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1 #ifndef __sbnanalysis_ana_SBNOsc_NumuReco__
2 #define __sbnanalysis_ana_SBNOsc_NumuReco__
4 /**
5  * \file NumuReco.h
6  *
7  * SBN nue selection.
8  *
9  * Author:
10  */
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <array>
14 #include <vector>
16 #include "canvas/Utilities/InputTag.h"
17 #include "core/SelectionBase.hh"
18 #include "core/Event.hh"
19 #include "core/ProviderManager.hh"
21 #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
22 #include "TGraph.h"
24 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/FindManyP.h"
26 #include "nusimdata/SimulationBase/MCTruth.h"
34 #include "LArReco/TrajectoryMCSFitter.h"
35 #include "LArReco/TrackMomentumCalculator.h"
43 #include "../CosmicIDAlgs/ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg.h"
44 #include "../CosmicIDAlgs/StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg.h"
48 #include "../Data/CRTMatch.h"
49 #include "../Data/FlashMatch.h"
50 #include "../Data/Mode.h"
51 #include "../Data/RecoEvent.h"
52 #include "../Data/RecoParticle.h"
53 #include "../Data/RecoTrack.h"
54 #include "../Data/TruthMatch.h"
55 #include "../Data/MCType.h"
57 #include "../Histograms/CRTHisto.h"
59 class TH2D;
60 class TH1D;
62 namespace ana {
63  namespace SBNOsc {
65 /**
66  * \class NumuReco
67  * \brief Electron neutrino event selection
68  */
69 class NumuReco : public core::SelectionBase {
70 public:
71  /** Constructor. */
72  NumuReco();
74  /**
75  * Initialization.
76  *
77  * \param config A configuration, as a FHiCL ParameterSet object
78  */
79  void Initialize(fhicl::ParameterSet* config=NULL);
81  /** Finalize and write objects to the output file. */
82  void Finalize();
84  /**
85  * Process one event.
86  *
87  * \param ev A single event, as a gallery::Event
88  * \param Reconstructed interactions
89  * \return True to keep event
90  */
91  bool ProcessEvent(const gallery::Event& ev, const std::vector<event::Interaction> &truth, std::vector<event::RecoInteraction>& reco);
95 protected:
96  /** Configuration parameters */
97  struct Config {
98  std::vector<geo::BoxBoundedGeo> containment_volumes; //!< List of volumes for containment cuts -- set by "containment_volumes"
99  std::vector<geo::BoxBoundedGeo> active_volumes; //!< List of active volumes per cryostat
100  std::vector<std::vector<geo::BoxBoundedGeo>> tpc_volumes; //!< List of active tpc volumes -- retreived from Geoemtry service
102  bool verbose; //!< Whether to print out info associated w/ selection.
103  std::vector<std::string> uniformWeights; //!< Weights taken from "EventWeight" that should be applied to the weight of each event
104  double constantWeight; //!< Constant weight to apply uniformly to each event
105  double cosmicWeight; //!< Weight applied to all events matched to a cosmic track
107  bool requireMatched; //!< Apply cut that requires each reconstructed vertex to be matched to a truth vertex
108  bool requireTrack; //!< Apply cut that requires each reconstructed vertex to have an associated primary track
109  bool requireContained; //!< Apply cut that requires each primary track to be contained inside the containment volume
121  int TSMode;
126  std::array<float, 2> BeamSpillWindow;
127  double beamCenterX;
128  double beamCenterY;
130  std::string RecoSliceTag;
131  std::string RecoTrackTag; //!< art tag for reconstructed tracks
132  std::string RecoVertexTag; //!< art tag for reconstructed vertices
133  std::vector<std::string> TPCRecoTagSuffixes;
134  std::string CaloTag;
135  std::string PIDTag;
136  std::string PFParticleTag; //!< art tag for PFParticles
137  std::string FlashMatchTag;
138  std::string CorsikaTag; //!< art tag for corsika MCTruth
139  std::string CRTTrackTag; //!< art tag for CRT tracks
140  std::string CRTHitTag;
141  std::string OpFlashTag;
142  std::string MCParticleTag; //!< art tag for MCParticle
144  };
147  // Internal functions
149  /**
150  * Produce all reconstruction information from the gallery event
151  * \param ev the gallery Event
152  * \param truth the list of truth interactions for this event
153  * \return the RecoEvent object for this event
154  */
155  numu::RecoEvent Reconstruct(const gallery::Event &ev, const std::vector<event::Interaction> &truth);
157  /**
158  * Collect information on true particles for this event
159  */
160  std::map<size_t, numu::TrueParticle> MCParticleInfos();
162  /**
163  * Adapt an MCParticle to the information needed for this event selection module
164  */
165  numu::TrueParticle MCParticleInfo(const simb::MCParticle &particle);
167  /**
168  * Return the list of intime CRTHits in the reconstructed event.
