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1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 /// Class: CRTDetSim
3 /// Module Type: producer
4 /// \file
5 ///
6 /// Based on LArIAT (Author: Lucas Mendes Santos)
7 /// with modifications for SBND (Author:
8 /// then modified for ICARUS
9 ///
10 /// Author:
11 ///
12 /// Extracts position, time, and energy deposited, aint with
13 /// trackID associated with deposit from AuxDetSimChannel objects
14 /// produced by G4 stage. The trackID is used for truth matching.
15 /// Simulated CRT data products are intended to match the known
16 /// front-end electronics behavior and basic DAQ format anticipated.
17 /// Each hit strip is assigned a channel and associated with
18 // 1) T0 - hit time relative to t0 (beam signal)
19 // 2) T1 - hit time relative to PPS from GPS
20 // 3) ADC from hit
21 /// Effects included are
22 /// * time
23 /// - light propegation delay in scintillator and WLS fiber
24 /// - smearing in the arrival time at the SiPM due to scattering
25 /// - amplitude dependant smearing due to the discriminator
26 /// * position
27 /// - AuxDetSimChannel provides true entry and exit point in scintillator strip
28 /// - take arithmetic mean as true "hit" position
29 /// - "hit" position defines transverse distance (hit to fiber) and
30 /// intitudinal distance (length of WLS fiber between fiber entry and SiPM)
31 /// * energy deposited
32 /// - take true energy deposited in scintillator strip
33 /// - convert true energy to photons yielded (taken from measurements on
34 /// normally incident MIP muons
35 /// - using known attenuation lengths for bulk scinillator and WLS fiber,
36 /// apply attenuation correction using transverse and intitudinal
37 /// propegation distances respectively and a simple exponential model
38 /// - for the attenuated light arriving at the SiPM, correct for counting
39 /// statistics sampling from Poisson
40 /// - convert N photons seen by SiPM into ADCs using known pedestal and
41 /// gain values for each channel (assumed all the same for now)
42 /// ADC_i = gain_i * nphotons + ped_i
43 /// - smear ADC using guasian with ADC_i as mean and
44 /// width = width_pedestal+sqrt(nphotons)
45 /// * front-end electonics deadtime
46 /// - sort vector of data products by time (T0)
47 /// - for C and D type modules, intermodule coincidence is applied
48 /// - one strip from each of 2 layers must be above threshold
49 /// - for M modules, only one channel is required to be above threshold
50 /// - the earliest channel that was part of the trigger provides the T0
51 /// defining the readout window (set in FHiCL)
52 /// - for each channel in the readout window with an entry above threshold,
53 /// the data (charge and time) is added the "track and hold list"
54 /// - channels in track and hold do not accept new data during the readout window
55 /// - after the readout window has passed, no channels can receive data until the
56 /// (FHiCL congifurable) deadtime has passed. Channels are then reset and
57 /// the front-end board is again able to trigger
58 ///
59 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 //art includes
62 #include "art/Framework/Core/EDProducer.h"
63 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
64 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
65 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h"
66 #include "fhiclcpp/ParameterSet.h"
67 #include "messagefacility/MessageLogger/MessageLogger.h"
68 #include "nurandom/RandomUtils/NuRandomService.h"
69 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/Ptr.h"
70 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/PtrVector.h"
71 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/Assns.h"
72 #include "art/Persistency/Common/PtrMaker.h"
74 //larsoft includes
83 //ROOT includes
84 #include "TFile.h"
85 #include "TNtuple.h"
87 //C++ includes
88 #include <cmath>
89 #include <memory>
90 #include <string>
91 #include <utility>
92 #include <map>
93 #include <vector>
95 //CRT includes
100 using std::string;
101 using std::vector;
103 namespace icarus {
104  namespace crt {
105  class CRTDetSim;
106  }
107 }
109 class icarus::crt::CRTDetSim : public art::EDProducer {
111  public:
112  explicit CRTDetSim(fhicl::ParameterSet const & p);
114  CRTDetSim(CRTDetSim const &) = delete;
115  CRTDetSim(CRTDetSim &&) = delete;
116  CRTDetSim& operator = (CRTDetSim const &) = delete;
117  CRTDetSim& operator = (CRTDetSim &&) = delete;
