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1 /// \class KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter
2 ///
3 /// \brief Producer for fitting Trajectories and TrackTrajectories using TrackKalmanFitter.
4 ///
5 /// \author G. Cerati
6 ///
8 #include "art/Framework/Core/EDProducer.h"
9 #include "art/Framework/Core/ModuleMacros.h"
10 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Event.h"
11 #include "art/Framework/Principal/Handle.h"
13 #include "canvas/Persistency/Common/Assns.h"
14 #include "canvas/Utilities/InputTag.h"
15 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Atom.h"
16 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Sequence.h"
17 #include "fhiclcpp/types/Table.h"
30 #include <memory>
32 namespace trkf {
34  class KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter : public art::EDProducer {
35  public:
36  struct Inputs {
37  using Name = fhicl::Name;
38  using Comment = fhicl::Comment;
39  fhicl::Atom<art::InputTag> inputTrajectoryLabel{
40  Name("inputTrajectoryLabel"),
41  Comment("Label of recob::Trajectory or recob::TrackTrajectory Collection to be fit")};
42  fhicl::Atom<bool> isTrackTrajectory{
43  Name("isTrackTrajectory"),
44  Comment("If true, we assume the input collection is made of recob::TrackTrajectory "
45  "objects, otherwise of recob::Trajectory objects.")};
46  fhicl::Atom<art::InputTag> inputMCLabel{
47  Name("inputMCLabel"),
48  Comment("Label of sim::MCTrack Collection to be used for initial momentum estimate. Used "
49  "only if momFromMC is set to true.")};
50  };
52  struct Options {
53  using Name = fhicl::Name;
54  using Comment = fhicl::Comment;
55  fhicl::Atom<bool> pFromLength{Name("momFromLength"),
56  Comment("Flag used to get initial momentum estimate from "
57  "trkf::TrackMomentumCalculator::GetTrackMomentum().")};
58  fhicl::Atom<bool> pFromMC{
59  Name("momFromMC"),
60  Comment("Flag used to get initial momentum estimate from inputMCLabel collection.")};
61  fhicl::Atom<double> pval{
62  Name("momentumInGeV"),
63  Comment("Fixed momentum estimate value, to be used when momFromCalo, momFromLength and "
64  "momFromMC are all false, or if the estimate is not available.") //momFromMSChi2,
65  };
66  fhicl::Atom<int> pdgId{
67  Name("pdgId"),
68  Comment("Default particle id hypothesis in case no valid id is provided either via "
69  "PFParticle or in the ParticleId collection.")};
70  fhicl::Atom<bool> dirFromMC{Name("dirFromMC"), Comment("Assume track direction from MC.")};
71  fhicl::Atom<bool> dirFromVec{Name("dirFromVec"),
72  Comment("Assume track direction from as the one giving positive "
73  "dot product with vector specified by dirVec.")};
74  fhicl::Sequence<float, 3u> dirVec{Name("dirVec"),
75  Comment("Fhicl sequence defining the vector used when "
76  "dirFromVec=true. It must have 3 elements.")};
77  fhicl::Atom<bool> alwaysInvertDir{
78  Name("alwaysInvertDir"),
79  Comment("If true, fit all tracks from end to vertex assuming inverted direction.")};
80  fhicl::Atom<bool> produceTrackFitHitInfo{
81  Name("produceTrackFitHitInfo"),
82  Comment("Option to produce (or not) the detailed TrackFitHitInfo.")};
83  fhicl::Atom<bool> produceSpacePoints{
84  Name("produceSpacePoints"),
85  Comment("Option to produce (or not) the associated SpacePoints.")};
86  fhicl::Atom<bool> keepInputTrajectoryPoints{
87  Name("keepInputTrajectoryPoints"),
88  Comment("Option to keep positions and directions from input trajectory. The fit will "
89  "provide only covariance matrices, chi2, ndof, particle Id and absolute momentum. "
90  "It may also modify the trajectory point flags. In order to avoid inconsistencies, "
91  "it has to be used with the following fitter options all set to false: "
92  "sortHitsByPlane, sortOutputHitsMinLength, skipNegProp.")};
93  };
95  struct Config {
96  using Name = fhicl::Name;
97  fhicl::Table<KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter::Inputs> inputs{
98  Name("inputs"),
99  };
100  fhicl::Table<KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter::Options> options{Name("options")};
101  fhicl::Table<TrackStatePropagator::Config> propagator{Name("propagator")};
102  fhicl::Table<TrackKalmanFitter::Config> fitter{Name("fitter")};
103  };
104  using Parameters = art::EDProducer::Table<Config>;
106  explicit KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter(Parameters const& p);
108  // Plugins should not be copied or assigned.