169  * \return In time CRT Hits in the numu reco format
170  */
171  std::vector<numu::CRTHit> InTimeCRTHits();
172  void FillCRTHits();
174  /**
175  *
176  */
179  /**
180  * Returns whether the povided time is inside the configured beam spill.
181  * \param time Input time in us.
182  * \return Whether the provided time is inside the configured beam spill.
183  */
184  bool InBeamSpill(float time);
186  /**
187  * Gathers together reconstruction information on each individual particle.
188  *
189  * \return the list of RecoParticle objects for every reconstructed particle in the event
190  */
191  std::vector<numu::RecoParticle> RecoParticleInfo();
193  /**
194  *
195  * Returns whether this slice is designated as a neutrino interaction by Pandora
196  *
197  * \param slice The neutrino slice gathered from pandora information
198  * \return Boolean which is true if the slice is a neutrino interaction
199  */
200  bool SelectSlice(const numu::RecoSlice &slice);
202  /**
203  * Gathers a map of track ID's to RecoTrack objects. This ID may not be the same as
204  * the pandora ID.
205  *
206  * \return Map of track ID's to track objects
207  */
208  std::map<size_t, numu::RecoTrack> RecoTrackInfo();
210  /**
211  * Gathers the list of reconstructed candidate neutrino interactions as a list of
212  * TPC slices.
213  *
214  * \param reco_tracks The list of reconstructed tracks in the event
215  * \param particles The list of reconstructed PFParticles in the event
216  */
217  std::vector<numu::RecoSlice> RecoSliceInfo(
218  std::map<size_t, numu::RecoTrack> &reco_tracks,
219  const std::vector<numu::RecoParticle> &particles);
221  /**
222  * Returns whether a primary track (candidate muon) candidate exists for a
223  * neutrino interaction candidate
224  *
225  * \param tracks The list of reconstructed tracks in the event
226  * \param slice The candidate neutrino interaction
227  * \return Whether a primary track candidate exists
228  */
229  bool HasPrimaryTrack(const std::map<size_t, numu::RecoTrack> &tracks, const numu::RecoSlice &slice);
232  /**
233  * Return the list of tracks associated with a neutrino interaction candidate.
234  * \param tracks The list of all reconstructed tracks in the event
235  * \param particles The list of reconstructed particles associated with this
236  * neutrino interaction canidate
237  *
238  * \return The list of track IDs associated with this slice
239  */
240  std::vector<size_t> RecoSliceTracks(
241  const std::map<size_t, numu::RecoTrack> &tracks,
242  const std::map<size_t, numu::RecoParticle> &particles);
244  /**
245  * Converts the NumuReco::RecoInteraction information into reco information used by sbncode core
246  * \param truth the list of truth vertices produced by sbncode core
247  * \param vertex the reconstructed vertex produced by this selection
248  * \param weight the calculated weight for this interaction
249  *
250  * \return Reconstruction information as needed by the sbncode core class
251  */
252  event::RecoInteraction CoreRecoInteraction(const std::vector<event::Interaction> &truth, const numu::RecoInteraction &vertex, double weight);
254  /**
255  * Gets the ID of a true particle is stored by MC photon information
256  * \param mcparticle_id The MCParticleID of the true particle as returned by G4
257  *
258  * \return The ID of the particle as in the photon objects
259  */
260  int GetPhotonMotherID(int mcparticle_id);
261  /**
262  * Returns whether a TPC track has a match to Optical information
263  * \param pandora_track The LArSoft track object
264  * \param track The track infromation from this module
265  *
266  * \return Flash Match object
267  */
268  numu::FlashMatch FlashMatching(const recob::Track &pandora_track, const numu::RecoTrack &track);
270  /**
271  * Returns whether a TPC track has a match to CRT information
272  * \param track The track information from this module
273  * \param pandora_track The LArSoft track object
274  * \param track_hits The list of hits associated with this track
275  *
276  * \return CRTMatch object
277  */
278  numu::CRTMatch CRTMatching(const numu::RecoTrack &track, const recob::Track &pandora_track, const std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> &track_hits);
282  /**
283  * Calculate some topology factoids about a reconstructed track
284  *
285  * \param track The pointer to LArSoft track information
286  *
287  * \return A list of bools associated with track topology. See the code for what is what.