118  void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const & p);
120  void produce(art::Event & e) override;
123  private:
125  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& fRandEngine;
128 }; //class CRTDetSim
130 //getting parameter values from FHiCL
131 void icarus::crt::CRTDetSim::reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const & p) {
132  fG4ModuleLabel = p.get<std::string>("G4ModuleLabel");
133 }//CRTDetSim::reconfigure()
135 // constructor
136 icarus::crt::CRTDetSim::CRTDetSim(fhicl::ParameterSet const & p) : EDProducer{p},
137  fRandEngine(art::ServiceHandle<rndm::NuRandomService>()->createEngine(*this, "HepJamesRandom", "crt", p, "Seed")),
138  detAlg(p.get<fhicl::ParameterSet>("DetSimAlg"),fRandEngine)
139 {
140  this->reconfigure(p);
142  produces< vector<CRTData> >();
143  produces< vector<sim::AuxDetIDE> >();
144  produces< art::Assns<CRTData, sim::AuxDetIDE> >();
145 }
147 //module producer
148 void icarus::crt::CRTDetSim::produce(art::Event& event) {
150  //pointer to vector of CRT data products to be pushed to event
151  std::unique_ptr< vector<CRTData> > triggeredCRTHits (
152  new vector<CRTData>);
153  //pointer to vector of AuxDetIDE products to be pushed to event
154  std::unique_ptr< vector<sim::AuxDetIDE> > ides (
155  new vector<sim::AuxDetIDE>);
156  //pointer associations between CRT data products and AuxDetIDEs to be pushed to event
157  std::unique_ptr< art::Assns<CRTData,sim::AuxDetIDE> > dataAssn (
158  new art::Assns<CRTData,sim::AuxDetIDE> );
159  art::PtrMaker<CRTData> makeDataPtr(event);
160  art::PtrMaker<sim::AuxDetIDE> makeIDEPtr(event);
162  //clear detAlg member data
163  detAlg.ClearTaggers();
165  // Handle for (truth) AuxDetSimChannels
166  art::Handle< vector<sim::AuxDetSimChannel> > adChanHandle;;
167  vector< art::Ptr<sim::AuxDetSimChannel> > adChanList;
168  if (event.getByLabel(fG4ModuleLabel, adChanHandle) )
169  art::fill_ptr_vector(adChanList, adChanHandle);
171  mf::LogInfo("CRTDetSimProducer")
172  <<"Number of AuxDetChannels = " << adChanList.size();
174  int nide=0;
175  auto const clockData = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorClocksService>()->DataFor(event);
176  for(auto const& adsc : adChanList) {
178  auto const& auxDetIDEs = adsc->AuxDetIDEs();
179  if(auxDetIDEs.size()>0) {
180  nide++;
181  detAlg.FillTaggers(clockData, adsc->AuxDetID(), adsc->AuxDetSensitiveID(), auxDetIDEs);
182  }
184  }//loop over AuxDetSimChannels
186  //generate CRTData products, associates from filled detAlg member data
187  int nData = 0;
188  if(nide>0) {
189  vector<std::pair<CRTData,vector<sim::AuxDetIDE>>> data = detAlg.CreateData();
190  //time sort CRT data (ascending)
191  std::sort(data.begin(),data.end(),
192  [](const std::pair<CRTData,vector<sim::AuxDetIDE>>& d1,
193  const std::pair<CRTData,vector<sim::AuxDetIDE>>& d2) {
194  return d1.first.fTs0 < d2.first.fTs0;
195  });
197  for(auto const& dataPair : data){
199  triggeredCRTHits->push_back(dataPair.first);
200  art::Ptr<CRTData> dataPtr = makeDataPtr(triggeredCRTHits->size()-1);
201  nData++;
203  for(auto const& ide : dataPair.second){
204  ides->push_back(ide);
205  art::Ptr<sim::AuxDetIDE> idePtr = makeIDEPtr(ides->size()-1);
206  dataAssn->addSingle(dataPtr, idePtr);
207  }
208  }
210  }
212  if(nData==0)
213  mf::LogWarning("CRTDetSimProducer")
214  << "0 CRTData produced (expected for most neutrino events, never for cosmics)";
216  //push products to event
217  event.put(std::move(triggeredCRTHits));
218  event.put(std::move(ides));
219  event.put(std::move(dataAssn));
221  mf::LogInfo("CRTDetSimProducer")
222  << "Number of CRT data produced = "<< nData << '\n'
223  << " from " << nide << " AuxDetIDEs";
224 }
226 DEFINE_ART_MODULE(icarus::crt::CRTDetSim)
Functions to help with numbers.
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Definition: selectors.fcl:22
for pfile in ack l reconfigure(.*) override"` do echo "checking $
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:265
object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking ...
art framework interface to geometry description for auxiliary detectors
Encapsulate the geometry of an auxiliary detector.
void reconfigure(fhicl::ParameterSet const &p)
CRTDetSim & operator=(CRTDetSim const &)=delete
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process_name crt
art framework interface to geometry description