Software parameters and settings

Software parameters and settings

This page is an attempt to keep track of the parameters of the ICARUS detector relevant to the simulation and reconstruction.

How to update this page

  • changes are ultimately tracked by GIT (check the “log”)
  • when updating or adding a setting, always mark the version of [ICARUS LArSoft](/redmine/projects/ it is extracted from
    • use a version link: add at the bottom of the page a link definition, and then use the link as _[[version]]_ (renders like: [v09_63_00])
    • if the version you look for is not registered yet, use it anyway and inform the release manager

Detector geometry

Detector geometry is described in its own page.


Code and configuration information

This is an excerpt of from icarus_detectorclocks [v08_19_01]:

G4RefTime:        -1.15e3  # G4 time [us] where electronics clock counting start
TriggerOffsetTPC: -0.340e3 # Time offset for TPC readout start time w.r.t. trigger [us]
FramePeriod:       1638.4  # Frame period [us]; 4096 * 400 ns
ClockSpeedTPC:     2.5     # TPC clock speed in MHz;
ClockSpeedOptical: 500     # Optical clock speed in MHz
ClockSpeedTrigger: 16      # Trigger clock speed in MHz
ClockSpeedExternal:31.25   # External clock speed in MHz
DefaultTrigTime:   1.15e3  # Default trigger time in electronics clock [us]
DefaultBeamTime:   1.15e3  # Default beam gate time in electronics clock [us]

Timing overview

For a more detailed explanation of these timings and their relation, see the next section.

  • trigger: arbitrary absolute definition
  • electronics time (reference): [v08_19_01{.version}] 1150 µs before the trigger (DefaultTrigTime)
  • TPC electronics time (when raw::RawDigit start): [v08_19_01{.version}] 340 µs before the trigger (TriggerOffsetTPC)
  • simulation (Geant4) time (for simb::MCParticle objects from detector simulation, not necessarily true for simb::MCTruth): [v08_19_01{.version}] 1150 µs after electronics time, that is at trigger time (G4RefTime)
  • beam gate opening time: [v08_19_01{.version}] 1150 µs after the electronics time start (DefaultBeamTime), i.e. at the same time as the trigger
  • optical simulation: [v08_19_01{.version}] starts 1150 µs before the trigger (icarus_pmtsimulationalg_standard.TriggerOffsetPMT), and stops 2300 µs after the trigger (icarus_pmtsimulationalg_standard.ReadoutEnablePeriod)

The drift time (cathode to anode) is simulated to be 937.19 µs (2343 ticks).


clock frequency period source from notes —————– ———– ——– ———————- ————————————————- ——————— TPC readout 2.5 MHz 400 ns ClockSpeedTPC v08_19_01{.version}
optical readout 500 MHz 2 ns ClockSpeedOptical v08_19_01{.version}
trigger 16 MHz 62 ns ClockSpeedTrigger v08_19_01{.version} needs to be updated CRT readout 31.25 MHz 62 ns ClockSpeedExternal v08_19_01{.version} to be confirmed


 electronics time start
 start of optical detector readout simulation
 optical waveforms time reference (raw::OpDetWaveform::TimeStamp())
 |                 start of TPC readout simulation (raw::RawDigit, recob::Wire)
 |                 |
 |                 |       trigger instant
 |                 |       beam gate opening instant
 |                 |       simulation time reference (simb::MCParticle)
 |                 |       |
 |                 |<340µs>|
 |                 |       |
 |<------- 1150 µs ------->|
 |                 |       |                       one drift window after trigger
 |                 |       |<----- 937.19 µs ----->|
 |                 |       |                       |
 |                 |       |                       |                   end of optical readout simulation                      
 |<----------------------------- 3450 µs ----------------------------->|
 |                 |       |                       |                   |
 #0              #2025   #2875                   #5218               #8625 electronics time ticks
#-2025            #0      #850                   #3107               #6600 TPC readout ticks (raw::RawDigit)

Detailed timing explanation

LArSoft timing system is documented with the detinfo::DetectorClocks provider interface, which manages the conversion between different timings. Its documentation is in LArSoft Doxygen .

  • trigger time: the instant the global event trigger fires
    • accessed in code by detinfo::DetectorClocks::TriggerTime()
      • describes when the global event trigger happens with respect to the electronics time scale
      • practically, this defines the absolute electronics time line, whose definition is to start TriggerTime() µs before the trigger itself
  • electronics time: reference time scale (see the trigger time definition above)
    • with no actual hardware trigger, its value is taken from configuration DefaultTrigTime, that tells how many µs before the trigger the electronics time started
    • with a hardware trigger signal (real or simulated), the trigger time is taken from the trigger itself (this needs to be understood and documented better once ICARUS owns a solution)
  • TPC electronics time: time of the first tick of TPC raw::RawDigit
    • set by TriggerOffsetTPC which describes how many µs before the trigger the TPC readout started recording
  • simulation time: the time the detector simulation (e.g. Geant4) uses for its particles
    • defined by G4RefTime, which is the electronics start time in simulation time (kind of inverse definition)
  • optical readout start: when optical electronics starts recording
    • optical detector readout is continuous
    • readout is threshold-based and asynchronous with respect to the TPC: it can produce several waveforms per channel per triggered event
    • the simulation of the optical waveforms assigns a time stamp to the waveform which is in electronics time
    • nevertheless, the simulation by icarus::SimPMTIcarus only starts at TriggerOffsetPMT (module configuration), and it lasts for a finite time