114  private:
115  void produce(art::Event& e) override;
122  art::InputTag trajectoryInputTag;
123  art::InputTag simTrackInputTag;
125  bool isTT;
127  double setMomValue(const recob::TrackTrajectory* ptraj, const double pMC, const int pId) const;
128  int setPId() const;
129  bool setDirFlip(const recob::TrackTrajectory* ptraj, TVector3& mcdir) const;
132  const std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>& inHits,
133  recob::Track& outTrack,
134  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>& outHits) const;
135  };
136 }
140  : EDProducer{p}
141  , p_(p)
142  , prop{p_().propagator}
143  , kalmanFitter{&prop, p_().fitter}
144  , trajectoryInputTag{p_().inputs().inputTrajectoryLabel()}
145 {
146  if (p_().options().pFromMC() || p_().options().dirFromMC())
147  simTrackInputTag = art::InputTag{p_().inputs().inputMCLabel()};
149  isTT = p_().inputs().isTrackTrajectory();
151  produces<std::vector<recob::Track>>();
152  produces<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit>>();
153  produces<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit, recob::TrackHitMeta>>();
154  if (isTT) { produces<art::Assns<recob::TrackTrajectory, recob::Track>>(); }
155  else {
156  produces<art::Assns<recob::Trajectory, recob::Track>>();
157  }
158  if (p_().options().produceTrackFitHitInfo()) {
159  produces<std::vector<std::vector<recob::TrackFitHitInfo>>>();
160  }
161  if (p_().options().produceSpacePoints()) {
162  produces<std::vector<recob::SpacePoint>>();
163  produces<art::Assns<recob::Hit, recob::SpacePoint>>();
164  }
166  //throw expections to avoid possible silent failures due to incompatible configuration options
168  unsigned int nDirs = 0;
169  if (p_().options().dirFromMC()) nDirs++;
170  if (p_().options().dirFromVec()) nDirs++;
171  if (p_().options().alwaysInvertDir()) nDirs++;
172  if (nDirs > 1) {
173  throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter")
174  << "Incompatible configuration parameters: only at most one can be set to true among "
175  "dirFromMC, dirFromVec, and alwaysInvertDir."
176  << "\n";
177  }
179  unsigned int nPFroms = 0;
180  if (p_().options().pFromLength()) nPFroms++;
181  if (p_().options().pFromMC()) nPFroms++;
182  if (nPFroms > 1) {
183  throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter")
184  << "Incompatible configuration parameters: only at most one can be set to true among "
185  "pFromLength, and pFromMC."
186  << "\n"; //pFromMSChi2,
187  }
189  if (p_().options().keepInputTrajectoryPoints()) {
190  if (p_().fitter().sortHitsByPlane() || p_().fitter().sortOutputHitsMinLength() ||
191  p_().fitter().skipNegProp()) {
192  throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter")
193  << "Incompatible configuration parameters: keepInputTrajectoryPoints needs the following "
194  "fitter options all set to false: sortHitsByPlane, sortOutputHitsMinLength, skipNegProp."