288  */
289  std::array<bool, 4> RecoTrackTopology(const art::Ptr<recob::Track> &track);
291  /**
292  * Get matching information from a reconstructed track to truth information
293  * \param track_id the "ID" of the reconstructed track. __NOT__ the pandora ID.
294  *
295  * \return The matchinf information of this track to truth information
296  */
297  numu::TrackTruthMatch MatchTrack2Truth(size_t track_id);
299  /**
300  * Fill up the Optical information containers from the gallery Event
301  * \param ev The gallery Event
302  */
303  void CollectPMTInformation(const gallery::Event &ev);
304  /**
305  * Fill up the CRT information containers from the gallery Event
306  * \param ev The gallery Event
307  */
308  void CollectCRTInformation(const gallery::Event &ev);
309  /**
310  * Fill up the TPC information containers from the gallery Event
311  * \param ev The gallery Event
312  */
313  void CollectTPCInformation(const gallery::Event &ev);
314  /**
315  * Fill up truth information containers from the gallery Event
316  * \param ev The gallery Event
317  */
318  void CollectTruthInformation(const gallery::Event &ev);
320  /**
321  * Test whether a point is in the configured fiducial volume
322  * \param v The point to test
323  *
324  * \return Whether the point is in the configured fiducial volume
325  */
326  bool InActive(const TVector3 &v) const;
328  unsigned _event_counter; //!< Count processed events
329  unsigned _nu_count; //!< Count selected events
330  TGraph *_cut_counts; //!< Keep track of neutrinos per cut
332  Config _config; //!< The config
334  // calculators for Reco things
335  trkf::TrackMomentumCalculator *_track_momentum_calculator; //!< Calculator for range-based track momentum
336  trkf::TrajectoryMCSFitter *_mcs_fitter; //!< Calculator for MCS based momentum
339  numu::RecoEvent _recoEvent; //!< Branch container for the RecoEvent
340  std::vector<numu::RecoInteraction> *_selected; //!< Branch container for the list of selected reco vertices
342  sbnd::CRTTrackMatchAlg *_crt_track_matchalg; //!< Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT Tracks
343  sbnd::CRTT0MatchAlg *_crt_hit_matchalg; //!< Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -> CRT hits (T0's)
344  ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg _apa_cross_cosmic_alg; //!< Algorithm for doing cosmic ID by looking for tracks crossing APA
345  StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg _stopping_cosmic_alg; //!< Algorithm for doing cosmic ID using a fit to the energy deposits
346  opdet::opHitFinderSBND *_op_hit_maker; //!< Optical hit maker
348  // holders for CRT information
349  const std::vector<sbn::crt::CRTTrack> *_crt_tracks;
350  std::vector<sbn::crt::CRTTrack> _crt_tracks_local;
351  std::vector<sbn::crt::CRTHit> _crt_hits_local;
352  const std::vector<sbn::crt::CRTHit> *_crt_hits;
356  // holders for PMT information
357  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::OpHit>> _op_hit_ptrs;
358  std::vector<recob::OpHit> _op_hits_local;
360  // holders for TPC information
361  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Slice>> _tpc_slices;
362  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Track>> _tpc_tracks;
363  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>> _tpc_particles;
364  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>>> _tpc_slices_to_particles;
365  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> _tpc_slices_to_particle_index;
366  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::PFParticle>> _tpc_tracks_to_particles;
367  std::vector<unsigned> _tpc_tracks_to_particle_index;
368  std::map<unsigned, unsigned> _tpc_particles_to_track_index;
369  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<anab::Calorimetry>>> _tpc_tracks_to_calo;
370  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<anab::ParticleID>>> _tpc_tracks_to_pid;
371  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>> _tpc_tracks_to_hits;
372  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<anab::T0>>> _tpc_particles_to_T0;
373  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Vertex>>> _tpc_particles_to_vertex;
374  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned>> _tpc_particles_to_daughters;
375  std::vector<art::Ptr<larpandoraobj::PFParticleMetadata>> _tpc_particles_to_metadata;
376  std::vector<std::vector<art::Ptr<anab::T0>>> _tpc_particles_to_flashT0;
378  // holders for truth information
379  std::vector<art::Ptr<simb::MCParticle>> _true_particles;
380  std::map<int, art::Ptr<simb::MCTruth>> _true_particles_to_truth;
381  std::map<int, const sim::GeneratedParticleInfo *> _true_particles_to_generator_info;
383  // type of Monte Carlo
388 };
390  } // namespace SBNOsc
391 } // namespace ana
393 #endif // __sbnanalysis_ana_SBNOsc_NumuReco__
std::map< int, art::Ptr< simb::MCTruth > > _true_particles_to_truth
Definition: NumuReco.h:380
bool verbose
Whether to print out info associated w/ selection.
