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1 ##include "services.fcl"
2 #include "calorimetry.fcl"
3 ##include "trackfinderservices.fcl"
4 #include "database_standard.fcl"
6 #include "wfHitDrawers.fcl"
7 #include "SimDrawers.fcl"
8 #include "spacecharge.fcl"
9 #include "Reco3DDrawers.fcl"
14 {
15  ColorOrGrayScale: 1 # 0 = color, 1 = grayscale
16  # the following parameters assume the first entry in the arrays
17  # is for induction planes, the second for collection planes
18  RawDiv: [ 100 ] # number of divisions to use for the color scale
19  RawQLow: [ -20. ] # minimum raw ADC value used in determining colors
20  RawQHigh: [ 60. ] # maximum raw ADC value used in determining colors
21  RecoDiv: [ 100 ] # number of divisions to use for the color scale
22  RecoQLow: [ -20. ] # minimum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
23  RecoQHigh: [ 60. ] # maximum calibrated ADC value used in determining colors
24 }
26 standard_rawdrawingopt:
27 {
28  DrawRawDataOrCalibWires: 0 # 0 = raw, 1 = calibrated signals, 2 = both for ADC vs TDC views
29  TicksPerPoint: 1 # number of TDC ticks to combine for each point in the TDC vs Wire veiws
30  ScaleDigitsByCharge: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
31  MinimumSignal: 5. # minimum ADC value to draw in TDC vs Wire views
32  StartTick: 0. # Starting tick for the display
33  TotalTicks: 2048. # display TDC ticks 0 -> TotalTicks
34  AxisOrientation: 0 # 0 = TDC on y-axis, wire number on x-axis, 1 has that swapped
35  TPC: 0 # TPC number to display in TWQProjection view
36  Cryostat: 0 # Cryostat number to display in TWQProjection view
37  RawDataLabels: ["daq"] # label of module making the raw digits
38  PedestalOption: 0 # 0: use DetPedestalService; 1: use pedestal from raw digits; 2: no pedestal subtraction
39  RawDigitDrawer: @local::rawdigithist_drawer
40 }
42 standard_recodrawingopt:
