::Ptr < recob::OpHit > > | _op_hit_ptrs |
std::vector< recob::OpHit > | _op_hits_local |
std::vector< art::Ptr < recob::Slice > > | _tpc_slices |
std::vector< art::Ptr < recob::Track > > | _tpc_tracks |
std::vector< art::Ptr < recob::PFParticle > > | _tpc_particles |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > > | _tpc_slices_to_particles |
std::vector< std::vector < unsigned > > | _tpc_slices_to_particle_index |
std::vector< art::Ptr < recob::PFParticle > > | _tpc_tracks_to_particles |
std::vector< unsigned > | _tpc_tracks_to_particle_index |
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > | _tpc_particles_to_track_index |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< anab::Calorimetry > > > | _tpc_tracks_to_calo |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< anab::ParticleID > > > | _tpc_tracks_to_pid |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > | _tpc_tracks_to_hits |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< anab::T0 > > > | _tpc_particles_to_T0 |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > > > | _tpc_particles_to_vertex |
std::vector< std::vector < unsigned > > | _tpc_particles_to_daughters |
std::vector< art::Ptr < larpandoraobj::PFParticleMetadata > > | _tpc_particles_to_metadata |
std::vector< std::vector < art::Ptr< anab::T0 > > > | _tpc_particles_to_flashT0 |
std::vector< art::Ptr < simb::MCParticle > > | _true_particles |
std::map< int, art::Ptr < simb::MCTruth > > | _true_particles_to_truth |
std::map< int, const sim::GeneratedParticleInfo * > | _true_particles_to_generator_info |
numu::MCType | fType |
CRTHistos | _crt_histograms |
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unsigned long | fEventIndex |
An incrementing index. More... | |
Experiment | fExperimentID |
Experiment identifier. More... | |
ProviderManager * | fProviderManager |
Interface for provider access. More... | |
std::string | fOutputFilename |
The output filename. More... | |
std::string | fProviderConfig |
A custom provider config fcl file. More... | |
std::vector< geo::BoxBoundedGeo > | fActiveVolumes |
List of active volumes in configured detector. More... | |
bool | fWriteTree |
Enable writing of the main tree. More... | |
TFile * | fOutputFile |
The output ROOT file. More... | |
TTree * | fTree |
The output ROOT tree. More... | |
event::Event * | fEvent |
The standard output event data structure. More... | |
bool | fWriteRecoTree |
Enable writing of the reco tree. More... | |
TTree * | fRecoTree |
The output reco ROOT tree. More... | |
event::RecoEvent * | fRecoEvent |
The standard output reco event data structure. More... | |
TTree * | fSubRunTree |
Subrun output tree. More... | |
SubRun * | fSubRun |
Standard output subrun structure. More... | |
TTree * | fFileMetaTree |
File metadata output tree. More... | |
FileMeta * | fFileMeta |
standard output file metadata structure More... | |
TParameter< int > * | fExperimentParameter |
Saves value of experiment enum. More... | |
std::set< std::pair< int, int > > | fSubRunCache |
Cache stored subruns. More... | |
art::InputTag | fTruthTag |
art tag for MCTruth information More... | |
art::InputTag | fFluxTag |
art tag for MCFlux information More... | |
std::vector< art::InputTag > | fWeightTags |
art tag(s) for MCEventWeight information More... | |
art::InputTag | fMCTrackTag |
art tag for MCTrack More... | |
art::InputTag | fMCShowerTag |
art tag for MCShower More... | |
art::InputTag | fMCParticleTag |
art tag for MCParticle More... | |
std::string | fGeneratorProcess |
process_name of process used to run genie. Used to extract subrun/POT information More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
std::vector < event::RecoInteraction > * | fReco |
Reco interaction list. More... | |
Electron neutrino event selection.