195  << "\n";
196  }
197  }
198 }
200 void
202 {
204  auto outputTracks = std::make_unique<std::vector<recob::Track>>();
205  auto outputHitsMeta =
206  std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit, recob::TrackHitMeta>>();
207  auto outputHits = std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::Track, recob::Hit>>();
208  auto outputHitInfo = std::make_unique<std::vector<std::vector<recob::TrackFitHitInfo>>>();
210  //only one will be filled and pushed into the event:
211  auto outputTTjTAssn = std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::TrackTrajectory, recob::Track>>();
212  auto outputTjTAssn = std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::Trajectory, recob::Track>>();
214  auto const tid = e.getProductID<std::vector<recob::Track>>();
215  auto const tidgetter = e.productGetter(tid);
217  auto outputSpacePoints = std::make_unique<std::vector<recob::SpacePoint>>();
218  auto outputHitSpacePointAssn = std::make_unique<art::Assns<recob::Hit, recob::SpacePoint>>();
219  auto const spid = e.getProductID<std::vector<recob::SpacePoint>>();
220  auto const spidgetter = e.productGetter(spid);
222  //FIXME, eventually remove this (ok only for single particle MC)
223  double pMC = -1.;
224  TVector3 mcdir;
225  if (p_().options().pFromMC() || p_().options().dirFromMC()) {
226  art::ValidHandle<std::vector<sim::MCTrack>> simTracks =
227  e.getValidHandle<std::vector<sim::MCTrack>>(simTrackInputTag);
228  for (unsigned int iMC = 0; iMC < simTracks->size(); ++iMC) {
229  const sim::MCTrack& mctrack = simTracks->at(iMC);
230  //fiducial cuts on MC tracks
231  if (mctrack.PdgCode() != 13) continue;
232  if (mctrack.Process() != "primary") continue;
233  pMC = mctrack.Start().Momentum().P() * 0.001;
234  mcdir = TVector3(mctrack.Start().Momentum().X() * 0.001 / pMC,
235  mctrack.Start().Momentum().Y() * 0.001 / pMC,
236  mctrack.Start().Momentum().Z() * 0.001 / pMC);
237  break;
238  }
239  //std::cout << "mc momentum value = " << pval << " GeV" << std::endl;
240  }
242  unsigned int nTrajs = 0;
244  art::Handle<std::vector<recob::TrackTrajectory>> inputTrackTrajectoryH;
245  art::Handle<std::vector<recob::Trajectory>> inputTrajectoryH;
246  const std::vector<recob::TrackTrajectory>* trackTrajectoryVec = nullptr;
247  const std::vector<recob::Trajectory>* trajectoryVec = nullptr;
248  const art::Assns<recob::TrackTrajectory, recob::Hit>* trackTrajectoryHitsAssn = nullptr;
249  const art::Assns<recob::Trajectory, recob::Hit>* trajectoryHitsAssn = nullptr;
250  if (isTT) {
251  bool ok = e.getByLabel(trajectoryInputTag, inputTrackTrajectoryH);
252  if (!ok)
253  throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter")
254  << "Cannot find recob::TrackTrajectory art::Handle with inputTag " << trajectoryInputTag;
255  trackTrajectoryVec = inputTrackTrajectoryH.product();
256  trackTrajectoryHitsAssn =
257  e.getValidHandle<art::Assns<recob::TrackTrajectory, recob::Hit>>(trajectoryInputTag)
258  .product();
259  nTrajs = trackTrajectoryVec->size();
260  }
261  else {
262  bool ok = e.getByLabel(trajectoryInputTag, inputTrajectoryH);
263  if (!ok)
264  throw cet::exception("KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter")
265  << "Cannot find recob::Trajectory art::Handle with inputTag " << trajectoryInputTag;
266  trajectoryVec = inputTrajectoryH.product();
267  trajectoryHitsAssn =
268  e.getValidHandle<art::Assns<recob::Trajectory, recob::Hit>>(trajectoryInputTag).product();
269  nTrajs = trajectoryVec->size();
270  }
272  auto const detProp = art::ServiceHandle<detinfo::DetectorPropertiesService const>()->DataFor(e);
274  for (unsigned int iTraj = 0; iTraj < nTrajs; ++iTraj) {
276  const recob::TrackTrajectory& inTraj =
277  (isTT ? trackTrajectoryVec->at(iTraj) :
278  recob::TrackTrajectory(trajectoryVec->at(iTraj),
279  std::vector<recob::TrajectoryPointFlags>()));
280  // this is not computationally optimal, but at least preserves the order
281  // unlike FindManyP
282  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> inHits;
283  if (isTT) {
284  for (auto it = trackTrajectoryHitsAssn->begin(); it != trackTrajectoryHitsAssn->end(); ++it) {
285  if (it->first.key() == iTraj)
286  inHits.push_back(it->second);
287  else if (inHits.size() > 0)
288  break;
289  }
290  }