43 {
44  DrawHits: 1 # 0 = off, 1 = on, will not draw if DrawRawDataOrCalibWires
45  # is set to 0
46  DrawClusters: 1 # set to 1 to draw markers for each hit in the cluster - is working
47  # 2 to draw outlines - not working yet,
48  DrawPFParticles: 0 # 1 to draw PFParticles
49  # 4 to have 3D display "white out" if tagged as cosmic
50  DrawEdges: 0 # draws edges and associated space points in 3D display, 0 = off, 1 = on
51  Draw2DSlopeEndPoints: 0 # draws end points and slopes for clusters, 0 = off, 1 = on
52  DrawSpacePoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
53  DrawProngs: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
54  DrawTracks: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
55  DrawTrackTrajectoryPoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
56  DrawTrackSegments: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
57  DrawTrackSpacePoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
58  DrawShowers: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
59  DrawVertices: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
60  DrawSeeds: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
61  DrawBezierTracks: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
62  DrawOpHits: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
63  DrawOpFlashes: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
64  DrawCosmicTags: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
66  DrawEvents: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
67  DrawSlices: 0
68  DrawSliceSpacePoints: 0
69  Draw2DEndPoints: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on, this is for the recob::EndPoint2D objects
70  SelectedHitColor: 6 # color to display hits selected via handscan.
71  # 0:white, 1:black 2:red 3:green 4:blue
72  # 5: yellow 6:magenta 7:cyan
73  UseHitSelector: true # turn on ability to use hit selector or not
74  DrawSkeleton3DHitsOnly: false # Draw only the "skeleton" 3D hits
75  DrawBestPCAAxisOnly: true # Draw only the best PCA axis
76  DrawTrackVertexAssns: false # Draw Track/Vertex associations
77  Draw3DSpacePoints: true # Draw Spacepoints in the 3D display (on/off)
78  Draw3DSpacePointHeatMap: true # Draw Spacepoints in 3D display with heat map (requires hit associations)
79  Draw3DEdges: true # Draw "edges" in the 3D display
80  Draw3DPCAAxes: true # Draw the PCA Axes in the 3D display
81  DrawAllWireIDs: false # Draw hits for all assocated WireIDs
82  WireModuleLabels: ["caldata"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Wires
83  HitModuleLabels: ["gaushit"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Hits
84  EndPoint2DModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::EndPoint2Ds
85  SpacePointModuleLabels: ["spacepts"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::SpacePoints
86  ProngModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Prongs
87  ClusterModuleLabels: ["dbcluster"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Clusters
88  PFParticleModuleLabels: ["pandora"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::PFParticles
89  EdgeModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Edges
90  ExtremeModuleLabels: [""]
91  TrackModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Tracks
92  ShowerModuleLabels: ["showerreco"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Showers
93  VertexModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Vertexs
94  SeedModuleLabels: ["seedfinder"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Seeds
95  BezierTrackModuleLabels: ["beziertracker"] # list of module labels in which to look for Bezier Tracks
96  OpHitModuleLabels: ["opflashnew"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::OpHitss
97  OpFlashModuleLabels: ["opflashnew"] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::OpFlashes
98  CosmicTagModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Tracks
99  TrkVtxTrackLabels: [""] # list of track producers for track/vertex associations
100  TrkVtxCosmicLabels: [""] # list of vertex producers for track/vertex associations
101  TrkVtxFilterLabels: [""] # list of producers of associations between the two above
103  EventModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Events
104  SliceModuleLabels: [""] # list of module labels in which to look for recob::Slices
105  ColorProngsByLabel: 0 # 0 = generate color from id.
106  # 1 = generate color from label.
107  ColorSpacePointsByChisq: 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on
108  FlashMinPE: 0.0 # Minimal PE for a flash to be displayed.
109  FlashTMin: -1e9 # Minimal time for a flash to be displayed.
110  FlashTMax: 1e9 # Maximum time for a flash to be displayed.
111  CalorimetryAlgorithm: @local::standard_calorimetryalgdata
112  HitDrawer: @local::gaushit_drawer
113  WireDrawer: @local::wirehist_drawer
114  SpacePointDrawer: @local::spacepointchisquare_drawer3D
115  AllSpacePointDrawer: @local::spacepointstandard_drawer3D
117  Reco3DDrawers:
118  {
119  OpHit3D: @local::standard_ophit3D
120  OpFlash3D: @local::standard_opflash3D
121  }
122 }
124 standard_analysisdrawingopt:
125 {
126  DrawCalorimetry: 1
127  DrawParticleID: 1
128  DrawShowerCalor: 0
129  CaloPlane: -1
130  TrackID: -1
131  CalorimetryModuleLabels: ["calo"]
132  ParticleIDModuleLabels: ["pid"]
133  CalorTemplateFileName: "dEdxKinErestemplate" # without .root
134 }
136 standard_simdrawingopt:
137 {
138  ShowMCTruthText: true # toggle showing of MC interaction on or off
139  ShowMCTruthVectors: 1 # Show MCTruth vectors shifted by space charge effects
140  ShowSimChannelInfo: true # Show the SimChannel info in the 3D display
141  ShowSimEnergyInfo: true # Show the SimEnergy info in the 3D display
142  ShowSimPhotonInfo: false # Show the SimPhotons in the 3D display
143  ShowMCTruthTrajectories: true # toggle showing of MC truth trajectories in 3D, all depositions
144  ShowMCTruthColors: true # toggle to use PDG colors for particles
145  ShowMCTruthFullSize: true # toggle to use larger size markers for visibility
146  ShowScintillationLight: false # toggle to draw all low energy photons (if they are there, they are plenty++)
147  MinimumEnergyDeposition: 5e-5 # in GeV