Definition at line 69 of file NumuReco.h.
ana::SBNOsc::NumuReco::NumuReco | ( | ) |
Definition at line 164 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 754 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Fill up the CRT information containers from the gallery Event
ev | The gallery Event |
Definition at line 1131 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Fill up the Optical information containers from the gallery Event
ev | The gallery Event |
Definition at line 1233 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Fill up the TPC information containers from the gallery Event
ev | The gallery Event |
Definition at line 1008 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Fill up truth information containers from the gallery Event
ev | The gallery Event |
Definition at line 991 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Converts the NumuReco::RecoInteraction information into reco information used by sbncode core
truth | the list of truth vertices produced by sbncode core |
vertex | the reconstructed vertex produced by this selection |
weight | the calculated weight for this interaction |
Definition at line 290 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Returns whether a TPC track has a match to CRT information
track | The track information from this module |
pandora_track | The LArSoft track object |
track_hits | The list of hits associated with this track |
Definition at line 1172 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1316 of file NumuReco.cxx.
virtual |
Finalize and write objects to the output file.
Implements core::ProcessorBase.
Definition at line 278 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Returns whether a TPC track has a match to Optical information
pandora_track | The LArSoft track object |
track | The track infromation from this module |
Definition at line 1260 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Gets the ID of a true particle is stored by MC photon information
mcparticle_id | The MCParticleID of the true particle as returned by G4 |
Definition at line 127 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Returns whether a primary track (candidate muon) candidate exists for a neutrino interaction candidate
tracks | The list of reconstructed tracks in the event |
slice | The candidate neutrino interaction |
Definition at line 839 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Test whether a point is in the configured fiducial volume
v | The point to test |
Definition at line 1396 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Returns whether the povided time is inside the configured beam spill.
time | Input time in us. |
Definition at line 1301 of file NumuReco.cxx.
virtual |
config | A configuration, as a FHiCL ParameterSet object |
Implements core::ProcessorBase.
Definition at line 170 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Return the list of intime CRTHits in the reconstructed event.
Definition at line 1322 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Get matching information from a reconstructed track to truth information
track_id | the "ID" of the reconstructed track. NOT the pandora ID. |
Definition at line 866 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Adapt an MCParticle to the information needed for this event selection module
Definition at line 381 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Collect information on true particles for this event
Definition at line 529 of file NumuReco.cxx.
virtual |
Process one event.
ev | A single event, as a gallery::Event |
Reconstructed | interactions |
Implements core::ProcessorBase.
Definition at line 300 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Produce all reconstruction information from the gallery event
ev | the gallery Event |
truth | the list of truth interactions for this event |
Definition at line 1335 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Gathers together reconstruction information on each individual particle.
Definition at line 784 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Gathers the list of reconstructed candidate neutrino interactions as a list of TPC slices.
reco_tracks | The list of reconstructed tracks in the event |
particles | The list of reconstructed PFParticles in the event |
Definition at line 915 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Return the list of tracks associated with a neutrino interaction candidate.
tracks | The list of all reconstructed tracks in the event |
particles | The list of reconstructed particles associated with this neutrino interaction canidate |
Definition at line 769 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Gathers a map of track ID's to RecoTrack objects. This ID may not be the same as the pandora ID.
Definition at line 621 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Calculate some topology factoids about a reconstructed track
track | The pointer to LArSoft track information |
Definition at line 549 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 1305 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Returns whether this slice is designated as a neutrino interaction by Pandora
slice | The neutrino slice gathered from pandora information |
Definition at line 860 of file NumuReco.cxx.
protected |
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID by looking for tracks crossing APA.
Definition at line 344 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
The config.
Definition at line 332 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 386 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT hits (T0's)
Definition at line 343 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 352 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 351 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT Tracks.
Definition at line 342 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 349 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 350 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Keep track of neutrinos per cut.
Definition at line 330 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Count processed events.
Definition at line 328 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 353 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 354 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Calculator for MCS based momentum.
Definition at line 336 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Count selected events.
Definition at line 329 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Optical hit maker.
Definition at line 346 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 357 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 358 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Branch container for the RecoEvent.
Definition at line 339 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Branch container for the list of selected reco vertices.
Definition at line 340 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID using a fit to the energy deposits.
Definition at line 345 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 363 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 374 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 376 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 375 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 372 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 368 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 373 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 361 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 365 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 364 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 362 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 369 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 371 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 367 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 366 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 370 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Calculator for range-based track momentum.
Definition at line 335 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 379 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 381 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 380 of file NumuReco.h.
protected |
Definition at line 384 of file NumuReco.h.