291  else {
292  for (auto it = trajectoryHitsAssn->begin(); it != trajectoryHitsAssn->end(); ++it) {
293  if (it->first.key() == iTraj)
294  inHits.push_back(it->second);
295  else if (inHits.size() > 0)
296  break;
297  }
298  }
299  const int pId = setPId();
300  const double mom = setMomValue(&inTraj, pMC, pId);
301  const bool flipDir = setDirFlip(&inTraj, mcdir);
303  recob::Track outTrack;
304  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>> outHits;
305  trkmkr::OptionalOutputs optionals;
306  if (p_().options().produceTrackFitHitInfo()) optionals.initTrackFitInfos();
307  bool fitok = kalmanFitter.fitTrack(detProp,
308  inTraj,
309  iTraj,
310  SMatrixSym55(),
311  SMatrixSym55(),
312  inHits, // inFlags,
313  mom,
314  pId,
315  flipDir,
316  outTrack,
317  outHits,
318  optionals);
319  if (!fitok) continue;
321  if (p_().options().keepInputTrajectoryPoints()) {
322  restoreInputPoints(inTraj, inHits, outTrack, outHits);
323  }
325  outputTracks->emplace_back(std::move(outTrack));
326  art::Ptr<recob::Track> aptr(tid, outputTracks->size() - 1, tidgetter);
327  unsigned int ip = 0;
328  for (auto const& trhit : outHits) {
329  //the fitter produces collections with 1-1 match between hits and point
330  recob::TrackHitMeta metadata(ip, -1);
331  outputHitsMeta->addSingle(aptr, trhit, metadata);
332  outputHits->addSingle(aptr, trhit);
333  if (p_().options().produceSpacePoints() && outputTracks->back().HasValidPoint(ip)) {
334  auto& tp = outputTracks->back().Trajectory().LocationAtPoint(ip);
335  double fXYZ[3] = {tp.X(), tp.Y(), tp.Z()};
336  double fErrXYZ[6] = {0};
337  recob::SpacePoint sp(fXYZ, fErrXYZ, -1.);
338  outputSpacePoints->emplace_back(std::move(sp));
339  art::Ptr<recob::SpacePoint> apsp(spid, outputSpacePoints->size() - 1, spidgetter);
340  outputHitSpacePointAssn->addSingle(trhit, apsp);
341  }
342  ip++;
343  }
344  outputHitInfo->emplace_back(optionals.trackFitHitInfos());
345  if (isTT) {
346  outputTTjTAssn->addSingle(art::Ptr<recob::TrackTrajectory>(inputTrackTrajectoryH, iTraj),
347  aptr);
348  }
349  else {
350  outputTjTAssn->addSingle(art::Ptr<recob::Trajectory>(inputTrajectoryH, iTraj), aptr);
351  }
352  }
353  e.put(std::move(outputTracks));
354  e.put(std::move(outputHitsMeta));
355  e.put(std::move(outputHits));
356  if (p_().options().produceTrackFitHitInfo()) { e.put(std::move(outputHitInfo)); }
357  if (p_().options().produceSpacePoints()) {
358  e.put(std::move(outputSpacePoints));
359  e.put(std::move(outputHitSpacePointAssn));
360  }
361  if (isTT)
362  e.put(std::move(outputTTjTAssn));
363  else
364  e.put(std::move(outputTjTAssn));
365 }
367 void
370  const std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>& inHits,
371  recob::Track& outTrack,
372  std::vector<art::Ptr<recob::Hit>>& outHits) const
373 {
374  const auto np = outTrack.NumberTrajectoryPoints();
375  std::vector<Point_t> positions(np);
376  std::vector<Vector_t> momenta(np);
377  std::vector<recob::TrajectoryPointFlags> outFlags(np);
378  //
379  for (unsigned int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
380  auto flag = outTrack.FlagsAtPoint(p);
381  auto mom = outTrack.VertexMomentum();
382  auto op = flag.fromHit();
383  positions[op] = track.LocationAtPoint(op);
384  momenta[op] = mom * track.DirectionAtPoint(op);
385  auto mask = flag.mask();
388  outFlags[op] = recob::TrajectoryPointFlags(op, mask);
389  }
390  auto covs = outTrack.Covariances();
391  outTrack = recob::Track(
392  recob::TrackTrajectory(std::move(positions), std::move(momenta), std::move(outFlags), true),
393  outTrack.ParticleId(),
394  outTrack.Chi2(),
395  outTrack.Ndof(),
396  std::move(covs.first),
397  std::move(covs.second),
398  outTrack.ID());
399  //
400  outHits.clear();
401  for (auto h : inHits)
402  outHits.push_back(h);
403 }
405 double
407  const double pMC,
408  const int pId) const
409 {
410  double result = p_().options().pval();
411  if (p_().options().pFromLength()) { result = tmc.GetTrackMomentum(ptraj->Length(), pId); }
412  else if (p_().options().pFromMC() && pMC > 0.) {
413  result = pMC;
414  }
415  return result;
416 }
418 int
420 {
421  int result = p_().options().pdgId();
422  return result;
423 }
425 bool
427  TVector3& mcdir) const
428 {
429  bool result = false;