148  G4ModuleLabel: "largeant" # module labels producing simb::MCParticle objects
149  SimChannelLabel: "largeant" # module labels producing sim::SimChannel objects
150  SimEnergyLabel: "largeant" # Producer of the SimEnergyDeposits
151  SimPhotonLabel: "largeant" # Producer of the SimPhoton
153  Draw3DTools:
154  {
155  Drawer3D: @local::larvoxel_drawer3D
156  SimEnergyDep3D: @local::simenergydeposit_drawer3D
157  SimPhoton3D: @local::simphoton_drawer3D
158  }
159 }
161 standard_evdlayoutopt:
162 {
163  ShowSideBar: 1 # toggle extra sidebar visibility option
164  AutoZoomInterest: 1 # toggle the auto zoom to interesting region option
165  PrintTotalCharge: 1 # Print out the sum of collected charge
166  ShowEndPointSection: 1 # Show Sidebar section with EndPoint extrapolation
167  ShowEndPointMarkers: 1 # toggle visbility of markers for EndPoint finding
168  ShowClusterSection: 0 # Show Sidebar section for making clusters
169  MakeClusters: 0 # draw two lines to create clusters
170  MakeSeeds: 0 # draw two lines to create clusters
171  ChangeWire: 1 # change wire with mouse click
172  EnableMCTruthCheckBox: 1 # 1 turn on the check box, 0 don't make it
173  ThreeWindowReadout: true
174  DisplayBackingGrid: true
175  DisplayAxes: true
176  DisplayName: "LArSoft"
177  Experiment3DDrawer: @local::standard_drawer
178 }
180 standard_scanopt:
181 {
182  IncludeMCInfo: false # include MC information in scan file if true
183  FileNameBase: "ScanFile" # base name for scan file
184  Categories: ["Neutrino", # categories for collecting information
185  "Induction Plane",
186  "Collection Plane"]
187  FieldLabels: ["No_nu", "Possible_nu", "nu", # fields for each category
188  "Tracks", "Showers", "Vertex_w", "Vertex_t",
189  "Tracks", "Showers", "Vertex_w", "Vertex_t"]
190  FieldTypes: ["RadioButton", "RadioButton", "RadioButton", # type of each field
191  "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number",
192  "Number", "Number", "Number", "Number"]
193  FieldsPerCategory: [3, 4, 4] # number of fields for each category
194 }
196 standard_evd:
197 {
198  AutoAdvanceInterval: 1000
199 }
201 evd_message:
202 {
203  debugModules: [ "*" ]
204  destinations:
205  {
206  Drawers:
207  {
208  type: "cerr"
209  threshold: "INFO"
210  categories:
211  {
212  SimulationDrawer:
213  {
214  limit: 5
215  timespan: 100
216  }
217  RecoBaseDrawer:
218  {
219  limit: 5
220  timespan: 100
221  }
222  RawDataDrawer:
223  {
224  limit: 5
225  timespan: 100
226  }
227  ConfigurationChecker:
228  {
229  limit: 5
230  timespan: 100
231  }
232  HitSelector:
233  {
234  limit: 5
235  timespan: 100
236  }
237  GraphCluster:
238  {
239  limit: 5
240  timespan: 100
241  }
242  InfoTransfer:
243  {
244  limit: 5
245  timespan: 100
246  }
247  RecoBaseDefaultCtor:
248  {
249  limit: 1
250  timespan: 100
251  }
252  }
253  }
254  }
255 }
257 standard_infotransfer:
258 {
259 }
261 #######################################
263 standard_graphclusteralg:
264 {
265  HitsModuleLabel: "gaushit"
266 }
268 standard_graphcluster:
269 {
270  module_type: "GraphCluster"
271  HitsModuleLabel: "gaushit"
272  GraphClusterAlg: @local::standard_graphclusteralg
273 }
process_name vertex
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions PFParticleModuleLabels
process_name stream1 can override from command line with o or output services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService physics analyzers pmtresponse NeutronTrackingCut services LArG4Parameters gaussian physics producers generator PDG
* labels
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_colordrawingopt
Energy deposited on a readout channel by simulated tracks.
Definition: SimChannel.h:145
Definition: Data.h:32
process_name opflash particleana ie x
process_name cluster
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
esac done echo Signal files are
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions TrackModuleLabels
#define the
std::size_t size(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
Definition: FixedBins.h:561
process_name use argoneut_mc_hitfinder track
process_name hit
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions VertexModuleLabels
tick ticks
Alias for common language habits.
Definition: electronics.h:78
Definition: Data.h:7
standard_dbscan3dalg useful for diagnostics hits not in a line will not be clustered on on only for track like only for track like on on the smaller the less shower like tracks low
process_name gaushit a
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions HitModuleLabels
process_name opflash particleana ie ie y
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraTrackGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions ProngModuleLabels
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions EndPoint2DModuleLabels
auto end(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
Definition: FixedBins.h:585
tick_as<> tick
Tick number, represented by std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: electronics.h:75
return match has_match and(match.match_pdg==11 or match.match_pdg==-11)
process_name tightIsolTest check
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions WireModuleLabels
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraTrackGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraTrackGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions EdgeModuleLabels
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions ClusterModuleLabels
art::PtrVector< recob::Hit > Hits
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions rawDigitFilterTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions decon1DroiTPC3 services RecoDrawingOptions cluster3DCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions pandoraGausCryo1 services RecoDrawingOptions SpacePointModuleLabels
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_calorimetryalgdata
Definition: calorimetry.fcl:5
do i e
echo Invalid option
temporary value
process_name is maximum options services RecoDrawingOptions DrawClusters
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data section(known as'echo 'BSS).'echo ' 'echo 'C 'echo 'The symbol is common.Common symbols are uninitialized data.'echo 'When linking
BEGIN_PROLOG don t mess with this pandoraTrackGausCryoW true