Definition: NumuReco.h:102
process_name vertex
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
bool requireTrack
Apply cut that requires each reconstructed vertex to have an associated primary track.
Definition: NumuReco.h:108
void Initialize(fhicl::ParameterSet *config=NULL)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:170
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > _true_particles
Definition: NumuReco.h:379
std::array< float, 2 > BeamSpillWindow
Definition: NumuReco.h:126
std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTHit > _crt_hits_local
Definition: NumuReco.h:351
numu::TrackTruthMatch MatchTrack2Truth(size_t track_id)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:866
numu::CRTHit SBND2numuCRTHit(const sbn::crt::CRTHit &hit)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1305
std::vector< numu::RecoSlice > RecoSliceInfo(std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &reco_tracks, const std::vector< numu::RecoParticle > &particles)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:915
std::vector< numu::RecoInteraction > * _selected
Branch container for the list of selected reco vertices.
Definition: NumuReco.h:340
std::vector< numu::CRTHit > InTimeCRTHits()
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1322
event::RecoInteraction CoreRecoInteraction(const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth, const numu::RecoInteraction &vertex, double weight)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:290
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > _tpc_particles
Definition: NumuReco.h:363
ClusterModuleLabel join with tracks
std::vector< unsigned > _tpc_tracks_to_particle_index
Definition: NumuReco.h:367
int GetPhotonMotherID(int mcparticle_id)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:127
std::vector< art::Ptr< larpandoraobj::PFParticleMetadata > > _tpc_particles_to_metadata
Definition: NumuReco.h:375
StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg _stopping_cosmic_alg
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID using a fit to the energy deposits.
Definition: NumuReco.h:345
std::vector< std::vector< geo::BoxBoundedGeo > > tpc_volumes
List of active tpc volumes – retreived from Geoemtry service.
Definition: NumuReco.h:100
Declaration of signal hit object.
numu::RecoEvent _recoEvent
Branch container for the RecoEvent.
Definition: NumuReco.h:339
std::vector< recob::OpHit > _op_hits_local
Definition: NumuReco.h:358
std::string CRTTrackTag
art tag for CRT tracks
Definition: NumuReco.h:139
unsigned _event_counter
Count processed events.
Definition: NumuReco.h:328
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > _tpc_particles_to_daughters
Definition: NumuReco.h:374
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Track > > _tpc_tracks
Definition: NumuReco.h:362
Contains data associated to particles from detector simulation.
numu::CRTMatch CRTMatching(const numu::RecoTrack &track, const recob::Track &pandora_track, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &track_hits)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1172
process_name use argoneut_mc_hitfinder track
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Vertex > > > _tpc_particles_to_vertex
Definition: NumuReco.h:373
CRTHistos _crt_histograms
Definition: NumuReco.h:386
process_name hit
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
process_name opflashCryoW ana
void CollectTruthInformation(const gallery::Event &ev)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:991
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit > > > _tpc_tracks_to_hits
Definition: NumuReco.h:371
std::vector< std::string > TPCRecoTagSuffixes
Definition: NumuReco.h:133
std::vector< size_t > RecoSliceTracks(const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &tracks, const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoParticle > &particles)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:769
ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg _apa_cross_cosmic_alg
Algorithm for doing cosmic ID by looking for tracks crossing APA.
Definition: NumuReco.h:344
std::vector< numu::RecoParticle > RecoParticleInfo()
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:784
trkf::TrackMomentumCalculator * _track_momentum_calculator
Calculator for range-based track momentum.
Definition: NumuReco.h:335
numu::RecoEvent Reconstruct(const gallery::Event &ev, const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1335
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:265
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< anab::Calorimetry > > > _tpc_tracks_to_calo
Definition: NumuReco.h:369
std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > RecoTrackInfo()
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:621
void CollectTPCInformation(const gallery::Event &ev)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1008
Contains truth level information and additional fields for selection-defined reconstruction informati...
Definition: Event.hh:178
bool InActive(const TVector3 &v) const
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1396
numu::FlashMatch FlashMatching(const recob::Track &pandora_track, const numu::RecoTrack &track)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1260
std::vector< std::string > uniformWeights
Weights taken from &quot;EventWeight&quot; that should be applied to the weight of each event.
Definition: NumuReco.h:103
process_name standard_reco_uboone reco
bool requireContained
Apply cut that requires each primary track to be contained inside the containment volume...