430  if (p_().options().alwaysInvertDir()) { return true; }
431  else if (p_().options().dirFromMC()) {
432  auto tdir = ptraj->VertexDirection();
433  if ((mcdir.X() * tdir.X() + mcdir.Y() * tdir.Y() + mcdir.Z() * tdir.Z()) < 0.) result = true;
434  }
435  else if (p_().options().dirFromVec()) {
436  std::array<float, 3> dir = p_().options().dirVec();
437  auto tdir = ptraj->VertexDirection();
438  if ((dir[0] * tdir.X() + dir[1] * tdir.Y() + dir[2] * tdir.Z()) < 0.) result = true;
439  }
440  return result;
441 }
443 DEFINE_ART_MODULE(trkf::KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter)
fhicl::Table< KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter::Options > options
void restoreInputPoints(const recob::TrackTrajectory &track, const std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &inHits, recob::Track &outTrack, std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> &outHits) const
fhicl::Table< TrackStatePropagator::Config > propagator
double VertexMomentum() const
Fit tracks using Kalman Filter fit+smooth.
void initTrackFitInfos()
initialize the output vector of TrackFitHitInfos
Definition: TrackMaker.h:161
static constexpr Flag_t NoPoint
The trajectory point is not defined.
T DirectionAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Direction at point p. Use e.g. as:
then echo unknown compiler flag
Declaration of signal hit object.
pdgs p
Definition: selectors.fcl:22
recob::tracking::SMatrixSym55 SMatrixSym55
Definition: TrackState.h:15
size_t NumberTrajectoryPoints() const
Various functions related to the presence and the number of (valid) points.
Class to keep data related to recob::Hit associated with recob::Track.
Class for propagation of a trkf::TrackState to a recob::tracking::Plane.
process_name use argoneut_mc_hitfinder track
Data related to recob::Hit associated with recob::Track.The purpose is to collect several variables t...
Definition: TrackHitMeta.h:43
std::pair< SMatrixSym55, SMatrixSym55 > Covariances() const
while getopts h
auto vector(Vector const &v)
Returns a manipulator which will print the specified array.
Definition: DumpUtils.h:265
Vector_t VertexDirection() const
Returns the direction of the trajectory at the first point.
double Length(size_t startAt=0) const
Returns the approximate length of the trajectory.
constexpr mask_t< EnumType > mask(EnumType bit, OtherBits...otherBits)
Returns a mask with all specified bits set.
A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
T LocationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Position at point p. Use e.g. as:
BEGIN_PROLOG vertical distance to the surface Name
double setMomValue(const recob::TrackTrajectory *ptraj, const double pMC, const int pId) const
Class def header for mctrack data container.
Provides recob::Track data product.
int PdgCode() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:41
const TLorentzVector & Momentum() const
Definition: MCStep.h:38
tuple dir
std::vector< recob::TrackFitHitInfo > trackFitHitInfos()
get the output vector of TrackFitHitInfos by releasing and moving
Definition: TrackMaker.h:185
const std::string & Process() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:43
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data multiple common symbols may appear with the echo same name If the symbol is defined the common echo symbols are treated as undefined references For more echo details on common see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker options
do i e
PointFlags_t const & FlagsAtPoint(size_t i) const
const MCStep & Start() const
Definition: MCTrack.h:44
bool setDirFlip(const recob::TrackTrajectory *ptraj, TVector3 &mcdir) const
TrackCollectionProxyElement< TrackCollProxy > Track
Proxy to an element of a proxy collection of recob::Track objects.
KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter & operator=(KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter const &)=delete
Struct holding optional TrackMaker outputs.
Definition: TrackMaker.h:125
Set of flags pertaining a point of the track.
auto const detProp
Track from a non-cascading particle.A recob::Track consists of a recob::TrackTrajectory, plus additional members relevant for a &quot;fitted&quot; track:
fhicl::Table< KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter::Inputs > inputs