Event generation

TPC simulation

Optical simulation


Scintillation is simulated based on energy deposition by each particle propagating in the detector, via the FastOptical process defined in larsim:source:larsim/LArG4/FastOpticalPhysics.h{.source}.
The current default algorithm does not take into account the correlation of scintillation with ionization, and is implemented in larg4::OpFastScintillation (larsim::source:larsim/LArG4/OpFastScintillation.cxx).
Some details of the simulation are described in LArG4 module documentation. In particular, scintillation yields and quantum efficiency (in disguise as detinfo::LArProperties::ScintPreScale()) are applied.
The configuration derived from detinfo::LArProperties service provider. Most of the relevant parameters are configured via source:icaruscode/Utilities/opticalproperties_icarus.fcl{.source}:






Cherenkov light




scintillation by particle type




• e

20000 γ/MeV, 27% fast



• μ

24000 γ/MeV, 23% fast


• π

24000 γ/MeV, 23% fast


• p

19200 γ/MeV, 29% fast


• K

24000 γ/MeV, 23% fast


• α

16800 γ/MeV, 56% fast


τ: fast scintillation

6 ns



τ: slow scintillation

1.59 µs


Transportation of scintillation photons to the optical detectors

A summary of the procedures and settings used in ICARUS can be found in SBN DocDB 14569 (with the usual warning: that is a static documents and things may have changed).

During the "normal" sample simulation, the "fast" optical simulation is used, where a lookup table ("photon library") is used to characterise the visibility of each point in the active volume from each of the optical detector channels (read: PMT's).
The service interfacing with the table is PhotonVisibilityService, whose standard configuration for ICARUS is in icarus_photonvisibilityservice table at [source:fcl/services/photpropservices_icarus.fcl{.source}]{style=”font-family: monospace;”}. This is the configuration used in v08_31_01{.version}:






library data file




file stored in icarus_data{.project}

map range (x)

-395-45 cm

XMin, XMax


these parameters must reflect both the lookup table and the detector geometry

map range (y)

-215.2174.8 cm

YMin, YMax


map range (z)

-995965 cm

ZMin, ZMax


cells (x)

70, 78, 392



these parameters must reflect the lookup table




autodetection of map range is disabled

propagation time




cell interpolation







The library data file covers the TPC active volume of the first cryostat (C:0) only, and the range parameters refer to that one.
The data is mapped (ICARUSPhotonMappingTransformations tool, see presentation at LArSoft coordination meeting on April 9, 2019) to the second cryostat to complete the coverage, which is still limited to the TPC active volumes; a query outside that volume will return visibility 0 on all channels.
The map coverage range needs also to match the geometry description. For example, the geometry description was at a certain time modified so that the cryostats would be shifted by a few centimeters: in that case, the library needn't to be regenerated, but the coordinates in this configuration needed to be shifted accordingly.
Note that the propagation time is explicitly enabled.

Optical readout simulation

Optical detector readout simulation is performed by icarus::simPMTIcarus module via icarus::opdet::PMTsimulationAlg.

parameter frequency source from notes ——————————– ———————— ———————– ————————————————- ——————————- start of readout simulation 1150 µs before trigger TriggerOffsetPMT v08_19_01{.version} at electronics time 0 duration of readout simulation 3450 µs ReadoutEnablePeriod v08_19_01{.version} three 1.15 ms "frames" minimum waveform length 2000 ticks (4 µs) ReadoutWindowSize v08_19_01{.version}
waveform length before signal 25% (500 ticks, 1 µs) PreTrigFraction v08_19_01{.version}
waveform baseline 8000 Baseline v08_19_01{.version}
waveform polarity negative (-1) PulsePolarity v08_19_01{.version} develops below the baseline

This is an excerpt of from icarus_pmtsimulationalg_standard v08_19_01{.version} (source:icaruscode/PMT/Algorithms/pmtsimulation_icarus.fcl{.source}):\

TransitTime:               55.1           #ns
ADC:                       -11.1927       #charge to adc factor
Baseline:                  8000.0         #in ADC
FallTime:                  13.7           #ns
RiseTime:                  3.8            #ns
MeanAmplitude:             0.9            #in pC
AmpNoise:                  1.0            #in ADC
DarkNoiseRate:             1000.0         #in Hz

##This is the readout window size for each "trigger" on the electronics
ReadoutWindowSize:         2000           #ticks (if 2ns each --> 4us)

##fraction of readout window size that should come before the "trigger" on the electronics
PreTrigFraction:           0.25           # fraction

##Threshold in ADC counts for a PMT self-trigger.
##NOTE this is assumed to be positive-going and ABOVE BASELINE! Pulse polarity is corrected before determining trigger.
ThresholdADC:              10             #ADC counts

PulsePolarity:             -1             #Pulse polarity (1 = positive, -1 = negative)
TriggerOffsetPMT:          -1150          #Time (us) relative to trigger that readout begins
ReadoutEnablePeriod:       3450           #Time (us) for which pmt readout is enabled
CreateBeamGateTriggers:    true           #Option to create unbiased readout around beam spill
BeamGateTriggerRepPeriod:  2.0            #Repetition Period (us) for BeamGateTriggers
BeamGateTriggerNReps:      10             #Number of beamgate trigger reps to produce
Saturation:                300            #in number of p.e. to see saturation effects in the signal
QE:                        0.07           #TPB coated PMT quantum efficiency