Definition: NumuReco.h:109
sbnd::CRTTrackMatchAlg * _crt_track_matchalg
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -&gt; CRT Tracks.
Definition: NumuReco.h:342
bool HasPrimaryTrack(const std::map< size_t, numu::RecoTrack > &tracks, const numu::RecoSlice &slice)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:839
bool SelectSlice(const numu::RecoSlice &slice)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:860
double cosmicWeight
Weight applied to all events matched to a cosmic track.
Definition: NumuReco.h:105
bool requireMatched
Apply cut that requires each reconstructed vertex to be matched to a truth vertex.
Definition: NumuReco.h:107
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< anab::T0 > > > _tpc_particles_to_T0
Definition: NumuReco.h:372
TGraph * _cut_counts
Keep track of neutrinos per cut.
Definition: NumuReco.h:330
std::map< int, const sim::GeneratedParticleInfo * > _true_particles_to_generator_info
Definition: NumuReco.h:381
sbnd::CRTT0MatchAlg * _crt_hit_matchalg
Algorithm for matching reco Tracks -&gt; CRT hits (T0&#39;s)
Definition: NumuReco.h:343
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > _tpc_particles_to_track_index
Definition: NumuReco.h:368
opdet::opHitFinderSBND * _op_hit_maker
Optical hit maker.
Definition: NumuReco.h:346
void CollectCRTInformation(const gallery::Event &ev)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1131
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > > _tpc_slices_to_particles
Definition: NumuReco.h:364
Electron neutrino event selection.
Definition: NumuReco.h:69
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::OpHit > > _op_hit_ptrs
Definition: NumuReco.h:357
Base class for event selections.
const std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTHit > * _crt_hits
Definition: NumuReco.h:352
std::map< size_t, numu::TrueParticle > MCParticleInfos()
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:529
numu::TrueParticle MCParticleInfo(const simb::MCParticle &particle)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:381
Provides recob::Track data product.
Provides a base class aware of world box coordinates.
std::vector< geo::BoxBoundedGeo > containment_volumes
List of volumes for containment cuts – set by &quot;containment_volumes&quot;.
Definition: NumuReco.h:98
std::string CorsikaTag
art tag for corsika MCTruth
Definition: NumuReco.h:138
bool ProcessEvent(const gallery::Event &ev, const std::vector< event::Interaction > &truth, std::vector< event::RecoInteraction > &reco)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:300
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< anab::ParticleID > > > _tpc_tracks_to_pid
Definition: NumuReco.h:370
std::vector< std::vector< art::Ptr< anab::T0 > > > _tpc_particles_to_flashT0
Definition: NumuReco.h:376
std::vector< geo::BoxBoundedGeo > active_volumes
List of active volumes per cryostat.
Definition: NumuReco.h:99
unsigned _nu_count
Count selected events.
Definition: NumuReco.h:329
std::string PFParticleTag
art tag for PFParticles
Definition: NumuReco.h:136
trkf::TrajectoryMCSFitter * _mcs_fitter
Calculator for MCS based momentum.
Definition: NumuReco.h:336
bool InBeamSpill(float time)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1301
Config _config
The config.
Definition: NumuReco.h:332
double constantWeight
Constant weight to apply uniformly to each event.
Definition: NumuReco.h:104
Class for Maximum Likelihood fit of Multiple Coulomb Scattering angles between segments within a Trac...
std::array< bool, 4 > RecoTrackTopology(const art::Ptr< recob::Track > &track)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:549
Definition: MCType.h:5
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > _tpc_slices_to_particle_index
Definition: NumuReco.h:365
void CollectPMTInformation(const gallery::Event &ev)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:1233
const std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTTrack > * _crt_tracks
Definition: NumuReco.h:349
std::string MCParticleTag
art tag for MCParticle
Definition: NumuReco.h:142
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::PFParticle > > _tpc_tracks_to_particles
Definition: NumuReco.h:366
Track from a non-cascading particle.A recob::Track consists of a recob::TrackTrajectory, plus additional members relevant for a &quot;fitted&quot; track:
std::vector< sbn::crt::CRTTrack > _crt_tracks_local
Definition: NumuReco.h:350
std::string RecoTrackTag
art tag for reconstructed tracks
Definition: NumuReco.h:131
numu::MCType fType
Definition: NumuReco.h:384
void ApplyCosmicID(numu::RecoTrack &track)
Definition: NumuReco.cxx:754
std::string RecoVertexTag
art tag for reconstructed vertices
Definition: NumuReco.h:132
std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Slice > > _tpc_slices
Definition: NumuReco.h:361